Ashton Wanted What James Has...

Unknown to Ava, Ashton, and James, their parents had been watching them from the corner of their eyes while they were eating. Tanaga and Jeff already made a plan to discuss their agreement over a poker game after dinner. And unknown to them, Ann and Ashley were also planning on having a conversation about the same matter.

The dinner was finally over, and everyone went back to their own villas to freshen up. When Ashton found out that James had his own room in the main hotel, he also wanted to have one. However, due to his popularity, Tanaga and Ashley didn't agree for him to stay by himself since his manager was not with them.

"But, mom... dad... I can take care of myself. I don't need a bodyguard or a manager to be with me. Please!!!" Ashton pleaded, using his charm on his mother.

Ashley looked at Tanaga, asking for help. However, Tanaga was quick to raise his hands, giving all the authority to Ashley to make the decision.