Chapter 4 : Green

My first four years went by quick. I was now in year 1999 of the Pokémon World, four years old. Both Ash and Gary were four as well, and we were like three peas in a pod. We would find ourselves playing around if I wasn't busy studying with the Professor.

Or should I say four peas in a pod? Turns out we got another childhood friend of ours. It was a girl too, and after meeting her for the first time I almost spat out after hearing her name. She called herself Green! So it does look like its a mash up of both the anime and the games, which I am completely fine with. It could be a mash up of all three including the manga, whichever I'm fine with too. I'm slowly learning which pieces exist and which don't, as Green's the spitting image of her manga counterpart.

She took a liking to Gary very quickly too, and me. She constantly teases Ash for being the sore loser of our group of misfits. She was a literal ball of energy and wouldn't tire out until she was all spent. Where did all that energy go later on, which made her into a thief that likes to steal?

Well, being in Kanto, any notion of thievery can only mean thing. Yup, you guessed it, Team Rocket. Just hearing that name makes me want to vomit. I pity those souls who had to enter such an organization due to bad upbringing if they couldn't make names for themselves or start a normal family.

They steal, commit arson and murder, and even bribe and kidnap people to do their bidding, all in broad daylight too! And they even have their own uniforms which they make it feel like they're a part of something great. Well, in reality, they are far from that. They are cold blooded criminals, and if you think you could become friends with anyone from that organization, well, can't say I didn't warn you. You can expect to be double crossed at any given time.

I just hope a certain pink and blue haired duo with a talking Meowth don't exist in this world. But if they do, can they at least be cruel and actually accomplish things in their lives? Like how that blue hair guy belonged to a noble family. Hopefully it can stay that way.

But enough ranting from me, why am I bringing up all of this when Team Rocket won't even spread their influence for another ten tears or so?

Well, the main problem is actually Green. She's on a certain list held by the executives of Team Rocket to be brought into their organization by any means necessary as I recall, thanks to her potential as a Trainer. Yup, you guessed it. She gets kidnapped, way out here in our lovely Pallet Town, which sports no criminal activity whatsoever. I've no idea how the hell Team Rocket even finds out about Green in the first place.

Ever wonder why Pallet Town was so peaceful? Well our town has been sponsored by the Elite Four. And heavily sponsored at that. If something were happen here on a grand scale, the Elite Four would come rushing in and provide aid to whatever that may be.

Surely there's a cause for this to happen, right? There is, and the man in question is none other than Professor Oak! Turns out God made Professor Oak an ex-champion in this world of mine. Neat huh? I got a champion level figure as my Grandfather!

But it's been several years since he was in that position. If he wasn't talking about his research, Professor Oak would often tell stories to us four about his time as a Trainer, every single one of those stories brought out its own excitement. Eventually a Dragon-type expert named Lance beat Professor Oak for the champion seat, and became the champion, and who is still in that seat at that. No one had ever been able to dethrone Lance yet.

I don't think anyone will either until us four start our Pokémon Adventure. It would be a race to see who reaches the Kanto Elite Four! The Indigo League would happen every year here, and we would always watch it on TV.

Yet the Professor did mention he has something special for us for when we turn five next year. We do celebrate birthdays each year but we also got what's known as the Big 3. Every 5 years a person would be recognized as moving to the next step in their growth. So basically from age 0 to 5 you're seen as a baby who constantly needs to be monitored. Age 5 to 10 meant you're now a kid who can go off and explore without supervision, with or without friends.

Age 10 to 15 you're basically seen as a young teen. This is when people start going to school here too, regardless of what city you live in. And once you become 15, you're legally recognized as an adult.

Neat, huh? That's what they call the Big 3, 3 big celebrations to celebrate one's coming of age at age 5, then age 10, and finally age 15. It would be at age 15 one could officially start their Pokémon Adventure here too. But only those who graduate from Pokémon School and receive a sponsor by a Professor are eligible to actually start said Adventure.

