Chapter 2 : A New Life!

A/N : Aht here!

A new life awaits Itsuki!

The Pokémon egg will not be Eevee or a Riolu, or a Dragon type. One more unexpected~

If you have a power stone, don't forget to use it!


The World of Pokémon.

Such a fantastical world, filled with fantasy and many many mystical creatures. These creatures received the name Pocket Monsters by it's inhabitants. Pokémon for short. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. Not to say how many typings too. Pokémon take after the many different elements found in the natural world. Fire, Water, Grass, you name it. The most recent type that was discovered, was the Fairy typing in Kalos. The ones before that were Dark and Steel discovered in Johto.

The Pokémon World consisted of many different regions too, basically each one spanning the size of a continent or country in Itsuki's last life.

Itsuki's soul soon found its way into a baby basket of sorts, currently sitting front of a large door at the entrance of a large building with a windmill in the back. A vast grassy range extended on outward, containing a large forest and hills in the back. Many ponds could be seen seen, and even a small lake as well. This environment sported many different types of natural elements to suit any Pokémon's tastes.

As for the building itself, it rested on top of a giant hill, which overlooked a small town of sorts. The town was more of a size of that of a village compared to an actual city, which seemed to house one to two hundred people at most. But in the game, this town wouldn't even have 10% to 20% of this population.

A long paved staircase curved down the hill in gray stone. Green shrubbery decorated each side of it. And a closed metal gate connected to two stone pillars stood at its end. This was the actual entrance to this giant building that lead to the building's doorway.

The building itself had part of it rounded, similar to a barn. The other part of the building was built more like a traditional house. It had pink-red roofs and yellow painted walls.

What else could this be but Professor Oak's Laboratory? The Laboratory was separated off by a river down below, with a single bridge crossing over it. After crossing it stood a single paved dirt path connecting to the rest of the town. Many red and white classic houses stood along this paved dirt road. This eventually led to the main square.

Further beyond this town were grassy plains and rolling hills with small cliffs in the north. Back south were farms sporting different types if crops, but mostly wheat. If one looked beyond these farms, one could see the ocean which housed several small strings of island with a large island overlooking the rest.

That large island went by the name, Cinnabar Island! As for the town it connected to by the ocean, the name of this town was Pallet Town! Pallet Town also went by the name Town of the Beginnings in the Kanto region. It was the starting point for any trainer to start their Pokémon journey after receiving their starter Pokémon from the Professor residing in Professor Oak's Laboratory, the famous Professor Oak himself.

And this same Professor Oak was probably in one of the largest conundrums of his life right now. He was currently wearing his lab coat, together with an inner red shirt and tan pants, held by a dark brown leather belt.

Professor Oak himself had aging gray hair, but he sported a bit of a younger look compared to what he currently looked like in the anime. Professor Oak heard his door bell ring while he was in the middle of his lab work, sorting various Pokeballs that belonged to different trainers.

"Hi, I'll be there in just a minute!", Oak said, eventually putting down a box he was currently carrying. A confused look appeared in his eyes. "Strange, I'm not expecting any new trainers today and this ring came directly from the door. Did I forget to lock the gate again?", Oak asked himself.

He then stood up from what appeared to be his office space, which was directly beneath the second floor that connected to the rest of his lab. A large power generator stood off to the right in the first floor, well on the left side stood a giant computer.

He walked past this, eventually reaching his front door. Opening it, he didn't see anyone around, which confused him even more. He then thought whether a package he might of forgotten about arriving. Looking down, he saw woven small baby basket with fluffy blankets wrapped inside of it. A small figure could be seen resting inside of it. This baby was the new body God had just given to Itsuki, and Itsuki's soul successfully merged with it.

Moreover this basket wasn't the only thing Professor Oak saw. Next to the basket was a mobile incubator of sorts. And sealed inside of it was a snowy-white Pokémon Egg with sky blue swirls around it! It looked very different to your typical Pokémon Egg to say the least.

Professor Oak then squatted down in front of the basket. As intriguing as the Pokémon Egg was to him, he had his suspicions. The closer he got down, the clearer he heard snoring sounds. Lifting the blanket up, he did indeed saw a cute baby that didn't even seem to be one year old!

He also saw a white card inside of the blanket. He reached in, and picked it up. The moment he did, he saw the baby's eyes open, staring right at him. Yet he did not cry one bit. Professor Oak found this interesting as well, but decided to see if anything was written on the card. And there was.

It simply read : Name : Itsuki. No surname. Age : 1

Seeing this, a frown finally appeared on his face.

"Oh dear. This does seem to be an abandoned child after all. I haven't even heard of such a thing happening in our small Pallet Town...No surname either. It will be hard to track down this little one's parents."

Yet his worry was soon answered as he flipped the card over. Professor Oak's eyes started to dart back and forth, as he read the text on the back side of the card. It carefully read as :

Alola, my old friend! As you can probably see, this cute little one has unfortunately been abandoned since an early age. But not without reason. Itsuki's parents were good friends of mine from my time before I became a Professor here in Alola.

