Time skip

It's been 1000 years since I last sent a human from earth to my realm…

The Goddess awoke from her slumber and lazily looked over her world.

Gods often use large amounts of mana to summon people from other worlds to their own.

Why? Gods are lazy and managing a world filled with lower lifeforms is boring and a lot of effort. The Gods in their infinite wisdom found a way to shove the work onto someone else.

The Gods found that by bestowing powers upon wandering souls from highly developed worlds, these souls had a high chance of ascending to become Deities which could then manage a part of the world and take the burden off the Gods.

These souls would also bring the technology and ideas from their world over, speeding up the rate of development and making the God look like they are doing a good job of managing their world to the other Gods.

Of the 30 Deities currents on her world, 5 of them had been summoned from Earth over the years. Since Earth is a higher ranked world, its time scale is much slower than her world.

It had been a thousand years since Xia was reincarnated in her world but only around 20 years had passed on Earth.

The Goddess sneakily expanded her spiritual sense towards Earth. Gods were usually against other Gods stealing souls from their world so would block any direct attempts at stealing souls from the reincarnation cycle.

The only chance for Gods to steal souls is if the soul agrees willingly to leave, this is what happened to Xia. The only other option is to grab the soul right as the person dies.

This is why so many people were transported to other worlds after getting hit by trucks. The Gods would be waiting nearby and foresee the event happening and could easily drag the soul out, right as the truck kills the soul's body.

Unfortunately for the Gods, the humans on earth had got a lot better at driving so death from road accidents was quite rare. The Goddess spent the next few days searching for a potential soul to steal when finally one presented itself…


Emilia Reed is a 22-year-old woman studying History at Oxford University in London. She had brown hair and thick glasses to help deal with her poor eyesight, she gave off the look of a librarian.

Although she appeared hard-working and dedicated on the outside it was only because of the pressure from her family to succeed. Her parents were successful lawyers and were always working and had little time to spend with her. All she wanted to do was sleep her days away in a nice comfy bed.

She was also an only child growing up so found reading to be her favorite pass time. She read everything from history books, scientific papers, light novels, romance stories. Anything she could get her hands on.

Emilia had few friends and was a very shy and introverted person but found she could escape and live a heroic life through books!

Unfortunately for Emilia today was going to be her last on this lovely little planet. She was crossing the road when a large man ran past her to catch the bus and had knocked her onto the tarmac.

Due to her small stature and keeping her head down the man's elbow had knocked into the back of her head and caused her glasses to fall onto the ground.

"ow," she said in a low pained voice. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes but refused to cry. Instead, she got to her knees and fumbled around trying to find her glasses. Without them she was practically blind and replacing them would cost a lot.

She felt a little dizzy, possibly a concussion so couldn't focus properly.

"Watch out miss, a truck's coming!!" a man shouted from the side of the road. Emilia turned her head to give the man a questioning look before flying across the street and smashing her head into a lamppost.

Despite the tragic scene, the Goddess was joyful and quickly snatched the soul of Emilia before it could enter the cycle of reincarnation.


I open my 'eyes' and look around yet there's nothing, just endless nothing. I look down where my body should yet it's not there.

I start to panic, did I survive, and I'm now in a coma? Will I be paralyzed for the rest of my life? Oh, I hope my parents aren't too worried. I can imagine them crying next to my hospital bed demanding that the doctors fix me or they'll sue the hospital.

While I was having these thoughts a feminine-looking being appeared before me! Is this my inner demon? Must I defeat it to reawaken?

"That's some interesting thoughts you have little soul"

I knew it! She wants my soul! A demon indeed, how terrifying!

"Um little soul I am no demon, I'm a Goddess!"

Sure you are…

"I really am!"

It seems I hurt her feelings… I apologize, Goddess,

"It's fine, It's fine," she says waving her distorted hand trying to dispel my concern.

"I'm here to reincarnate you in another world! Please select a race!"

[Dragon] - 10

[Vampires] - 10

[Angels] - 10

[High Human] - 8

[Human] - 5

[High Elf] - 8

[Dark Elf] - 7

[Elf] - 6

[Beastmen] (Multiple options available) - 2

[Dwarves] - 5

This information appeared in front of me. This situation seems very similar to many light novels I read in my past life. This is unbelievable! If my eyes could be shining with excitement then they would be!

After looking at the list I can safely say that I will be picking [High Human]. I rather enjoy living as a human and therefore wish to continue living as one.

I picked [High Human] since the Goddess told me that they have very long life spans and great beauty. This means I can spend a long life reading books, and maybe find a handsome husband who hopefully also enjoys books...

"Do you wish to start as a baby or take over someone's body instead"


Sensing my confusion the Goddess continues

"I personally recommend to inhabit a person's body, you will absorb the soul that's already present in the body and therefore gain their memories and a bit of their personality.

The reason I recommend this option is that you can pass the infant stage. Being an infant with an adult's mind can be quite horrifying. Being breastfed, eating baby food, and having no control over your bodily functions can be traumatic.

Also, it's rather dangerous, since you can't defend yourself even with cheat abilities, you could die before even becoming an adult."

I'm a little apprehensive about taking over someone's body likes some demonic spirit but being turned back into a baby sure does sound terrifying!

I will inhabit someone's body then… I think reluctantly.