Well, Ash and Green may have it a bit harder trying to get that sponsorship, but Gary and I have it easy, since we have a Professor as our Grandfather.

But this is still a ways in the future, as I need to go to Pokémon School when I turn 10. There are a couple more pressing matters that need my attention first. And one of them is concerning Green.

If things proceed like it does with the manga regarding Green, then Green is set to be kidnapped by Team Rocket, next year when she turns 5 along with the rest of us. Her birthday is the latest of us four thankfully, being June 1st.

As if I'd let that happen. I'm going to protect Green. At all costs. The main problem is...

How in the fucking hell can I fight against a Ho-Oh when I'm just a four year old kid whose first partner hasn't even hatched yet!?

'Wait, why the hell would a Ho-oh appear here in the first place?', is probably at least one of you is thinking right now, right?

I know, crazy right? A legendary Pokémon as my first opponent? Sadly that may end up being the case here. All thanks to a guy whose named goes by : Masked Man. How unoriginal.

But this Masked Man is no pushover. He is probably the largest threat inside Team Rocket, second only to the big boss himself, Giovanni. In fact Masked Man actually becomes the new boss of this criminal organization once Giovanni got defeated by Ash, hightailing it out of there. But that wouldn't happen for more than a decade at least. We would need to start our journey for that.

But that didn't mean he isn't strong. If I recall correctly, the Masked Man has a Delibird, a Houndoom, an Ariados, and a Gengar as his main four. Ho-Oh is a special addition to that, who was forcibly caught by him. Masked Man also forcibly captured Lugia and Celebi too who eventually all three get released later on, but here's to god knowing I hope he doesn't have all three by the time he arrives here.

To be honest, this might be just a big worry in itself, and the guy might not even exist. Guess we'll just have to play it by ear. At least Pokémon-wise we won't lacking if the Masked Man comes knocking at our doorstep, even if they aren't personally caught my me.

Unless if a Trainer stores their Pokémon away digitally in their PC, every single Pokémon they got leftover after their held six gets sent here, straight to Oak's lab, which is basically my lab now too seeing how much time I spend here. They do get their own storage space here and my god is it huge. There is no lack of Trainers in Kanto.

Moreover, Professor Oak still his own team he had when he used t be Champion, and they're all roaming about in different areas here at the ranch! Every single one of them was a powerhouse. An Exeggutor, A Tauros, A Gyrados, a Nidorino, a Dragonite, and last but not least, and one of my favorites, a Charizard. Out of his Pokémon, his Charizard and Dragonite were the most powerful. I do not know what the potential system is like here yet, whether it does it based off of stats and levels, or if a Pokémon's potential is colorized, but either way, I've gotten to know these fellas quite well.

And thanks to that ability of mine, they're friendly with me too, and for some how or another, they recognize me as Oak's grandson. Gary still gets his ass handed to him whenever he tries to approach these six Pokemon though, and every time he does, it's quite funny. Even Green attempted to climb onto Charizard's back once, and boy did that not go well. Ash was too scared to do anything when that happened, and he almost passed out from crying too much.

And starting from my third year when I turned three and was fluent in speaking and reading, Professor Oak showed me the ropes of taking care of the Pokémon left here. Not only that, they are taken out to the massive ranch behind the lab so they can play around or enjoy the outside. But of course Professor Oak watches me whenever I do my rounds there, since I'm still 4 years old.

But I guess time will only tell, huh?

Does the Masked Man exist? If he does, he is probably biding his time away in one of the secret hideouts in the Johto region. For him to come all the way to Kanto from Johto, on Ho-Oh no less, Green is definitely seen as a prize for him. And that only means he considers Green a threat should his plan fail. Well, he doesn't know about me, so if he comes, I'll welcome him.

But the main problem is, how do I get this across to Professor Oak?

