A niece or Nephew

In the upscale Penthouse at the Mega World Hotel and Casino, having just concluded a conversation with Mr. Wright, Ava contemplated placing an order for room service. 

Her thoughts turned to Crystal. Checking her messages, she noted that Crystal had read her message but hadn't responded.

This left Ava feeling uneasy, her brows furrowing with concern. She had sought to oversee the USA headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, specifically to be closer to Crystal and her twin brother Jeffrey.

While Ava was pleased with this arrangement, the presence of James Jones in the same city unsettled her. 

Despite this, she knew the chances of crossing paths with him were slim unless he actively sought her out.

The identity of her fiance, whether it is James or Ashton, remains a mystery to her. However, one of them will inevitably surface and pressure her to marry.