(Vol 2 start) New Country

Start of Volume 2

[Welcome Host to the God System]

[Displaying level 1 knowledge: System History]

14 billion years ago the Ŕ̴̢͝è̶͈̗̈̀j̷͇͊į̶͓̽n̶͓̞̿s̴̯̜̔͘ created this universe (A75HD-12) while escaping the Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊ , since the universe was newly created they needed to speed up the development of the universe to fight back against the Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊ as they would soon be discovered.

They built planet-sized supercomputers (known as Jupiter Brains) that were highly intelligent Ai that could manipulate mana. These super Ai's created and manage the system.

Selected worlds across the universe were populated by the original Ŕ̴̢͝è̶͈̗̈̀j̷͇͊į̶͓̽n̶͓̞̿s̴̯̜̔͘ and the system was used to speed up communication, management, and development projects across the universe A75HD-12.

Xia was very interested in this knowledge and felt eager to ask a few questions "System where are these Jupiter brains located?"

The host system level is too low, question... denied.

"Earth is a populated planet and seems to have mana, how come they never had access to the system?"

The host system level is too low, question... denied.

"Darn, ok system how many system administrators or 'Gods' are there?"

Answering host, there are currently 815,049 Gods within the system. You are currently ranked number 658,004 for your planet's total development level.

"Okay last question, are the enemies of your creator here already?"

Answering host, the Ḵ̷͌͂ĺ̵̳̥́̉ȯ̶̢̱͝n̵̟̣͊͂́ĩ̵͈̝͖s̵̛͎͑̊ discovered this small universe 300 thousand years ago, a galactic war has been taking place in the B-12, A-780, G-9, and U88 sectors since then.

"Wait wait wait am I in danger? How close are those sectors"

Answering host, the U88 sector is the nearest and is around a thousand light-years away, although the war is unlikely to reach here the Ŕ̴̢͝è̶͈̗̈̀j̷͇͊į̶͓̽n̶͓̞̿s̴̯̜̔͘ have been losing control over that region recently, I advise the host to become battle-ready as soon as possible.

"Okay my actual last question, am I immortal as a system administrator?"

Answering host so long as the **** system and sector A***0 does not fall into **** hands, then even if the host is killed he will be recreated by the **** and reconstructed with his memories intact.

"Soooo I am immortal then?"


"Good enough I guess…"


Xia expected that the humans of Earth would venture through the portal within a few days after the mob spawner ran out of mana and stopped working.

Once the Earthlings discovered his city he didn't want them to look down on it and think his city was any worse off than their own countries. He needed them to see his city as a superpower like the USA or China.

Arriving back at the grand council meeting room, he turned to his trusted council.

"Everyone please sit I have an important announcement"

Everyone looked at each other with confusion, Xia was very hands-on with the creation of Eden and Utopia city but that was hundreds of years ago. After everything was set up and running smoothly he simply laid back and left everything to them.

The last time he had talked to them was a week ago when the war started, but before that, he hadn't come to a council meeting for 300 years… so why was he here?

They all sat with slightly nervous expressions… was he mad at them?

"Now that I have ascended to become a God I have acquired knowledge about the system and the universe around us."

Everyone was shocked. All the council men and women looked at Xia with wide eyes. Could he share such knowledge with them?

"Although now is not the time to share what I have learned, war with an unknown enemy could be on the horizon, interesting times are ahead and I will need your cooperation to make my plans work."

"First order of business is combining Eden and Utopia city into a single country and we should send out letters to other independent city-states asking if they wish to join our country!"

"The country will be called Astral, after the planet which is called Astra. Eden will become the capital city while Utopia will be our main city. I also plan to expand Eden to become ten times larger than it currently is and welcome in more immortals."

The council started murmuring and discussing the information with their neighbors, "There are other worlds? Ours is called Astra since when? Who could possibly defeat us in war, the surface alliance?"

Although they were confused, nobody had any issues with creating a new country, in fact, many thought it was about time, it was silly to claim Utopia was a simple city when it controlled so much of the world's wealth.

"I need you all to tell me one by one the current situation and overall numbers concerning your departments, I wish to know the current situation and then ill explain the next piece of news."

Xia said while gesturing for the women sitting near him to start.

