
"Another trash novel finished, guess I'll leave a 3-star rating" Zhang Xia is a regular reader of any and all reincarnation light novels. "Right time for my 1000th review on this shitty website", while pondering on what to write he reaches over to retrieve another potato chip from the bag and leans back into his chair. A slight creaking sound could be heard as the chair resisted against the man's weight.

From that description I bet you think he is some overweight bastard living in his parent's basement, what just because he eats potato chips? Well okay maybe he could be considered slightly chubby but nothing to make a fuss about.

His hands moved quickly over the dusty keyboard-only illuminated from his two screens and the moonlight coming through his half-open curtains.

Zhang Xia likes to think he is the connoisseur of light novels in the field of reincarnation and therefore likes to leave extensive comments on what can be improved in an already written story.

Why are all these protagonists so dumb? Do they all think with their other head? How does he even have a harem by the second chapter?

A gentle voice whispers in his ear 'Do you think you could do better?' the voice had a mischievous tone to it. Zhang was still busy typing his review and therefore not fully paying attention

"Of course I could do better," he said half mumbling his words

'Hehe, confident aren't we little one? Why not give it a go?'

Zhang simply snorted "If I could leave this shitty life behind I would have done so a long time ago" Right as he finished he submitted his review and he passed out.




Where am I

Who am I



Then something seems to pull

Gently at first but slowly getting stronger

'Welcome to my realm…'

A girl appeared before him from the darkness.

Her face was blurred and distorted but she had a feminine figure.

'I asked many mortals before you but you were the first to accept my offer!'

"Huh what offer," I said but no sound came out

The goddess seemed to tilt her head in confusion as if she could hear me 'But you said you could do better than all those previous to you?'

"Wait previous to me?"

'Yes all those supposed stories you read actually happened'

"That just makes it even more disturbing"

'Anyway, it's time to pick what to be reincarnated as!'

With a clap of her hands, a screen appeared before Zhang.

"Ok so first I need to select a race? What do these points next to them mean?"

'Oh oops I forgot to mention you have 10 points to spend, certain races cost more than others, the points can be also used to buy skills so spend wisely'

[Dragon] - 10

[Vampires] - 10

[Angels] - 10

[High Human] - 8

[Human] - 5

[High Elf] - 8

[Dark Elf] - 7

[Elf] - 6

[Beastmen] (Multiple options available) - 2

[Dwarves] - 5

Considering that all those light novel stories are actually real then that helps in making a decision here.

First on the list, Dragons. An excellent choice at first glance. Apex predators, high magic resistance, strong bodies, and long life spans. More powerful dragons can also transform into humans and roam cities.

But before obtaining a human form I would have to sleep in a cave, eat animals and monsters raw. I could be killed by other dragons for entering their territory, famous adventure groups will come knocking to kill me for my scales and the title of being a dragon slayer.

Dragons would definitely be my choice if not for the whole living in a cave, eating uncooked and seasoned meals and my only past time being sleeping… If I can't find anything better then I guess dragon would be a good choice.

Vampires have long or if not infinite life spans, very powerful, and also look similar to humans. But what if vampires are hated and hunted down by the church? Also, I would be weak to sunlight meaning I can't do anything most of the time but hide in some dark place, nope next!

Angels. The holy magic and cool wings would be awesome but are there even male angels? Also, I don't really want to be worshiped anywhere I go and forced to hold ceremonies for the church… so nope moving on.

High humans and normal humans have the same issues. If you were thrown into a new world with no relatives, friends, or acquaintances. No money or form of identification good luck trying to get into any city.

Usually, in the stories, the protagonist gets around this issue by miraculously saving a noble carriage from bandits and then being invited into the city with no questions asked.

Wait, didn't the goddess say they weren't stories but actually happened? How did they always manage to find a stranded noble? They should really travel with more protection given how often it seems to happen!

Also, let's be totally honest. If given the chance, why live a similar life to the one you already had? Sure I will properly have cheat-like abilities to make my life easier, but I always dreamed of being something else, something greater, like a dragon, for example, that's way cooler than a boring human. Also, humans have a short life span compared to the other species on this list.

Becoming an elf seems like the most viable option here on paper. Long life spans, good at magic and archery, extremely beautiful. That's until you remember they are often captured and sold as slaves or the fact they only eat plants like some kind of rabbit. Hell no I ain't no vegan so next!

Beastmen are also often treated like shit by humans, they have short and tough lives so yea that's a no.

Dwarves are short little humans but good at working metal, I personally have no interest in making weapons or metalwork and I definitely don't want to become short so yea that's a no.

"I do like dragons but I was wondering if there were any other options?"

'Wow, you are the first person to ask me that, most just choose to become a Dragon or human. There are other options but I never bothered to show them since they are less desirable to human reincarnatiors'

The previous list fazed out of existence and a new one took its place.

(In order of weakest to strongest)

[Slime] - 0

[Spider] - 0

[Goblin] - 0

[Gnomes] - 0

[Wolves] - 1

[Lizard men] - 2

[Trolls] - 3

[Centaurs] - 4

[Mermaids] - 4

Nope, these are all too weak, even having 10 points left over to spend on skills can't compensate for how weak and slow these races evolve. Sure there are stories of super-strong slimes or goblins but it took years even with overpowered abilities for them to get strong enough to defend themselves.

Before going back and picking Dragon or High Human I will ask this goddess "Are there undead or spirit options?"

'Uh sure there are but why would you want to be an undead?'

Again the screen changed to reveal what Zhang had been looking for

[Skeleton] - 0

[Whisp] - 0

[Ghosts] - 1

[Zombie] - 1

[Mummy] - 1

[Banshee] - 2

[Ghouls] - 2

[Living armour] -3

[Deathlock] - 4

[Lich] -5

[Dracolich] - 8

[Nightwalker] - 10

I was planning on becoming a Lich but there seem to be two even better options. Why a lich you ask? They are immortal and have no need for food, water, or money. Any work I could need to be accomplished could be done by my raised minions. Also in the stories, I read the undead MCs always seem to do the best at controlling and overtaking nations.

A Dracolich seems to be a dragon that turned itself into a lich similar to how a human can become a lich. I guess it would be just a large bone dragon.

"Goddess what is a Nightwalker I have never heard of one before"

'The most powerful undead in existence'

My better judgment tells me to go with my original plan and pick lich but why is Nightwalker valued twice as highly as a lich the supposed king of the undead? Even a dragon turned into a lich is still two points cheaper than the Nightwalker.

"Do I start with any abilities?"

'Language understanding and any innate abilities to the race, for example, spiders would have a poison fang ability and elves have wind magic'

"Ok I pick Nightwalker"

'Really you sure? You can't pick any abilities then'

Even though I can't start with any abilities I'm sure I can obtain some later, also considering there are being's like dragons that are considered way stronger than liches my life won't be 100% secure but if I am an undead at the same level as dragons then what could go wrong?

"Yea no problem make me a Nightwalker"

'Very well then best of luck'

Upon his final words, the world went black as his consciousness faded away for the second time today.


Hey readers this was my first novel so the first 10 or so chapters are a little rough and rushed and character development can be a bit fast-paced and flat. But the novel gets much better later on as my writing skills improve so I hope you will give the story a chance! Thanks, everyone <3