Hidden Dangers

Xia emerged from the portal with his daughter and the group from Earth. Xia felt a wave of heat smash into him, 'was England always this hot? I remember a few warm summers but nothing this hot. I mean it has been a thousand years since I was last here so many things have changed?'

(Xia) "Scarlett, can you tell me what year it is on Earth currently?"

(Scarlett) "The year is 2045"

'That's weird, I got reincarnated over a thousand years ago but only around 40 years passed over here.'

Before they could continue their discussion a group of soldiers walked up. They looked at the group and then noticed Harley. Many had admiration and appreciation in their gaze, as they would have died that day if not for this girl's help.

(Soldier) "Welcome back Commander Scarlett, back already?"

(Scarlett) "What do you mean soldier?"

(Soldier) "Well only an hour has passed since you entered the portal, we all assumed the mission would take a few hours, or even days."

(Scarlett) "Ah, we were actually over there for 10 hours, it seems there's a time difference."

The soldier's mouth makes an 'O' shape in surprise. He then began nodding in agreement. He had indeed seen how the monsters moved at high speeds before coming through the portal, but he was so busy dealing with the crisis at the time this fact went unnoticed to him.

(Soldier) "Ahem, I assume these are the 'guests'?"

The soldier then threw an excited but professional glance at the tall man with golden hair and the small girl with black hair and pink eyes.

(Scarlett) "Yes these are indeed the 'guests', we seemed to have arrived a little before schedule."

(Soldier) "That is true, we expected it to take you a while to get back to the portal… but we have made preparations that are ready."

The group was then led by the soldier to a large black limousine, the group happily climbed in and sat within its spacious interior.

Xia took a look around and a tear almost fell from his eye.

'White leather interior, LED lights, bullet proof glass, wait is that coca cola?!'

To everyone's surprise Xia quickly reached out and took the can and almost gulped it down in one breath.

"Ahhhh" He let out a satisfied sound as he laid back in the seat.

'Now this is what I missed. Magic was cool for a while but my god my planet is still stuck in the medieval ages! I introduced ideas like skyscrapers since they were easy to explain but unfortunately I couldn't explain how technology works to a bunch of magic freaks. They just told me it was pointless because they had magic that could do the same thing… sigh.'

'What's the point of immortality if you are bored to death? That's a fate worse than death. I created board games like chess to keep myself entertained but since my brain processing speed seems abnormally high I can predict the rest of the game from the first 3 moves. Nobody plays with me anymore! So what if I won 500 times in a row? It's not my fault they all suck!'

'Finally after a thousand years I can return to this planet and take its technology for myself. Darn fking aliens are on their way though, I'm running out of time. Designing and building spaceships capable of combating intergalactic aliens that have control over entire universes is going to take a lot of effort.'

(Harley) "Dad dad! What was that drink you just had? Was it gooood?"

Xia ignored his daughter and looked outside the window. 'Eh are these palm trees in a London park? I am on the correct planet right?'

(Xia) "Scarlett, why are there palm trees here?"

(Scarlett) "I'm surprised you recognized them…"

(Xia) "It's because of my appraisal skill." He quickly replied and waved off her further questioning.

(Scarlett) "Well due to an effect called 'climate change' the world's temperature has risen by 3 degrees over the last 50 years."

Xia simply nodded. He would find out more information later, but he could already guess the effects.

Back before he left Earth in 2005, scientists had already been talking about possible future problems caused from global warming.

The limousine stopped and a butler appeared to open the door.

"Greeting esteemed guests to the Lanesborough Hotel" the man said and gave a bow.

Xia searched hard though his memory and eventually remembered hearing about such a hotel before. It costs around £600 ($830) a night and is positioned next to Hyde park where the portal is located and is only a few minutes from Buckingham palace.

The butler led the group inside and showed them to their rooms. Security guards were placed outside their rooms to report any movements of the 'guests' back to MI6.

Most of the hotel had also been cleaned out of guests to prevent any possible problems.

However there was a guest that the hotel didn't have the authority to kick out. Not even the royal's could speak carelessly to this man.

