James Apologized...

"What's so funny that you two are grinning from ear to ear?" Asked Pisces as she approached the two bodyguards with Ava walking in front of her, who was also curious as to why Chupsy and Mary looked so happy.

Chupsy and Mary only shook their heads, as they didn't want Ava to hear their answers. So they straightened themselves and stood like dummies.

"Is Pearl also here?" Ava asked curiously to no one in particular after seeing Chupsy was there with Mary.

Chupsy only nodded as she straightened herself up to make herself look more serious. However, she couldn't hide the half-smile that was still plastered on her face.

Ava couldn't wait to get inside the villa to find out why the two bodyguards were grinning from ear to ear when they arrived. Pearl must be the reason because she was always in a frenzy over anything. It must be something to do with her parents. She couldn't wait to find out.