You can call me Sage

Scarlett and the team slowly followed behind the skeleton butler. They passed through the small courtyard with poorly maintained flower beads and weeds everywhere.

With the run-down courtyard and the wooden house before them, many could only think of a single description 'haunted house'. A perfect hideout for a blood-thirsty necromancer, Scarlett decided.

The skeleton carefully opened the front door and gestured for the group to make their way inside.

Scarlett could feel her heart beating widely in her chest. Her breath was also a little fast. She carefully made her way into the wooden corridor.

There were many open rooms along the corridor, but all of them were shrouded in darkness. However, the corridor was slightly lit up, the warm orange glow radiated out from under the door at the end of the hallway.

Scarlett reached the end within 10 steps. She took a slightly deeper breath to calm her nerves. She turned back and could see the rest of her team's serious expressions. They all silently nodded to each other.

Scarlett wasted no more time and pushed on the wooden door. With a slight squeak from its worn-out hinges, the door swung to the left and revealed the room.

Scarlett scanned the room. It was only a few meters big. Bookshelves lined the walls and a fireplace was embedded in the back wall.

In the center of the room was a large red velvet armchair with its back facing the group.

"Welcome Scarlett and friends" a young female voice softly spoke out.

Scarlett immediately pulled out her gun and emitted killing intent.

"Nobody outside of MI6 should know my name, who are you?"

Scarlett asked in a cold tone. She assumed this person was someone sent by a foreign power to silence her and their group. Although she was a little hesitant since there was no way someone could get in here before them.

The young voice responded "You can call me, Sage"


Scarlett asked in a confused tone. She searched her memory but couldn't remember any top-ranked organizations or assassins going by that name.

She turned to her teammates but both Timothy and Imogen shook their heads. They had never heard of a hacking or intelligence network going by that name.

"Relax Scarlett, I am not from Earth so how could I be part of any organization," the young voice said indifferently.

'Wait can she mind read?' Scarlett guessed in her mind.

"No I cannot read minds, I simply know the future..."

(Scarlett) "So you knew what I was going to ask before I even asked it??"


(Scarlett) "How is that possible? Are you a time traveler?"

The young girl seemed to find this funny and let out a light chuckle

"Haha I am nothing of the sought, I just like to read books and pass my time here quietly."

Scarlett and her entire team almost fell over from anger. Why was someone so powerful just sitting out here in the middle of a forest.

(Scarlett) "Then how do you know my name?" Scarlett asked in an annoyed tone. She hated this feeling of being played around with by a kid.

"Just a simple skill called appraisal."

(Scarlett) "Skill?"

"Mhm it's part of the system in this world, and as outsiders, you aren't part of it."

(Scarlett) "How do you know we are outsiders?"

"Oh Scarlett I know so much more, maybe too much… ignorance sure is bliss. Sigh what a mistake that was."

Scarlett's anger could no longer be contained, she really wanted to see the face of this annoying girl. Scarlett attempted to walk around the large red armchair but could only get a glimpse of a delicate pale arm before she ran into an invisible wall.

'Ah for fuck sake, not this annoying wall again' Scarlett cried in her heart.

Taking a moment to calm down she decided to humbly ask "Is there any way for us to join the system?"

There was a moment of silence. Nobody dared to breathe too loudly. The question on all of the team member's minds had just been asked. What even is the system in the first place? Can they join?

Brad was ecstatic, if he could join would he be able to break past the limits of the human body and advance his martial arts skills?

Timothy was a nerd and therefore had read lots of system novels. He had a decent idea of what this system should be. In fantasy novels usually, everyone has access to the system so having access is not a big deal. The protagonists in these novels are normally given some cheat to get them through. But what if someone with a system goes back to Earth? On a planet without a system… the possibilities were endless.

Just being able to use a skill like 'appraisal' could make him a famous antique dealer as he would know the name and value of every item. What if he could learn magic? Could he become a superhero?

Imogen was also fascinated by this 'appraisal' skill. The hardest part of her job was finding underground bosses. They usually went by fake names so it was incredibly hard to track them down. But if she could know everyone's real name with a glance? How easy would her job become?

The soldiers were also having their own thoughts. Even though they were professionally trained soldiers of the highest rank in the royal marines… Everyone has a childish dream, theirs was just hidden a little deeper than others.

Scarlett could then see a slender arm on the armrest, twirling within her small fingers was beautiful snow-white hair. The little sage seemed to be deep in thought. After a small sigh left her mouth.

Finally, the silence was broken.

"There is indeed a way…"