The Engagement

As soon as Gizelle returned from her errand, the first thing she did was check if Ava was back in her room.

To her surprise, Ava was in the room, standing by the window in deep thought. She didn't even hear Gizelle knock on the door.

Gizelle had to use her spare key to enter.

"Ava, are you alright? Is anything wrong? Are you feeling sick again?" She bombarded Ava with questions, unaware of why Ava looked at her strangely.

When Ava didn't reply and just continued staring at her, Gizelle began to worry that something was wrong with her charge, "I'm sorry that I couldn't come to class with you today, but I made sure that someone followed you and made sure that you were safe." Informed Gizelle to ensure that Ava felt at ease and that she didn't leave her without protection.