Meeting with an alien?

"System, am I able to fly into space?" Xia couldn't help but ask. He had never tried before but he is undead so he should be able to survive in space right?

[Mana is provided by the planet so if you leave the planet's atmosphere then their connection to mana will be cut off and you will drift endlessly in space.]

"Oh? Is there a way to make spaceships capable of using mana?"

[You can infuse a large amount of mana into a crystal and use that to power the ship. People onboard the ship can borrow power from the crystal to use spells but it will drain the crystal faster.]

Xia nodded and agreed with the system's suggestion. Xia then watched the group of humans interacting for a while before deciding to make his presence known. He planned for the humans to explore and slowly develop in his world but time was not on his side. He needed to set up a relationship with Earth and begin the construction of a space fleet.


"There is indeed a way…" Right as Emilia uttered these words a crack in space appeared next to her red armchair.

'Is this magic?' Scarlett thought to herself as she backed up with her gun drawn. The rest of the team followed her movements.

A moment later a hand appeared through the crack and then a human body stepped through with unhurried steps.

Scarlett studied the 2-meter tall human with a curious gaze. This man had long straight golden hair that fell down his back, deep golden-colored eyes and he had a perfectly sculpted face with almost feminine-like beauty.

Scarlett genuinely thought she was face to face with a god due to the aura of this man. She almost kneeled down due to the pressure but managed to resist.

With a click of his fingers, the crack in space disappeared.

(Xia) "Greetings Humans from Earth, I am Xia." the man warmly greeted.

(Xia) "I wish to speak with your leaders? Would that be alright?"

This was like a bombshell to the group.

Their mission objective was to achieve contact with this alien race and obtain any information about their civilization.

They would have jumped at this opportunity with open arms but after seeing that the man can create rifts in space they became hesitant. If he can use magic wouldn't he be dangerous? They wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of the royals or the prime minister in that case.

(Scarlett) "Erm could I ask for your identity?"

The man chuckled for a moment and then looked straight into Scarlett's eyes.

(Xia) "I am the king of this country and also the world. Oh, I'm also a God, I'm the one who made that portal to earth that you invaded through."

Scarlett had a weird expression. 'Is he insane? Who would call themselves a god, is he a narcissist?'

Emilia let out a sigh "He is indeed the ruler of these lands." She didn't know who Xia was before, but after seeing Scarletts future she already knew how this all played out.

Xia also saw no reason to go against the Systems depiction of things so went along with its plan.

Scarlett had a bit more trust in this Emilia girl who was so mysterious and seemed to know the future so she trusted Xia's words a little more.

(Scarlett) "And why do you wish to speak to our leaders?"

Xia just laughed "Listen here Scarlett, I will be going over to meet your leaders with or without your permission. I just need you to guide me there so I don't need to murder everyone who gets in my way."

(Xia) "Just for reference, that girl with black hair who went to earth and killed that snake was my daughter, I am infinitely more powerful than her."

Everyone's face went pale. They had seen the destruction that little girl caused in a single attack and this man was her father?

Xia then smiled and rubbed his chin "So will you take me or not?"

(Scarlett) "Can I have a moment to discuss this with my leaders first?"

(Xia) "Sure go ahead."

Scarlett let out a sigh of relief and quickly emailed command.


Within MI6's headquarters was Ryan Jenkins, the prime minister. He was surrounded by monitors and a team from MI6. They were intently watching the footage from the group's body cams.

They saw everything at 10 times speed, therefore they had one monitor for each of the group members current view which was going at 10 times speed.

There was then a group of MI6 staff off to the side who were playing back certain parts of the recording at normal or slower speeds so they could hear speech and review things of interest like the troll fight.

It was at this moment a notification appeared on the screen:

[Message: Scarlett

HQ this man claiming to be the king of this country suddenly appeared and is requesting an audience with the nation's leaders. He claims he was the one who made the portal we entered through, and he threatened that he would come and meet with you, with or without permission.

Side note: He claims his daughter was that Goddess who saved us from that snake.]

Ryan was stunned. An alien wanted to meet with him? He nervously wiped the sweat from his forehead. He then decided to make a rash but hopefully smart decision.

[Message: HQ

Bring the man to Buckingham palace, we will meet with him tomorrow]

Ryan Jenkins didn't take himself for being foolish. He had seen the monsters that emerged from that portal, he knew the strength of this man before him was high, just from the fact he could walk through cracks in space was enough to convince him.

Ryan also knew his time was short, America's president had already stormed off and threatened with war, the stock market had crashed overnight and many other international powers like China and Russia were breathing down his neck and demanding information.

Even if this alien turns out to be violent and kills him, so what? What could he do to stop it. The alien already said he would meet him even if he said no. Might as well go all out and show the alien that we take him seriously.

Ryan then turned towards a secretary "Contact Buckingham Palace and other influential figures, we are going to be meeting with the supposed ruler of the aliens soon."

"Certainly sir"

Ryan massaged his weary eyes, he hadn't slept in 2 days. 'Maybe I should resign…' he thought as he slumped in the chair and tried to get a quick power nap in before tomorrow.