Before I could form a team, Itsuki's parents unfortunately passed away in a fire in their home. Official results say it was caused by a natural occurrence, but I don't buy that one bit. It's a matter I'm further investigating on my own outside of my work.

I hope your own research has been progressing well too. Mine is about to advance onto its next stage! I hope you can come visit me in Alola sometime soon!

PS, the Pokémon Egg was something I was able to save from the wreckage of that fire. It seems Itsuki's parents were planning on giving it to him to be his first partner Pokémon. It is quite cold, so until it hatches, please try to refrain from touching it too much.

I was surprised to find out what Pokémon this egg belongs to! But I won't spoil the surprise, haha! I'll leave that up to you!

Alola! Stay well, my friend!


Professor Kukui.

"Professor Kukui...", Professor Oak uttered his name. "Of course it would be you, you bastard, hoho. It's been a while since my last visit to Alola. Maybe I should update my itinerary to fly over there in the near future. But I have the popular Summer Camp I'm hosting in the next four or five years or so again here. Perhaps I should wait till after that.", Professor Oak said to himself.

Holding onto the card, he looked at the baby who was silently looking up at him. Reaching out his finger, he wiggled it a bit in front of Itsuki's face, earning a happy coo. Yet after that, Professor Oak let out another sigh.

"Alas. It seems this little one met an unfortunate encounter, losing your parents at such a young age. And to think you're from Alola too. But what is Professor Kukui thinking about sending such a little one here? My daughter just recently gave birth to my first grandchild! Do I even look like a capable parent!? Hoho.", letting out a laugh, Professor Oak mused to himself.

As if on que, Professor Oak suddenly heard a small voice reach his ears and the sound of shuffling feet.

"Grandpa! Did you remember to answer the door this time?"

"Well if it isn't Daisy. I did. Come have a look for yourself."

"Who is it?", the voice asked, who Professor Oak revealed her name to be Daisy. She was the grandchild he just spoke about, Daisy Oak!

Daisy Oak appeared to be around five years old. She had decent length brown hair, styled into a unique bang on the left side of her hair. Two large strands of hair went down the front side of her shoulders. She currently wore a green shirt with a smiley face on it. She wore similar tan pants to Professor Oak.

Daisy arrived besides her grandfather, only to see a small basket and a Pokémon Egg. She then saw Itsuki, bringing surprise to her eyes.

"So cute. Who is this, grandfather? Why is he alone here?"

"Sigh...I won't go into detail much, you're still too young for that kind of stuff. But to put it simply, are you interested in a new little brother?"

"A little brother? Really!?", Daisy said excitedly.

"Mmm. Looks like this little one will be joining us from now on, by a good friend of mine from the Alola region. You do well to best get along with him okay?"

"Okay! My Mom told me she's expecting another child soon too. She just found out the gender of the baby, and she said he's a boy. So I'll not get one, but two little brothers, how exciting!"

"Is that so? My daughter got pregnant again while I wasn't looking? Time sure flies doesn't it?"

Hearing that, Daisy frowned and pouted.

"That's why you should come more often, Grandpa! Mom and Dad miss you! You're way too engrossed here at the lab."

"Hohoho, I guess I should. I'll challenge these growing bones as a parent again. It'll just be how I raised your Mother."

"Really? Somehow I'm starting to feel worried for this little guy..."

"Hey, I take offense to that. But disregarding that, did your Mother speak of any names yet?"

"She did. She already picked out the name Gary!"

"Is that so. So that little one will be Gary Oak, while this little one will be Itsuki Oak, huh?"

"Itsuki? Is that the name of my new little brother here?"

"It is. At least, Our family will get lively again. I'll grab Itsuki's basket. Can you bring in the Pokémon Egg? It might be a bit cold when you touch the incubator hold so be careful okay?

"Okay! Would you happen to know what Pokémon will hatch from this egg? It looks different."

"It definitely is, but even I don't know what will hatch from it. But according to my good friend, it came from the Alola region. Alola has different ecosystems compared to ours, so it could be a mutated Pokémon that adapted to an environment it has."

"I'm...not too sure what that means, but it'll be exciting when it hatches!"

"Hoho, that's why you're still learning. If you want to be a Pokémon Professor like me.", Professor Oak chuckled, placing his hand on Daisy's head, which caused her to wink her eye.

Yet Daisy poured once again.

"But I'm not learning to be a Pokémon Professor like you, Grandpa. I want to become a Pokémon Breeder."

"And yet that still requires you to study, Daisy. Come now. I'm not sure when Itsuki was fed last but he is probably getting hungry after listening to us chat in front the door for a while."

"Okay!", Daisy answered happily.

The two then carried Itsuki and his Pokémon Egg back into Oak's lab. Itsuki's first chapter of his new life was about to unfold before his own eyes.

And like that, time started to speed up before Itsuki realized it!