Chapter 8 : Wait, My Mom Was A Trainer?

A/N :

To answer another question for you guys :

Ash will have his own journey. MC is not Ash's babysitter. That's Misty's job~ But seriously speaking, it will be Ash, Brock and Misty like in the anime.

Will MC travel with his own group? Answer is, yes! I'm planning his own group of three. He will travel with Gary and Green, up until after Rock Tunnel. Then I may have him go solo for a while, but that's the plan for now. Itsuki is essentially filling in Red's shoes, but will he choose Charmander? Hehehe. (No. So don't have your expectations set on Charizard)

Another question to you guys, I did say I would limit the characters to 2 per gen besides gen 1, but do you guys think that's a lot? Maybe from the likes of each gen character I can choose 5 overall (+gen 1 people). Let me know!

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below, its climbing in rank! Appreciate your guys' support and reviews so far!

A little filler chapter till Summer Camp starts, enjoy!


Seeing the caught Vulpix in my hand inside the Love Ball, I couldn't be happier. However that moment was soon interrupted by the sound of shuffling feet. It seemed both Gary and Mom heard the loud bang Vulpix caused earlier. Mom seemed slightly worried as she spoke out to me.

"Itsuki! Are you alright? What was that bang earlier?", Mom asked, looking worried.

"I don't see Vulpix", Gary said, looking around the room. He then saw off to the right, an open but empty Luxury and Premier Ball. He then looked around some more, only to see a closed Dive Ball, and a Love Ball currently in next to Itsuki. Vulpix initiated the capture on her own, so he didn't have it in his hand right now. But regardless, Itsuki grabbed the Love Ball, which confirmed Gary's suspicion.

"You caught Vulpix, didn't you, big brother?"', Gary asked, which caused Mom's worry to change into surprise. She almost had the same look as that surprised Pikachu face.

Brandishing my Love Ball, I grinned and replied back to him.

"Sure did. Come on out, Vulpix!", I yelled. I then tossed over the Love Ball. With a pop, the ball opened by self. It revealed a small snowy-white and pale purple creature.

"Vulpix!", it yelled out happily. It even changed its direction midair, and landed right in my arms, snuggling against me with a content look on her face.

Wait, now that I think about it, why is Vulpix so friendly like this with me? I did start feeling a bond forming with her since I started watching over her egg, but it shouldn't be that easy, right? This ain't like the games where any Pokemon could listen to you right off the bat after obtaining them. Sure some may be more willing like Oak's starter Pokemon, but each time he sends them off to Trainers, they've already been carefully raised.

It's probably tied to that ability god gave me, but I guess Vulpix ain't a wild Pokemon. Hatched ones typically cling to the they see first, letting them become its mother figure. But since it was forming a bond with me still in her egg, Vulpix already acknowledged me when it hatched, I guess.

That's why it lashed out at Green like that yesterday. It recognized me, but it didn't recognize anyone else, let alone her, so she got what was coming to her.

But regardless, it was pretty funny seeing that happen.

I looked down at Vulpix, who was very content. right now.

I looked back up only to see smile on Mom's face, but her eyes appeared serious.

"Well would you look at that. But Itsuki even though Vulpix may recognize you as its Trainer, you still aren't a Trainer."

"Of course. Not anyone can become a Trainer, right Mom?"


Mom nodded her head after I said that.

"That's right. Going out on an Adventure in the real world is dangerous, and people can even get killed in the wild. That's why kids partake in a 5 year school course to build their foundation of knowledge. Becoming a Pokemon Trainer is one of the more risky professions."

"Yeah. Even if I have Vulpix here, I'd get myself injured easily if I went out there."

"Exactly, Itsuki. Which is why starting from today, if I catch you going out into the tall grass outside our town, you're grounded mister.", Violet responded with a serious tone. (A/N: No one knows Itsuki is a reincarnator, so everyone here just sees him as a 4 year old kid)

After saying that, Mom turned toward Gary and actually said the same thing to him too.

"Same goes for you, Gary.. If I find you trying to sneak off with Itsuki into the tall grass, you're grounded. No buts."

