Rykler added to the system

Rykler was gently pushed in a wheelchair by his granddaughter, they followed Adam's imposing 7ft tall back. Adams blue hair fluttered in the breeze giving off a majestic feeling.

They walked along an asphalt road that was lined with trees that Rykler didn't recognize. His entire family was weirdly enthusiastic about nature, and most were vegetarians in his family. So, the fact he didn't recognize a single tree was definitely weird.

As he was about to open his dry mouth, his granddaughter's voice came from behind his head. "Grandpa isn't it weird that we don't recognize these trees?"

Adam turned around from hearing their lowered voices "These trees were all brought from Astra! They collect mana from the atmosphere and pump the mana through their roots to feed the floating island. If not for these tree's the mana density in the air would be far too thin to support this military base and its functions."

"M-mana?!" Diana said hesitantly. "What is mana?" Diana asked, almost sounding desperate, Adam just chuckled in response and did not answer her. Rykler turned his head and saw his granddaughter pouting and quickly turned his head back and pretended he never saw such a cute sight.

After 10 minutes of walking in the relaxing breeze, the group arrived at the doors. After walking through the revolving glass door, the group saw men and women with different hair colours walking around.

A chubby man with green hair was shouting at another with brown hair. "You fucking worthless imp, I told you to bring me some coffee!!!"

"Sir… p-please forgive me" The brown haired man was cowering in fear

"MAGGOT" The green haired man smashed the brown haired man in the face, sending him flying 10 metres across the room before impacting the wall with a loud crash.

Rykler could feel Diana's hands shaking on the handlebars of his wheelchair. Rykler looked back at Adam, but he seemed unfazed by the incident and continued leading the group through the building.

Rykler watched with horror as the brown haired man pulled himself out of the crater in the wall with shaking hands. Blood dripped from a large wound on his forehead and his arm was bending in a weird direction.

The brown haired man was clearly in pain but overall didn't seem too bothered by his condition. The man brought out a pill from his black coat pocket and swallowed it. He then forced his arm into the correct position, creating a nauseating sound of bone snapping. His face scrunched up in pain after forcing his arm into the correct position.

After a few deep breaths he started moving his arm as if it was never injured, the large wound on his head also closed at a rate visible to the naked eye. He spat on the floor as if trying to get rid of a nasty taste. After collecting himself he bowed towards the fat green haired man "I will go and get the coffee now, sorry for the inconvenience" he said in a cold tone, devoid of any emotion.

Adam just waved his hand towards the broken wall and spoke into his wristband "Activate repair artefact"

A happy womanly voice responded quickly "Yes sir!" through the wristband and the wall quickly started to repair itself.

Adam then turned towards the group "Ignore these idiots, follow me please".

The group of earthlings were greatly shaken up by the scene of violence but also the miraculous things they were witnessing. How could a man send someone over 10 metres and imbed him into a wall? How did that man survive such a hit? What is that pill he ate that healed him so quickly? How is the wall repairing itself? So many questions…

Diana lowered her head and whispered into Ryklers ear "If we can get a hold of that pill, maybe it can cure you…"

Rykler tensed up with anticipation. Everyone was scared to die but Rykler had accepted he was near the end of his long life. He was simply a dead man walking, but with a new found hope how could he not be excited?

He started feeling light headed… "Diana… pass me my inhaler, I got too excited" he whispered while gasping for air. Diana quickly retrieved the inhaler and passed it. "Grandpa, you need to be careful! Don't get too excited in the future!".

'Imaging dying because I got too excited, how pathetic would that be…" Rykler thought to himself why sighing deeply.

After walking through the winding corridors for another 10 minutes the group was separated and led into cubicles that reminded Rykler of a changing room. Diana's worried voice could be heard from the cubicle next to him "My grandfather is very ill and elderly, he can't get undressed without help of a robot maid. What do you need us to do?"

"Don't worry miss, there's no need to change out of your clothes, it's just everyone reacts differently to the process of integrating with mana, so some privacy is often appreciated."

Rykler stood alone within the white box, inside was a simple mental chair and a table that had a single purple coloured card. The far wall was a large mirror. He could see his wrinkled face and deathly pale skin. His green eyes seemed dull and almost glazed over.

The previous voice could be heard again "Alright everyone, please sit down and hold the purple card."

Rykler sat his weary body down and picked up the card…

[Reading hosts data…]

A mechanical voice sounded directly into his mind, scaring the living daylights out of the poor old man. Rykler threw the card and almost fell backwards out the chair in fright. Similar cries of surprise could be heard from the cubicles beside him. Just as Rykler was going to cry for help, the voice was heard again.

[Data added to database…]

[Name: Rykler Earth (New surname has been assigned)]

[Age: 87]

[Race: Earthling (Elf bloodline 10%)]

[STR: 3, DEX: 4, CON: 2 (+10), INT: 20, WIS: 15]

[Class (Locked)]

[Skills (Locked)]

[Arthritis (Major)] [Asthma (Critical)] [Parkinsons (Minor)] [Dementia (Minor)] [Heart Disease (Major)] [Eyesight Deterioration (Minor)]

Rykler felt power flow through his body. His almost corpse-like body seemed filled with vitality. He felt 50 years younger, as if he could go run a marathon right now!

He stood up quickly and realised he could easily straighten his back, something he hadn't done in years. He then started coughing quite violently, forcing him to sit back down.

"What… the… fuck… is… happening… to… me" he managed to stutter out in between his coughing.