Thankfully, one day during this hot summer, as it was currently June of Year 1999, after recently celebrating Green's 4th birthday, a solution came. It was none other than a live news broadcast. Seeing this broadcast start airing as I'm watching it on the first floor of the lab, I yell out to Oak who was somewhere on the second floor.

"Grandpa! Get your butt down here pronto! Something important is happening!"

"What is it Itsuki my boy? Could it be your egg is about to hatch!?"

With a loud bang, one of the doors leading to the second floor swung open hard, creating a loud bang. Professor Oak could be seen carrying a box of Pokeballs. Seeing him, I shook my head.

"No. My egg is showing signs but its not hatching yet. Come over to the TV! There's a live broadcast coming from Celadon City!"

"A live broadcast? That's weird, they typically don't do live broadcasts too often from Celadon..."

"And that's why I'm telling you to get your butt down here now! Celadon City is currently set ablaze!"


Hearing Itsuki yell that out, Professor Oak shouted. He placed his box on one of the nearby desks, and rushed downward, letting his lab coat flutter. Arriving in the first floor at his office space, where I could currently be seen.

Speaking of my current appearance, I never did say what I looked like, huh? I know a lot of people who reincarnate like to go with that white hair and red eyes, but nah, not me. I'm about 3'5, wearing a kiddo lab coat the Professor specifically designed for me, with similar tan pants, but I'm wearing a red shirt instead. As for my hair, it has a similar shade of brown as to Gary's, but mine isn't styled into his spiky hair, mine is more like Light from Death Note. Wavy brown hair with bangs flowing off to the left side. I'm no narcissist, but I still think I look good. And my pupils are pitch black.

But now is not the time for admiration. Green was clinging onto me frightened, watching the ongoing scene on TV. Ash was curled up into a ball, not believing what he was seeing. Gary had a similar dumbfounded look on his face. If I were to say, this is probably their first large fire they've ever seen in their lives. Sure they saw Pokemon breathing and spitting fire before, but fire caused by humans in an act of terror are two completely different things.

As for me, I was the calm one watching it. I've seen my fair share of fires breaking out back in my old world, so I acted calm, yelling out to Professor Oak. While on the TV, the news reporter was detailing the live scene, and it was none other than one of the many officer Jennys.

Professor Oak soon made his way to us four, and his pupils constricted seeing the fire appear on the TV. If one looked closely, it was showing off one of the floors inside the Celadon City Mall, which sported several floors where Trainers and non-Trainers could shop alike from all over Kanto. Celadon City Mall was just about as big as you can get for shopping centers in this region. Turns out the specific store that was currently set ablaze was the floor that sold rare items and those extremely precious elemental stones one could use to trigger Pokemon Evolution.

"You're not kidding, Itsuki. Who in their bright mind would cause such a disaster?", Professor Oak said, cupping his chin as he watched the live scene.

"According to Officer Jenny, they are still investigating it. But Officer Jenny did say there was a group of criminals on the rise lately. According to her, they call themselves Team Rocket, and it is very possible they are the ones behind this."

"Team Rocket...", Professor Oak uttered. As we continued to watch, the police force and firemen were working hard to contain the active fire, but it does look like they had the situation under control.

"Big brother Itsuki, what should we do? This is scary...", Green replied with a tearful look. Seeing this, I placed my hand on her head, which brought her some comfort.

"Leave this scary stuff to Officer Jenny, okay? Look, it may seem scary, but they got it under control."

"Do they now?", Professor Oak asked, musing to himself.

As he did, Itsuki took the TV remote, and turned up the volume, only for the five to hear Officer Jenny make her latest report in front of the camera.

"For those who may be watching this, we are currently live downtown at the Celadon City Mall. This is Officer Jenny here of the Celadon district. We are working hard to contain the fire, but we have the situation under control. It appears a fire broke out last night on one of the upper floors, and we just received a latest report that a bunch of elemental stones have gone missing. We fear this may have been an act of the rising criminal group, Team Rocket. If any of you see these criminals, do not approach them. Take the necessary precaution and do our safety measures, and report them to the police. I thank you all for your understanding. Once again, this is Officer Jenny of the Celadon district, signing out."