"Aww man.", Gary frowned. Yet that only earned a hand ruffling through his hair.

"A parent can't help but worry for their children okay? Besides, both of your Big 5 is coming up, and that will give you two more freedom. And if that won't budge you, take my words as a fellow Trainer myself. Tall grass, scary. Got it?", Mom replied seriously.

Gary, hearing how serious our Mom's tone was. He became stunned for a moment, but still nodded his head.

As for me, I too nodded my head. I was stunned as well, but for a different reason. Turns out Mom was actually a Pokemon Trainer like Grandpa Oak was!

As such, I decided to ask about that, seeing as I didn't see any mementos of Mom being a Trainer anywhere inside the house, nor the lab.

'Say Mom, you just said you were a Trainer in the past, right?"

"Hahaha, whoops. Guess I slipped that one out by accident, huh? Yes. I was indeed a Trainer, and I even made it to the end of the Indigo League once. I met your Grandpa in battle for the champion's seat, but I got my butt handed to me. Even with my trusted partner and Pokemon, I lost. It wasn't much long after I decided to retire."

"So awesome! So Mom really was a Trainer! That's what's I want be when I grow older, the most powerful Trainer there is. I will be the one to stand on top!", Gary yelled out in excitement. I could see literal stars twinkling in his eyes.

Mom laughed again seeing that while surprise appeared in my eyes. Gary did end up fighting Ash in the Johto League, eventually taking over Viridian City's Gym. Since Red and Blue don't exist here from what I can tell, I hope Gary reaches Blue's potential in the future, to where he can sit on the champion's seat.

Though if I decide to aim for that seat myself, I'd do my best to earn it, haha! Me battling Gary for the champion's seat would be quite the sight!

As Mom got absorbed in her past a bit while Gary yelled out in excitement, I decided to keep the conversation going, asking about the Pokemon she had.

"Which Pokemon did you use, Mom? Even if you lost, making it that far is not easy!"

"It wasn't. I had my fair share of fun. I mostly used Ice and Water types though. I see this Vulpix is an ice-type too, so when you start school in 5 years, you can come to me for questions. But speaking from what I said earlier, if I catch you trying to train Vulpix, you'll be grounded for that too."

"Got it, Mom.", I replied. Mom may be warning us over these things, but from way she sounded, being out in the wild really does sound dangerous, unlike the anime where it dumbed this aspect down a lot. Deaths can happen out there too.

To be honest, I liked it this way better, makes it feel a lot more real! But as far as the training aspect part goes, should I go behind my mom's back? Green's situation worries me still...

But if that comes to happen, I may have to rely on Grandpa's Pokemon. Or maybe Mom's Pokemon.

I know she's doing her best to look out for me, and I love that about her.

But I really wanted to find out if Mom did still have her Pokemon, so I decided to ask. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Say Mom, do you still have your Pokémon with you? It sounds like it's been a while since you've used them last."

"Curious, aren't you, Itsuki? Well, before I retired, I released most of mine, I didn't want them cooped up here. But I did keep one on hand for safety mostly, the others can still respond to my call if go look for them. I wasn't planning on showing him off, but if you're that interested, I could, as an early Big 5 gift for you. Would you be interested in seeing him too, Gary?"

"Of course, Mom! From the way you're making it it sounds like this Pokemon of yours is super strong!"

"Haha, that indeed he is. But even then I couldn't beat your Grandpa."

"Gramps is that strong?"

"If you really want to challenge him, wait till you become a Trainer yourself, and see how strong he really is. But enough of that. If you guys want to see my partner, we'll have to head to the backyard. I don't want him ruining our house.", Violet said.

Gary and I nodded our heads. "Vulpix!" Vulpix also said with a look of curiosity in her eyes. She was silent during this conversation but it looks like even Vulpix became interested in it.

I wonder what Mom's Pokemon is? How exciting!

Before long the three of us...ahem, I mean the four of us, proceeded through our house, eventually reaching our spacious backyard!


Violet's Pokemon is a Legendary. Can you guess which?~

Release schedule : Sun / Tues / Thurs