None of Your Business!

Everyone except for Arria was tired after playing all day, so the children's table was eerily quiet when it was time for dinner. With Arria's arrival, they had to sit on a round table instead of a rectangular one because of their increased number. Therefore, the seating arrangement was a mess.

Jeffrey and Akira had no problem as long as they were sitting next to each other. However, Pearl, Ava, and Arria were unable to decide where to sit. James and Ashton were both waiting for Ava to sit down and planning on sitting on both sides of her.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out the way they wanted. Ava sat down next to Jeffrey. Therefore, only one of them could sit next to her. When both James and Ashton moved to grab the chair next to Ava, everyone stared at them. Everyone,  including their parents who was seated at the other table.