
Since Xia had to turn off his [Annihilating Aura] while following the goblin his stats were falling fast. He was running on borrowed time. Constantly checking his [Status]

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Nightwalker]

[Level: 5]

[STR: 399, DEX: 399, CON: 399, INT: 399, WIS: 399]

With every passing second, he got weaker and weaker. The goblin doesn't know this however and was running as fast as his little legs could take him back to his tribe.

Xia was seriously about to have an anxiety attack. What's the point of being a powerful being if he only has a lifespan of 4 minutes? Maybe he should have picked the dragon…

No. He was a Nightwalker and proud, he would slaughter everything in this forest if needed, to stay alive is his one and only goal.

While having a mini-mental breakdown almost at the level of the goblin he is following finally the goblin tribe came into view.



"What the hell" - random goblin lookout (in goblin speak)

A lone goblin was standing on top of a wooden log, his job was to alert the tribe if a dangerous monster was coming.

One of the strongest hunters of the tribe seemed to be running towards the wall with tears flying from his face.

What scary predator could possibly make such a dignified and seasoned veteran goblin run in fear like a baby? Did the humans come back to invade the forest again? Or perhaps a ghost spooked him?

Then it happened

The goblin stopped screaming and his head slumped down. He seemed to have just suddenly stopped and was floating in mid-air. A second later a huge black being materialized behind the body with one of its claws going straight through the goblin as if he was a steak kebab on a skewer.

The huge monster was disinterested in its kill and let the body slide down its finger and onto the floor. Then it vanished again as if it never existed. Was that the real-life boogeyman?

The goblin lookout turned to scream a warning to the rest of his tribe but no sound came out. Instead, his vision blurred as his head fell to the floor. He could see his decapitated body still standing there and 6 eyes staring at him before vanishing again.


After walking over a small hill the goblins tribe came into view. Xia guessed it would be similar to a little human village. There were some basic wooden walls and he could see a single goblin standing on top of the wall, a lookout most likely.

Well, no time to waste, not even bothering to use a skill Xia thrusts one of his claws through the body of the goblin. The lookout seems to suddenly notice his presence and turns to shout something.

Using shadow magic Xia descends into the ground and reappears from the shadow of the goblin. With a precise swipe, the windpipe is cut so no sound could be released. To Xia's surprise, the little goblin's head actually fell clean off. He had only intended to silence him but this worked as well.

The rest went quite easy. Xia simply turned his now favorite combo of [Stealth] [Annihilating Aura] and [Life Eater]. Since he wasn't directly attacking the goblins his stealth was never broken.

Xia simply hovered through the town by using [Spirit Movement] he didn't even need to walk around the houses he could just phase right through them like some kind of no clip hacker.

The goblins screamed as they died to an unknown enemy. They started randomly attacking the air hoping to kill the invisible enemy. Some even hit Xia but they just passed right through. This isn't even because of [Spirit Movement].

Remember how Nightwalkers are mostly made of shadow-like mist? Well, this means they share similar advantages that ghosts have such as being immune to physical attacks as they simply pass straight through.

The only solid part of Xia is his eyes and his metal claws. But while using [Spirit Movement] he becomes completely ghost-like as his physical body isn't even on this plane of existence to be harmed anymore.

Anyways after 10 minutes the screaming finally stopped. Xia stood alone in the middle of a silent village that was once home to a few hundred little green men but now was a ghost town with hundreds of rotting bodies spread around.

Feeling a little bad Xia decided to see the rewards of this endeavor to cheer himself up

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Nightwalker]

[Level: 27]

[STR: 15,342, DEX: 15,342, CON: 15,342, INT: 15,342, WIS: 15,342]

The goblins on average had around 50 stat points in total with most of them being in strength.

Only 4 hours huh. Around 300 lives for only 4 hours of life… what kind of insane war crimes do I need to commit just to be able to have some peace of mind?

While looking at one of the goblin bodies at his feat a simple prompt was shown in his vision:


A small smirk appeared on his face, if he has to commit war crimes might as well do it with an army...