The Disappointment

Two days later, Arria arrived in the resort looking like a young supermodel, just like her supermodel aunt Eva. Her grandmother Sophia the 'Diva,' made sure of that. It was a joyous reunion for the Go family.

Eva only stayed long enough to say hello to everyone before leaving right away. However, she promised to come back after the fashion show to spend a couple of days with them.

The children were already at the beach playing around and swimming when Arria arrived, so she was disappointed when she didn't see any of them in the villa.

"Mommy, where is everyone?" She asked sadly. All the excitement was gone from her beautiful eyes.

"Who are you looking for? What do you mean, everyone? Do you need anyone besides your mother and me?" Jeff teased as he came in from the garden behind their villa overlooking the beach.

"Daddy!!!!" Shouted Arria as she ran towards her father and jumped on him.