After Officer Jenny made her report, the scene changed once again, going back to one of the background cameras, catching the whole thing on one screen. We managed to catch their latest report, and sure enough, it looks like Team Rocket is starting to come out of the shadows. This brought inward smile to my face, as now Professor Oak knows about them. This will make it easier to try and mention Green's situation to him, but I won't directly say that Green will get kidnapped, cause if I do, that would just make me appear crazy. It would cause unnecessary distress on Green too.

Looking back at my grandfather, I saw his eyes become serious. He then grabbed the remote my hand, and promptly shut off the TV, which snapped Ash, Gary and Green out of their daze. He then spoke out to us.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Itsuki. But watching something like this is still too early for you young'uns. I don't want to get an earful from Violet later so pretend this never happened okay? Itsuki, go take Ash, Gary and Green out to play outside. I'll make it an exception this time. I'm going to go ahead and make a call to an old friend."

"We can to go out into the ranch to see the Pokemon? Yay!", Ash replied happily, changing his mood instantly.

"Hmph, if you run out there you'll trip over yourself like you always do, stupid.", Gary replied with a retort.

"C-come on, Big Brother Gary, Ash will be fine. We can go see Grandpa's and the other Trainer's Pokemon again! I want to go feed those Pidgey!", Green smiled, enjoying my hand on her head. Her attitude also changed around for the better after the TV was turned off, especially after Oak said that.

"You three can do what you want. I'll make sure they don't get into trouble, Grandpa. But before we do can I talk to you about something? It is a private matter."

Signaling Ash, Gary and Green, they happily nodded and got up from their spots on the rug. They then approached the hallway on far left side of the first floor, which eventually lead into the ranch outside, and disappeared from sight.

"Is something wrong, Itsuki? Despite being a young genius, even you have your own worries, huh?"

"Hey, I got plenty of things to worry about. Learning isn't everything. But yes, I am concerned about what Officer Jenny just reported on the TV. It's about that Team Rocket."

"Team Rocket...According to Officer Jenny they're a rising band of criminals. You needn't worry about them, Itsuki. Kids your age should have fun and play. I know you like to do lab work helping me out, but take this time to relax."

"I know, but it's just I got a bad feeling about them. They seem so organized. They could strike anywhere if they wanted to. I just can't shake this feeling away."

"Hmm...A bad feeling, is it? Typically when one feels that way it doesn't end well...I can only hope nothing happens to our Pallet Town. I got it, thank you for letting me know, Itsuki. I'm going to go make my call, you go join the other three okay?"

"Okay!", I smiled back at him. Doing the best I could right there, I tried hinting him about Green's potential kidnapping without explicitly saying it. Professor Oak is a bright man, and it seems he caught on to my worry fairly quickly. No wonder he is one of the most famous researches out there.

I bet the call he is going to make is a call to the Elite Four too to provide us some extra insurance. And knowing that, I can breathe a temporary sigh of relief. As I did, I padded myself down and left for the hallway to play with the ranch's Pokemon with Ash, Gary and Green.

If you're out there, Masked Man, you'll regret it if you make an enemy out of me. I'll strike back with full force, whether I have my own Pokemon or not. Besides, I've always wanted to come face to face with one of the Legendary Pokemon.


A/N : Aht here!

Here is a chapter revealing Green as another childhood friend of the gang!

As you guys can see, my fanfic will kind of be a mashup of all three, anime, games and manga, to my own liking of course. Any story elements I don't like I will just take it out.

And remember when I said MC will have 1-2 wives? Well Green is the other potential candidate, so if I go with both, it will be Serena and Green. Anyone else will likely be brought into my other fanfic, as that one contains a large harem as it is already.

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave a comment below if you enjoy the story so far!