
"What's the point" Xia muttered to nobody in particular

Xia had spent the last week in this cursed forest.

Without the need to eat or sleep and the constant pressure to keep killing to not die from his stats reaching zero, he found himself in simple words, depressed.

He found using magic just as cool as he had imagined it for the first few days but after seeing nothing but trees and killing the same monsters over and over he got bored.

He periodically checked his [Status] to see if his stats would stop going down and he could end this suffering.

[Name: Xia]

[Race: Nightwalker]

[Level: 281]

[STR: 259200, DEX: 259200, CON: 259200, INT: 259200, WIS: 259200]

[STR: 259199, DEX: 259199, CON: 259199, INT: 259199, WIS: 259199]

[STR: 259198, DEX: 259198, CON: 259198, INT: 259198, WIS: 259198]

As expected they still go down.

This forest was truly massive, Xia had expected to have cleared out the entire forest of monsters by now but he hadn't even reached the center of the forest yet.

Or at least he assumed the giant mountain in the distance was in the center of the forest.

He was currently only around a mile deep into the forest from the edge. Xia had been planning to go look for some humans at some point. Not really to kill but just for something to talk to.

Xia like many had assumed he could easily live without social interaction but that was only thanks to the internet. Having no way to distract himself other than inventing new killing methods he was seriously missing some company.

It was currently night time not that it mattered much to Xia, thanks to his race's Darkvision he couldn't really tell the difference.

While floating along slowly thinking about life, a skeleton goblin ran up to him. The reason Xia's stats had increased so much over the last week was because of his undead minions.

Every time he killed a monster he thought looked cool or could be useful he would use his [Raise Undead X] skill. Although he could have used this skill on all his kills it honestly wasn't worth the effort of saying the spell's name.

He had made sure to raise all the goblins as minions and used them to scout out the forest to find potentially interesting things. But most importantly he used the minions to round up monsters in one spot so he could kill them all at once.

He raised all the goblins as undead as they were capable of speech which surprised him initially but considering his skill is maxed out it kind of makes sense?

"Hello, little goblin got a report for me?" Xia said in a bored tone.

"Aye master, humans have been spotted entering the forest 3 miles north from here." the undead goblin reported with a slightly comical salute.


"Yes sir, 5 men and a girl"

"Well finally something interesting, take me at once."

"Sure follow me"


Alice was stumbling through the forest. She was in a really sorry state. Shivering, starving, scared, lost, alone. Alice had been able to see where she was going until the canopy overhead got too thick and now without even the moonlight to show her the path she often found herself running headfirst into trees, branches, and tripping over logs.

Looking behind she could see the faint yellow glow from the candles the merchants were using to try and find her.

With a stealth skill, the cover of the night, and a head start you would assume Alice would have lost her pursuers by now. She had assumed this too until she remembered she was a slave. The collar around her neck would direct her owner so long as she's close enough.

Trying to escape out of range she has no choice but to struggle further and further into the forest.

Looking behind her the yellow glow seemed to have suddenly vanished. She waited for a minute to get her breath yet the light never returned. Only total darkness greeted her and eerie silence.

She walked back to where she had last seen the yellow glow, had they left? Or did a monster get them? These thoughts swirled around the scared girl's mind.

After 10 minutes of slow and painful walking, she arrived. There on the floor were 5 bodies all with a large hole through their hearts. Blood was pooling out their bodies forming a puddle on the forest floor.

The glass box that had held the candle was smashed and lying on the floor letting off a very faint glow as it was starved of oxygen under the glass pieces.

Alice was overcome with emotion. First, she was glad the men had died but now her situation truly settled into her, the adrenaline and rush to escape the men had ended.

She was all alone, with no food, water, or weapons in the cursed forest. Alice slumped down with tears forming in her eyes. She's just a pampered merchant girl she had no idea what to do.

"Are you lost, little human?"