This man currently occupied the 'Royal Suite' all to himself. The suite has views of Buckingham Palace Gardens, seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two living rooms and a large dining room with enough space for 12 people. It also comes with a butler and chauffeur driven Rolls Royce that is available at any time.

Not only has this man rented this entire suite just for himself, he actually owns it. He bought this suite in this hotel so he would always have a place to stay when he visited London.

This man is simply known as Zero to the world. Nobody knows where he came from, who his parents are or even what his face looks like. But he is easily the most powerful man after building up his business empires.

Zero layed casually on a sofa and drank some vintage aged wine, this bottle cost him over a million pounds at an auction. "Bleh, this shit is fucking disgusting just like everything ELSE!" He roared and threw the glass bottle onto the marble floor. It shattered on impact and wine dyed the pristine white sofa with a blood red color and also stained the polar bear fur rug that sat under the coffee table.

The butler stood to the side and tried to keep a straight face. That bottle was worth more than he made in 10 years and this man had taken a single sip before wasting it and saying it was disgusting? Not to even mention about that ruined sofa and rug, which were properly worth even more than that bottle of wine.

The butler pressed a button on the side of the wall and maids ran in and quickly cleaned up the mess. They had tired expressions as this was already the 10th incident in just the last few hours.

Zero just stood there and watched them clean up his mess. Nobody could see his facial expressions due to his white mask. The weirdest part was that this mask had no holes for his eyes, nose or even mouth. It was just a featureless white mask.

The door then opened and a man who looked almost exactly like Zero walked in. They were both 6ft tall with black hair and strong looking bodies.

The only difference was this new man's mask had a black number 1 on it's white surface.

Zero turned from watching the maids and nodded towards the man. Having gained permission to enter, the man walked over and kneeled before Zero.

"Number one, what brings you here?"

"My lord, an 'Admin' has arrived."

Zero became ecstatic, creepy red eyes appeared on the white mask and began turning around crazily.


The maids screamed from shock and the butler turned to run. There was something extremely wrong going on here.

Zero started manically laughing as his arms turned into black tentacles that were covered in blood red eyes. The black tentacles then shot out and impaled the maids in one swift motion, causing them to die instantly with shocked and scared expressions.

The old butler almost had a heart attack at the brutal sight but his face became even more pale as all of Zero's red eyes locked onto him. Hundreds of red eyes glared at the butler with intense killing intent. The butler felt his mind breaking as if he was staring at an entity that should not exist on this plane of existence. It was beyond alien, it was incomprehensible with a human level of intellect and understanding.

'If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you...'

Zero's black suit tore apart revealing a vertical mouth with hundreds of shark-like teeth. There was no throat to be seen, past the teeth was only darkness.

His other black tentacle then shot out and grabbed the old butler's legs before dragging him towards the mouth.

"AHHHHH" the butler screamed at the top of his lungs as he was crushed and chewed up before being fully absorbed into Zero.

The disgusting mouth then opened wide and gobbled up the 5 maids bodies in one go. It was as if this mouth was connected to an endless void as it never appeared to be full.

After having a snack Zero calmed down a bit and his mouth closed, his suit mysteriously closed back up as if it was a living thing, repairing a wound.

The hundreds of eyes across Zeros body then stared at the man he called Number one.

"The 'Admin' just arrived at this hotel sir, they are staying at the Royal Suite next door."

Zero's eyes then started spinning chaotically "Hahahahaha I haven't had the taste of a God in a long time! None of the food here contains any mana at all! It all tastes the fucking same AHHHHHH the endless void demands I EAT EAT EAT!"

All the eyes on Zero disappeared instantly as if they never existed.

His body begins distorting and warping before his new form is revealed. Instead of a 6ft tall man with black hair and a white mask, a young girl in a maid uniform with brown hair and blue eyes appeared. It looked just like one of the maids it had brutally killed and consumed only moments ago.

It then pointed towards the door.

"Well we can't keep the guests waiting now can we? Lead the way!" It exclaimed in a shocking recreation of the maids' voice.

Number 1's white mask vanished and revealed a squirming black mass that reformed into an average looking face with no remarkable features.

He then nodded and began leading the monster in a little girl's body towards the guests.