James Half-Naked...

The older man was glaring at Pisces, "why didn't you say so from the beginning." He told Pisces, sounding scared; he then turned his attention to the children and looked at them up and down. 

"You all follow me!" He ordered before turning around and continued walking towards the elevator.

Akira jerked Pisces's arms, and she bent over to say something, " Sister Pisces, who did you call?"

Pisces only smirked before patting Akira's hand, "Don't worry about it. It was someone important. More important than his credentials." She pointed at Prince Edmund's assistant before secretly laughing...

She had made a call to Queen Alexa when the older man was giving her a hard time. So, she relays the situation, and in turn, Queen Alexa informs King Alexander, who owned the building jointly with THJ Group and WIGC. So, when Pisces handed the phone over to the older man, he was speaking to King Alexander, who chewed his behind, disrespecting the children.