Prom Night!

Ava had to avert her gaze to clear her thoughts and slow down her heart rate. She needed to calm herself first before continuing the conversation with everyone. Once she calmed down, she continued telling everyone her scores for each test. After she finished telling them, she grinned, seeing everyone had their mouths wide open with wide eyes.

It took them a moment before someone finally spoke.

"Oh my God!!!! Are you for real?!" Akira exclaimed, "What did you do to my best friend? You're not Ava! Where did you hide her?" She bantered.

Everyone thought that Akira was funny and began laughing out loud.

"I know that I passed the test for sure, but I was not sure that I would get perfect marks in all of the tests. Also, I didn't think that my IQ was that high, hahaha! Over 175, who would believe that? I don't!" She humbly said why shyly looking in James's direction to see his reaction.