Someone's Watching From A Distance.

The Bahamas boasts enchanting palm trees swaying gently in the tropical breeze, a mesmerizing clear blue ocean, and a pristine white sandy beach, making it a captivating paradise for numerous tourists worldwide.

Upon her arrival at midnight, Ava, fatigued from her lengthy flight from the Philippines, found it difficult to rest.

Her thoughts were consumed by her family back home - her parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. She was especially preoccupied with the man who had traveled from Japan for their engagement party. 

She wonders what thoughts are crossing their minds now that it's likely they know she has departed.

Being aware of the distress of her family, she feels deep sadness, knowing that they are currently going through agony because of her decision to take a flight.

She's troubled by a persistent restlessness, constantly questioning whether she made the correct decision.