First Day Of Class

Ava just rolled her eyes and sat down. Gizelle followed and sat next to her, blocking anyone else that would want to sit on Ava's other side. She was making sure that no one could get in, no matter what.

While Ava was busy checking out the video she just took, two good-looking young men came, and the aura emitting from them was too much for some of the young women in the classroom.

One student at the front row where Ava and Gizelle were seated gasped before she exclaimed.

"Whoa! Who are those guys? Are they one of those idols from Asia and Europe? Look how they're standing there looking like young male gods!" 

Another girl sitting next to her couldn't help herself. "Gosh, I'm in love already! I hope they come up here and sit next to me!" She said loud enough for Ava and Gizelle to hear. 

Ava raised her head and looked at the people in question. Her eyes widened when she saw who they were.