"Ok perfect, since High Human costs 8 points you can pick two skills to be used in your next life!"

Um ok, can I see a list?

"There is no list of skills, you can make them up and ill create them for you"


After thinking for a few moments

Will I be born in a safe place?

There was silence for a minute and I was about to say sorry for asking the question as the atmosphere was uncomfortable but thankfully she replied

"That's surprising, there's an entire city of high humans now? Looking closer it does indeed seem very safe… a little too safe"

"I will reincarnate you into this city called Eden, it seems to be an interesting and safe city"

Ok then, my wish for this life is to live a slow and relaxing one filled with fun. I don't want to work again. I'm not sure if there are monsters in this world but the Goddess said the city I'm going to is safe so ill pick non-combat skills.

Goddess my first skill is "Summon Book", I want to be able to summon any book from any world.

For my second skill, I want to gain EXP from sleeping and reading books instead of fighting.

With these skills, I could open a library in this world and leisurely enjoy my books and I can level up without having to go and fight any monsters if they exist.

"Some interesting skill choices. Usually, people ask for 'infinite magical power' or some other ridiculous nonsense. That first skill will be a little more powerful than you think, but that's fine…"

"The second skill suggests you wish for a lazy lifestyle, from what I saw from Eden you will fit right in with the other residents."

"Okay, you will be reborn as a High Human with these two skills, best of luck Emilia!"



For the second time today, I open my eyes but close them again due to the splitting headache.

I feel thousands of memories forcing their way into my brain as my soul consumes the soul of this girl's body. Massaging my temples I try to figure out these weird memories.

The previous owner of this body was a girl with the same name as me, Emilia Reed. She is twelve years old and the youngest member of the Reed family.

Emilia Reed's grandfather, Leon Reed is part of something called the Grand Council. Judging from the spacious and decorated room that just screams being a noble girls' bedroom, this family is quite well off.

Once the headache finally ends I get out of bed. Usually, in these stories, there is a maid to tend and answer questions for the main character but even after an hour, nobody has entered the room.

Strange, but since I'm used to doing everything myself this feels more natural.

Walking over to the large and gold decorated mirror I check out my new body.

What greets me in the mirror is a 5ft tall girl with snow-white skin, a pointy nose, and rosy cheeks. I expect all those features when I picked High Human as my race so nothing surprising there.

What really made me almost shake my head in disbelief was my golden eyes and hair!

By gold, I don't mean blonde I mean literal gold. My eyes also seem to glow, unlike normal eyes as if they contain some unfathomable power.

Seeing this sight helps clear up some of my memories. Although this girl doesn't seem to know much as if she never went to school, she does know what caused her to have these features as her grandfather often told her stories.

From what I can understand Eden seems to be a utopian society with a thousand-year history. During its entire history, not a single one of its residents has died.

They all used expensive artifacts and consumed longevity pills until they all reached level 500. Once they all evolved into High Humans the residents of Eden continued with their lives until this day. Because of this, the city is also known as the Land of immortals.

The oldest known resident is 1055 years old and he's known as George, which is crazy high compared to the average life expectancy of this world. It seems Emilia and all the other residents are quite friendly with the man and he has a good reputation. I will make sure to rely on him in the future.

Anyways getting back to the point, it seems the residents of Eden wanted a way to show off their status more than just what color card they possessed.

Therefore 200 years ago the residents found a way to absorb their cards into their souls. During this process, they inherited all the skills of the card but the process also dyed their soul in the color of the card.

With their souls dyed, the resident's blood, eyes, and hair all changed color.

To test this theory I poke a small hole into my delicate-looking finger with a fancy sword I have sitting in my room. Sure enough, golden blood drips from the wound.

To my surprise, my wound quickly repairs itself. Thinking this is odd I open my status.

[Name: Emilia Reed]

[Race: High Human]

[Class: None]

[Titles: Golden Bloodline]


[STR: 100, DEX: 132, CON: 583, INT:431, WIS:578]]


(Bloodline Skills)

[Self Repair](The body will automatically repair with mana)

[Small Spatial Inventory](The body can be used similar to a storage ring with a size of 1 cubic meter. Cannot store living things. Time is stopped within the space.)

[Home Teleport](Teleports the person to a pre-set location, can be changed.)

[Safe Travel](Monsters in the Underworld dungeon will not attack on sight but will attack if provoked. This only applies to the first floor)

[Telepathy](Can communicate across large distances through the mind)

[Unlock/Lock Home] (Surround a property with a barrier to stop trespassers. It can also be used to deactivate the barrier. Requires contact with the barrier to use. Can also surround the user's body with a barrier in the same way)

[Summon Undead] (The user can summon and control undead beings)

(Divine Skills)

[Summon Book] (The user can summon any kind of book they can imagine)

[Passive exp](The user cannot gain exp from killing but instead slowly gains exp through other activities. This effect is doubled while reading books or sleeping)

Yea those bloodline spells definitely sounds a little weird. After finishing my little experiment I decide its time to go and explore. From the memories, it seems High Humans have no reason to eat so instead of going to get breakfast I will explore Eden.

This little girl is severely lacking in knowledge and rarely seems to leave the confines of this massive mansion. What I need is information and a place to open my bookstore, maybe then I can relax.