
Me and my family have been living happily in Eden for a while now. It's hard to keep track of time in here. There are day and night cycles inside the dungeon, but not having to wake up every morning bright and early to attend meetings has really made me lazy.

It was initially a bit confusing and scary here in Eden. From what I gathered there is only a permanent population of around 20 people including this mysterious adventurer called Alice and the owner of the Dungeon called Xia. I didn't see them until I went to get my blue card from the town hall.

That was truly a harrowing experience. Once I and my family entered the town hall it was empty apart from an undead standing behind a counter. The undead isn't exactly that terrifying, many countries around the world employ necromancers at high prices to summon undead to be used as labor.

I had seen the undead working the fields in the Empire when I visited. In my own kingdom, Eshnar doesn't like the undead or "evil and dark" things as they go against the church's prejudice on dark spirits.

My son Calvin and my wife both froze up at seeing an undead as they had never left the kingdom before. Sebastian being a veteran adventurer was completely unfazed by the skeleton, but was staying alert for any attacks.

The human skeleton with red glowing eyes turned its head to us and asked in a flat tone "Welcome visitors, how may I assist you."

After a moment of silence, I stepped forward,

"Ah -hello... uh, mister skeleton, I am here with my family to get blue cards. We were told by George to come here."

The skeleton looked at me and visibly shivered. Undead can do that?

"To upgrade to blue cards you must meet with the master, I don't recommend it"

Why would an undead be scared of its own master? How can the undead even be scared? I thought they had no emotions. Actually following that thought how can this undead even speak? I have only been here a day and already my sense of reasoning is getting lost…

"I and my family really wish to live here, it's the best place for excommunicated nobles with no money like us."

"Very well I will call the master"

After a few minutes of standing around the door to the town hall opened, a girl with black hair and pink colored pupils walked in. She was wearing a snow-white dress and even had a pink ribbon in her hair.

To say her looks were enchanting would be an understatement. If I still had my old noble rank I would demand her to be wedded to my son this very instant!

"Greetings guests," she says and does a little bow. I can see my son's face going bright red. "To obtain the blue card you simply have to meet with Xia and tell him what job you wish to complete here. Best of luck." She gives a slightly off-putting sadistic smile as the world warped around us.

Darkness greeted me, I could feel Lily and Calvin's hands grab onto my waistcoat in fear. I could hear Sebastian chanting a search spell.

Then the walls started to light up with fire, illuminating the room. A white throne sat at the far end. A massive shadow being easily bigger than a house sat upon the massive throne.

A grin was plastered on its sinister face, as all of its eyes, glowing a light blue, stared down on us.

It waved its hand and 4 blue cards similar in color to its eyes appeared a few meters in front of it.

"Come humans, I will not accommodate the weak-willed people here in Eden. SHOW ME YOUR RESOLVE" [Aura of Despair]

My knees buckle. I can hear my wife collapse next to me and the smell of urine fills my nostrils. Calvin seems to still be standing like a proud noble except for his wobbly knees.

Move dammit, I can't show weakness like this before my future ruler! I scream at my legs to stand, Sebastian, helps pull me up. Lily is passed out on the floor with a pained expression and in a pool of her own urine.

As I go to help her she vanishes, "She has failed the test" the shadow being said with a snicker. Was she killed or just teleported away? Fuck I don't know what's happening.

I'm angry and mad. This fucking monster is playing me for a fool. I'm a Duke for god sake. I shall not falter here!

While I was making my resolve and taking a few steps forward towards the floating blue cards I saw Calvin powerfully walking towards the cards.

"Hoho, quite a strong and ambitious one we have here."


My name is Calvin, son of a Duke. We were banished from our home by the church two days ago. Even though the journey was tough to get here I am enjoying it.

Why? I have escaped the awful life of being the only heir of a Duke. Etiquette lessons, learning to dance, having an arranged marriage. Everything was decided for me. All I wanted to do was stay in my room and study. Magic fascinates me and keeps me going through the other horrible lessons.

During this journey over the last two days, I felt free. I would have even said it was the most exciting day of my life if not for the hunger.

And that is why I stand and walk forward. My dream life is within reach. A long life? Free food and housing? Exp from just eating so I can level up my mana and gain mage skills? Yes fucking please! Goodbye old noble life. Goodbye, shitty lessons, and ugly marriage partners. Goodbye annoying noble balls and having to bow before royalty.

Here in Eden, I can achieve my dream of being a magic scholar. I can dedicate my entire being to my dream. So despite my fear I walk on.

"Hoho, quite a strong and ambitious one we have here."

The massive shadow glares at me with more interest and intensity. Me strong? No way. Ambitious? Not really. I am but a man with a simple dream and a resolution to achieve it.

After a minute of walking, I am before the Shadow being. I look behind and see Sebastian and my father close by. They are drenched in sweat, my father looks visibly pale but he still walks on. It appears his dreams aren't as strong as mine but he has some at least.

"Congratulations" [Dispel Aura] it says. The massive pressure goes away and we all take in a sharp breath of air. With the tension gone we all visibly relax.

"Sorry for that little test gentleman, it's to weed out the fakes and people who don't really wish to join. One can only pass this test if they have resolved to give up their past lives and dedicate it all to their dream here in Eden. The lady clearly lacked resolve and she wished to return, instead of moving forward."

"Now! Tell me your dreams and I will do the best to facilitate them"

This is my chance, my opportunity. To lead a new life. "I wish to be a magic scholar!" I say with all my heart. No more annoying nobles and meetings. I just want to study the way of the arcane!

"Very well, consider your wish granted"

"Thank you," I say and bow.

"I do not have a dream but please allow me to become your director of foreign affairs!" My father says with a shaky voice. Classic noble, he's looking to solidify himself in a high-up position.

"I have lots of knowledge about nobles in all the countries, you can send me to deal with foreign issues!"

"An interesting request, granted, your expertise will be needed." The shadow says while nodding.

Sebastian simply asks to remain as my father's butler. I can't understand someone who is finally given a way out of servitude to remain!

"I have heard your requests and made the arrangements, serve Eden well"

As he says this the blue cards float over to us and we take them. The world then wobbles around us and we appear back in the town hall.

"Gettings again." The beautiful woman comes into my view. My male instincts cause me to blush but I have no interest in pursuing such a woman. I'm an introvert, after all, that would be way too annoying.

"The arrangements have been made, Mister David and Sebastian have been provided a family home where the mistress is currently resting after failing the test. She will unfortunately not be allowed to take the test again and will remain a green card holder."

She then turns to me

"You have been given a room in the magic tower near the university, we thought this would be best for your magic research, you can obviously stay with your parents as well if you wish~"

I was about to say my thanks to her, but she vanished into thin air after finishing her message. Does she have a highly trained stealth skill?

Anyways I have a smile plastered on my face, barely able to contain my excitement.

I have no responsibilities, I am now a blue card holder! I can just spend all day practicing magic to my heart's content! Oh what an amazing place this is.

I walk outside the town hall and look to my left, there towering over the skyline is the "magic tower" with a large building next to it, probably the university.

Let's go check out my new home!