Demi God

Xia screamed in agony as he split his mind into thousands of different sections. To cast spells the caster not only needed to have amazing imagination but Xia also had to complete complex calculations that would define the behavior of the spell such as speed, trajectory, and power invested in the creation of the spell.

The mental processing speed required to instantly cast high-level spatial magic was like solving a university-level maths paper within a fraction of a second without a calculator.

Xia was currently micromanaging not just his undead army that was hundreds of kilometers away fighting monsters. He was also skillfully teleporting every second to avoid spells, small portals were summoned to redirect spells back at his opponents, and shields were summoned to block spells he couldn't redirect.

For anyone who has played an MMORPG before, everyone knows that no matter how strong the boss is they can be defeated with a well-coordinated team with different roles such as a tank, healer, and damage dealers working together to cover for each other's weaknesses.

Xia was like the final boss and was fighting against 100 teams at once. Even with his insane stats, he kept getting hit with roots, slows, stuns and his spells are blocked with massive barriers.

His opponents hadn't given him more than half a second of rest while they could take it in turns and rest when they ran out of mana.

Right as Xia was about to teleport to dodge another round of skills, he was hit with a [Holy Ray] from a smug-looking human priest. Holy attacks did 500% damage to undead creatures.

Therefore even though the priest was far weaker than Xia this one attack did half his health.

Xia didn't feel pain due to being undead but he felt his life force rapidly drain. Xia re-routed his teleport spell to appear behind the smug priest and used an instant cast but slightly weaker [Finger of Doom].

The purple beam of necrotic energy shot from Xia's extended finger but the priest laughed as a golden Holy barrier surrounded his plumb body. Holy magic is also 500% more resistant to evil-type attacks and therefore the priest once again could handle Xia.

The priest laughed hysterically at how easily he blocked such a powerful creature. "Disgusting being," he said as he spat towards him.

Xia let off a blood-thirsty grin that made the priest gulp his salivary and shake a little, 'my barrier will hold right?' he thought, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Xia wrapped his long metallic fingers coated in a sinister aura around the priest's shield, never breaking eye contact with the priest.

Although the shield surrounds the priest at a distance, Xia's is over 6 meters tall and his claws are a meter long, he can easily wrap them around the small priest's shield.

His metallic claws then slowly contracted to cause cracks to appear on the shield. The priest never learned any other magic than Holy magic and therefore couldn't use teleportation magic to escape.

The priest thought Xia was staring straight into his soul when he muttered "Foolish human, shouldn't you bow and pray when a future God is standing before you?"

Xia then let out a creepy chuckle as he crushed the priest as if he was crushing an egg. Blood dripped from between his claws as he slowly opened to reveal the crushed and twisted corpse, he then tilted his hand down, allowing the body to slide off and fall through the sky before smacking into the ground into a bloody paste.

Xia wanted to enjoy the moment a little longer but the mages in the distance had finished chanting their spells again so he quickly used [Life Eater] to absorb the priest's stats and heal himself.

[Absorb lifeforce to complete the evolution, current progress: 9.6% -> 11.3%]

As Xia teleported away as he shone in divine light for a moment and felt the two horns on his forehead grow a few millimeters, the wings on his back also grew by a few centimeters.


The group of powerhouses was at a loss on how to win against this Nightwalker.

He could teleport every second to avoid concentrated attacks. If a weapon user managed to reach him their weapon simply passed through his body as if it was simply air.

The Nightwalker also opened portals to redirect their spells back at them causing them to have to break formation or waste time and mana raising barriers.

The worst part however was the fact he could recover mana and health from killing and was also getting stronger. Every time he killed his wings and horns would grow slightly and his aura also increased.

"Fuck this I'm leaving" one of the hired powerhouses suddenly said which caught the attention of everyone as the only other noise was Xia's manic laughing while appearing and disappearing like a grim reaper.

Everyone had been too terrified to properly think but now that the man had broken them out of their trance they thought what he said made sense.

Who said they had to die here like lambs? They could also leave and regroup another time!

[World Wide System Announcement. Deity Xia is undergoing evolution to become a God. Current Progress 50%...]

[Deity Xia is evolving]


A leader shouted using mana to project his voice

If Xia seemed like a Demon before he now gave off the feeling of a Demon King!

All eyes watched in fear as they desperately tried to chant teleportation spells.

Xia becomes wrapped in golden light as his wings grow to have a wingspan of 100 meters, his height tripled to 18 meters and the two horns grew to their full size of 30cm.

As the golden light faded the new titan of a Nightwalker with demonic wings grinned viciously,

"Where do you think your going little lambs"

He then aimed his claws to the sky and slowly rotated them

[Dimension Lock]

38 enormous magic circles appeared in the sky and started spiraling and immense speeds.

The mages attempted to finish their teleportation spells but found the world seemed to reject their request and the mana dissipated as the spell failed.

Xia slowly flexed his hand as if checking out his new strength.

"Well my little lambs, shall we get to it then?"