James Making A Move...

Everyone was anxious for the trio to come back. Especially Pearl, who had been arguing with lady Crystal the whole time they were away. 

'What's taking them so long?' Anxious, Pearl thought to herself, she couldn't sit still, and she kept on getting up and walking towards the door to see if they were on their way back. She couldn't even ask Pisces since she also went with them. 

She was about to sit down when she heard a murmur from her classmates.

"They're back! Looks like they're okay, and nothing happened to them." Said the girl seated in front of Pearl, speaking to the other girl next to her.

Pearl heard it and her head jerked up to look at the door. When she saw Jeffrey first, followed by Ava, then Akira, Pearl jumped up and rushed towards them.

"How was it? You guys okay? Why did they call you?" She asked no one in particular; she just wanted to know.