Baby Nightwalker

[Name: Harley]

[Race: Genetically Engineered Human -> Baby Nightwalker]

[Level: 102]

[STR: 72 -> 1800, DEX: 95 -> 2150, CON: 54 -> 9066, INT: 300 -> 12005, WIS: 238 -> 11850]


Undead Empress (Harley is considered by the people of Eden to be the Empress of Eden while her mother Alice is considered the Empress of Utopia city)


Reaper (After being forced to kill for weeks on end without break by her father, Harley acquired the reaper class)


[Empress Aura III] (People see Harley as a divine being that is born to rule them)

[Loyalty X] (This forces the target to feel intense loyalty towards the Harley. 0/50 times used)

[Killing Intent] (Killing intent is usually unleashed when the user wishes to kill the opponent but due to Harley's intense training she can summon her killing intent to inspire fear in her enemies at will)

[Teleportation X] (Move to a close or far away location instantly)

[Fly VI] (User can defy gravity and fly)

[Annihilating Aura V] (Any living being within 30ft of the user will be inflicted with necrotic damage)

[Darkvision III] (Can see through the dark as if it's daytime)

[Finger of Doom I] (The user can point at something within 300ft, the target will be struck with a purple beam of energy that will inflict high amounts of necrotic damage and will also paralyze and fear the target)

William Titan slowly rose to his feet after being thrown a few meters along with many others. Shaking his head to removing the ringing in his ears, he fixed his gaze upon the dense steam cloud surrounding the location of the bombardment of spells and where the little girl once stood.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, a warrior who was nearest to the steam cloud turned towards the rest of us with a triumphant look on his face

"I can't detect any signs of life, she must be dead!"

His face turned a little confused since nobody was cheering but instead everyone had pale faces.


Behind the man, a large shadow could be seen lurking deep within the steam cloud. Before anyone could shout to the man, a lightning-fast claw that was meters long emerged from the cloud and impaled the man before retreating again.

The warrior's body fell with a pained expression and a loud thud onto the marble floor.

A large hole was gaping through the middle and blood quickly created a small pool around him.

Not only were the S ranks freaked out but some of the immortals were too. Not everyone had seen Xia in his Nightwalker form as some had only joined after he got his [Humanize] skill so this was something new and terrifying to witness.

After a moment everyone recovered and quickly tried to get into formation, all except a few.

William Titan has done extensive research on monsters during his time to become the best adventurer, he never missed a detail. Just from the claw alone, William had already verified the monster lurking within the cloud. A Nightwalker. The reason the warrior hadn't detected life signs was being Nightwalkers are undead.

They are a legend passed down the generations and one hasn't been seen for over a thousand years. Black magic and cults that used this magical practice were hunted to extinction for this very reason. Although it took 10 A-rank mages to sacrifice themselves, they could summon a being from the shadow plane.

Usually, a demon would emerge but they could be dealt with by the church. Some demons caused casualties but nothing too serious. Sometimes however a sinister being that brought only death and destruction would be summoned.

The strongest undead ever recorded, A Nightwalker.

They had only been summoned 3 times before, but every time the death toll was in the millions and entire empires fell.

The only way to defeat a Nightwalker was to run away and wait for it to run out of energy. Humans would have to abandon entire continents and seek refuge on islands or boats while waiting for the monster to finally die, which could take months.

William and a few others had noticed what they were facing and simply threw their hands up in surrender.

The others were confused by their actions but quickly caught on, unfortunately, a little too late.

The demonic being teleported quickly through the battlefield unleashing ungodly amounts of killing intent and a sinister aura that turned the adventurer's skin black from decay before their lifeless skeletons hit the floor.

The Nightwalker didn't make a single sound while it ruthlessly slaughtered many powerhouses that were considered celebrities in Utopia city, but were mere ants compared to a Nightwalker.

Its pink eyes showed a slight tint of intelligence as it ignored those that had thrown down their weapons in surrender.

After the 25th body fell to the floor the Nightwalker stopped its destruction and stared down those that surrendered.

This 4 meters tall humanoid with goat legs, pitch-black horns and many pink-colored eyes smiled for the first time.

[Empress Aura] William and the others felt a massive pressure weigh down and instantly kneeled while attempting to endure the pressure.

It then spoke in a raspy voice that was hard to listen to "Finally time to test my new ability, Dad wouldn't let me use it before but since you, all seem so willing…"

[Loyalty] "Become my servants"

All five of the remaining adventurers were men, because of their high levels they all looked like supermodels from Earth. Harley didn't want them to do anything inappropriate but she definitely wanted to dress them up or have a little fun messing around with them.

They all went vacant eyes for a moment as mana manipulated their memories to infuse undying loyalty towards Harley.

They all looked around confused for a moment but quickly caught on and stood at attention before Harley.

Seeing her spell worked she reverted from being a Nightwalker, back to her human form.

Much to her happiness, her spell seemed to remain functioning even when she swapped forms. She then got the adventurers to surround her in a bodyguard formation as she walked towards the shopping district to put in an order for new clothes, her bodyguards cant look lame now can they?

While Harley finished up her first battle versus humans, a commotion was being made in many war council rooms across the planet...

??: "Eden and Utopia city is under attack by a horde of monsters?"

???: "Yes that's correct your majesty"

??: "Are their defenses breached?"

???:" Yes, the artifacts are offline and the immortals are currently attempting to hold off the monsters but are slowly losing, their forces are spread thin"

??: "Ready the troops… its time to overthrow that country, notify the council and the church"

???: "It shall be done…"