Immortals vs Humans

Waa? Did he just call me brain dead? Is that meant as an insult?

I couldn't help but take a step back in complete bewilderment at such a harsh statement.

The creepy man studied my changing expression and seemed to panic for a second

"No no no please don't kill me it was my mistake, a slip of the tongue if you will…"

"Haha ill be going now, best of luck princess Emilia"

The man then waved his hand [Home Teleport] and vanished from sight.



Emilia.exe has stopped responding

What in the actual fuck just happened.

Never in all my life have I been more confused in my life!

Not only did this terrifyingly powerful-looking demon call me brain dead, he then begged for mercy, called me a princess, and then vanished into thin air with a wave of his hand?

I feel like clutching my head in pure despair.

After a minute I finally recover from the shock and look around.

I seem to be on a quiet street that leads to some massive open area with lots of people walking around.

Should I explore? My answer would easily be yes but I'm dressed in my pajamas and have no shoes, I look like some run-away noble.

Judging from the man's previous sudden apology and calling me a princess I must have some high status in society…

Well, step one is to find a clothes shop.

Wait do I even have any money?

Looking down I see my pajama's pockets are empty as expected.

Wait didn't I have some inventory skill?

Thinking of looking inside myself I mutter [Small Spatial Inventory]

In my head, an area the size of a cupboard reveals itself yet it's completely empty.

"Darn" I can only say. Nothing is going well today.

Deciding there is nothing left to lose I walk forward and enter the merchant's square.

Huh? Did I step into an anime what the hell is going on?

Before my eyes were hundreds of dazzling jade-like beauties talking to handsome men. They all seemed young wearing lofty clothes with their hands behind their backs acting like dignified seniors.

Although that was all odd the worst part is they all had bright blue hair.

There was also the occasional person with black hair like the man called Calvin had. I could see nobody with gold hair like myself? Are gold-haired people rare in this world?

They were all casually chatting away.

There was a large gate in the center of the square that had some strange blue substance suspended. It looked disturbingly similar to portals in comics.

No way portals really exist right…

Right as I was examining the portal it shuddered and 20 people suddenly appeared. Unlike everyone else, they had average looks and normal hair colors like brown or blonde.

They were all decked out in armor or robes that looked very expensive even to my untrained eye.

A large man wearing steel armor and wielding a great sword stepped forward. He seemed a little nervous but recovered quickly.

Everyone who had been casually chatting turned their heads to observe the weird visitors.

"Immortals! We have come today seeking justice for the crimes committed on humanity!"

Everyone then turned their heads with disgust

I overheard one blue-haired couple "Eww the surface dweller looked at meeee~ such disgusting low lifes"

"I know honey they will be disposed of soon, just looking at them has ruined my entire day!"

Despite the insults being thrown at them, the group continued

"We demand a fight with the 'Pink Demon' for her crimes committ-"

The man was cut off mid-sentence as an unbearable killing intent swept over the land.

I was completely frozen to the spot as a horrifying chill ran down my spine. I could see all the blue-haired people wave their hands and disappear.

Only the 20 people at the portal and myself remained.


A twisted laugh echoed from an unknown location

Then a girl appeared floating high in the air. She had black hair with golden tips.

She eyed the 20 people and a disgusting twisted smile appeared on her face.

"Tell me Human what crimes has little old me committed?"

The man leading the group seemed to gasp for air but still managed to mutter out

"Genocide of the Eshnar kingdom 500 years ago!"

The girl seemed angered by those words as her eyes widened and she screamed.

"What's wrong with killing some disgusting human trash?"

This girl is fucking insane I need to escape her at all costs I thought.

Her eyes then shone with a brilliant pink light

"Shit she's attacking, Bruce and Charlotte raise barriers quickly!"

The girl seemed unfazed by their commands and raised her arm slowly and then pointed towards the supposed leader of the group.

His face paled as if he knew his fate was sealed

The girl simply pointed and then clenched her fist and the man's bald head exploded like a watermelon.

Yes exploded.

With a bang.

Blood and brain spewed everywhere, especially covering his companions.

They all screamed in disbelief as the attack seemed to bypass all their barriers, artifacts, and the man's natural defense. They all knew the Pink Demon was strong but they were a group made up of 4 S rank teams! They were all over level 200 and had prepared meticulously for this day.

They all had pink-colored weapons strapped to their waists to bypass her only known weakness and yet she had killed their leader simply by pointing?

While everyone was panicking about what to do before Alice the Pink Demon attacked again someone exited an Inn.


The man simply said in a low voice a single name, he merely muttered a single word and yet the girl who seemed so scary suddenly stopped and her expression turned terrified.

The change from psychopath to a scared little girl was so fast and extreme I could only gasp in shock!

Since the killing intent had been lifted everyone could move yet none dared. If Alice was a demon then this man must be the Demon lord everyone mutually agreed.

I turned my head and studied the man in more detail. He was wearing a tuxedo and seemed elderly. He had white hair combed back and was cleaning a mug with a cloth in his hand.

The terrifying girl whose name seemed to be Alice turned her head and hastily said "Grandpa George I'm sorry for disturbing you! I was just taking care of some surface trash."

The man's expression didn't change but he stopped cleaning the mug.

Anyone who lived in Eden for a long time had never seen George stop cleaning the mug. This was the first time in a thousand years anyone had witnessed such a scene.

The moment the man's hands stopped moving it seemed time stopped. He raised his arm which was holding the cleaning cloth and pointed towards the wall of his inn.

Everyone's eyes followed his finger and at the end was a single drop of blood.

The perfectly white walls of the 'Wisdom Inn' had been stained by blood for the first time in Edens history…