The elderly woman called Silvia who was over 800 years old stood up and gulped slightly. She didn't have anything to hide but anyone would be nervous having to go first.

"To answer my Lord's question, My name is Silvia and I manage the agriculture department. We currently use 90 floors of the dungeon beneath the city for growing food and livestock.

About 50% of the food is used to feed our 1 billion population. The rest of the food is sold to other nations at a premium price. We estimate that we account for 70% of the world's total food supply since the food we sell is top quality and most people refuse to eat crops grown naturally as they are considered dirty food.

Our contribution to the world's food supply increases to 95% during winter as we are the only nation able to still produce food during the cold months.

Uh, I think that's it?"

She then sits down while sweating slightly from nerves. This reminded Xia of PowerPoint presentations done in school by classmates and how awkward they would be.

"That was very helpful, next person!"

An elderly man stood up this time, he had an air of confidence as if he was used to giving speeches.

"Hello Lord my name is Harry and I am head of education, the population is the most educated on the planet with around 98% being literate and 40% attending further education. We have over a thousand universities with the most competitive one being Eden university located in Eden.

Most students that go to university study magic, alchemy, or the arts like music or writing. I hope this information was helpful."

The elderly man then gives a bow and sits back down. The next person stands up without needing to be told.

This man was younger looking but was likely to be hundreds of years old despite looking as if he was no older than 30. He had golden hair and eyes just like the rest of the grand council, he was also wearing glasses.

"Hi my Lord, my name is Kevin I manage the economy. Astral has a rather odd economy, as a government, we have around 3 trillion gold in savings. This gold was made by selling food, artifacts, and the green/blue cards.

Considering there is estimated to only be around 7 trillion gold coins in existence we control a large amount."

"Sorry to interrupt but why are we hoarding so much money?" Xia asked in bewilderment.

"We have nothing to spend it on my Lord. This gold has accumulated over the past 500 years or so and since you created everything using your dungeon powers and mana we have almost no cost other than salaries. Each one of us council members has a salary of 100 million gold coins a year making us all richer than some entires cities yet it still hardly makes a dent in our finances so I hope that's fine."

Xia was a little shocked, was there even that much gold on the planet to make that many coins? 7 trillion gold coins exist?

"It's fine I don't care about the money that much if I need anything we can just make it ourselves or steal it so money has never really had a use… anyways continue."

"Ok my Lord, since we don't tax the citizens it's difficult to get reliable data but we estimate that 90% of all transactions between all merchants globally are done within Astral's borders, due to our teleportation portals allowing cross-continental trade that would be impossible otherwise and no tax.

Almost all major merchants have warehouses and shops set up within our city. Some other kingdoms even moved their treasuries over to our nation as it's safer than being stored in their own castles. We are basically the economic anchor of the world, if we fell the entire world would revert back to the stone age!"

"Hahaha well said!" all the members agreed with his last statement.

After they all calmed down Xia continued "Alright I think I have a general idea of my countries situation now. Now listen up this is important. I originally made this country to assist me in becoming a God, now that I have achieved my goal it's time to move onto the next goal.

That is why I have attended a council meeting for the first time in a while, and expect to see me more often.

So anyway's I opened a link to another planet today, we should expect to see humans crossing over from that planet within a few days or weeks. They will most likely come with hostile or greedy intentions so we must show off our power to them so they don't look down on us."

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT MY LORD?" a council member couldn't hold in his confusion and anger and accidentally shouted.

"Silence!" Xia shouted back unleashing a bit of killing intent. The elderly man almost died from a heart attack on the spot from fear.

"Sorr-y my lord-d…" he stuttered.

"It's fine, the reason I did this is for their technology. From what I know they shouldn't know how to use mana, so instead, they built machines out of metal to overcome their problems. Trust me they have awesome technology and knowledge that would make any of our scholars faint from shock. I plan to trade with and hire these humans for their knowledge to advance this world into a new era."

"If they are so powerful even without mana what can we offer them?" a confused council woman said.

"HAHAHA" Xia laughed "Although they are more technologically advanced, I doubt they have solved the secrets to extending their life span yet. How can someone put a price on life?"

The grand council which consisted of many ancient men and women, some over a thousand years old suddenly understood Xia's meaning. Even in this world, people were willing to pay millions of gold to become immortals. What would another planet's people be willing to pay for immortality?