Chapter 10 : Another Surprise Visit

Lance, the current champion of Kanto was now standing in our backyard. I stood there mouth agape for a moment. It seems like Gary's brain had long since sizzled out, short-circuiting itself.

As I looked at Lance, he had a firm posture, and a unique pressure coming off of him. It wasn't the kind of pressure telling you to go screw off, but the kind that would have you think twice before approaching him. The kind that one mustn't underestimate such a person, or else you'll get your butt beaten badly. As expected of the active Champion of Kanto.

I then looked toward Professor Kukui next to him, who casually had his hands in his lab coat pocket, along with a bright smile on his face. Lance was such a serious guy, while Professor Kukui was the exact opposite of him. The pressure he had was firm, but very warm welcoming.

Now I know a lot of people my last life hated the sun and moon arc. It was quite notorious for its change of animation style. It went from looking like a classic anime targeting young adults and teens, to a dumbed down version of it, changing its audience completely to that of kids. Pokemon was meant for all ages, but it was meant to target kids mostly, so I understood why it's did such a change. I was disheartened by it too, but you can't blame the actual sun and moon story for that, can you?

I mean sure, it was probably the weirdest story out there of the generations, bringing in Ultra Beasts. Those creatures are nasty to their core, and while we in the Pokemon world eventually call them Pokemon ourselves, they are actually aliens. You heard me, the Pokemon does have aliens!

Though these Ultra Beasts aren't actually considered the first aliens to arrive, which they arrive specifically through portals called Worm Holes. The first alien Pokemon suspected to arrive here actually went by the name Deoxys, a Pokemon born from a meteor from outer space itself, one of the legendary Pokemon of generation three, of Hoenn.

But as for the story itself, I enjoyed sun and moon. It brought in new mechanics on top of mega evolution. It had several islands you could explore, it was basically a tropical paradise. It had island trials, and no gym challenges. And many different typing variations. It also was the first region to include regional variants of Pokemon, much like my Alolan Vulpix. She did come from Alola after all.

Alola was very different from the norm to say the least. Moreover, it had no active Champion seat, only an Elite Four. I read from Oak's lab that it recently formed its Elite Four too.

And spoiler alert, the very same Professor Kukui standing in front of me right now was actually the head of said Elite Four! Heck he was powerful enough to ascend to the Champion's seat. In fact it was actually Professor Kukui who created Alola's Elite Four. He was not a man to be underestimated.

As for whether Lance or Kukui was stronger...I couldn't say. Who exactly was stronger between the two? That would definitely be an exciting match to see.

And one last thing to say about Alola, it brought in one of the hottest mothers in the Pokemon franchise, Lusamine. She also had a daughter and son, Lillie and Gladion. I wonder if I would ever get the chance to meet them?

But I soon shook those thoughts away and regained my sight on Professor Kukui who I approached while Vulpix snuggled back into my arms. I smiled at Professor Kukui before greeting to him.

"Alola to you too! From the looks of it you must be Professor Kukui right? Grandpa has told me lots of stories about you. And its a pleasure to meet you too, Mister Champion.", I said, speaking to Lance and Kukui.

"Vulpix!", Vulpix yelled out, introducing herself as well.

Gary's brain finally got its act together and decided to approach me, stammering a bit in excitement too.

"H-Hello. I'm Gary. Wow! I can't believe the Champion is in our home!", Gary said excitement, introducing himself too with sparkles in his eyes as he looked at Lance.

Seeing this, Kukui smiled again and crouched down onto his knees, making his head level with ours. He then placed his hand over my head a bit, rubbing my hair.

"Haha, so you know how to do the Alola greeting. That's good! As they always say, when in Alola, do as the Alolans do, or when you see an Alolan, you greet them with, 'Alola'. And you must be Professor Oak's second grandson, Gary."

"Yes. Hello, Professor Kukui. You're a Pokemon Professor too, aren't you?"

"Sure am. And this little guy must be the Alolan Vulpix from the egg I was able to rescue from your house, Itsuki."

Kukui proceeded to ruffle Gary's hair for a moment, only to switch places, reaching his hand out to Vulpix's head. As he did he saw Vulpix stare at him with a firm gaze, as if she was ready to pounce. Seeing this, he retracted his hand rather quickly, only to let another laugh.

"Haha, Vulpix is quite the haughty one, isn't it. Were you able to confirm its gender?"

"Yes. It's a female."

"No wonder. No matter it being from Alola or Kanto, female Vulpix can be quite temperamental, being protective of their trainers and can easily disapprove others. Looks like its bond with you is rather strong already. Lance and I here just arrived not too long ago, but we were able to catch that snowstorm being formed. I'm guessing Vulpix here was the culprit?"

"That's right. The snowstorm you guys saw was Vulpix unleashing her hidden ability. She's strong, I'll give her that."

"Oh? So that really was Snow Warning!", Professor Kukui responded excitedly.

"That's not something you get to see everyday. For Vulpix to cause a widespread natural phenomenon, she is indeed quite strong from the looks of it. And seeing her gaze from earlier, it wants to challenge that Articuno to a battle.", Lance also said, unexpectedly receiving a praise from him.

"Thank you for your word, Mister Champion. It's quite the honor receiving a praise from the strongest trainer in Kanto himself!", I replied happily.

"Vulpix!", Vulpix also happily responded.

"Wow...", Gary said, not believing Lance's words just now.

We then saw Lance turn his eyes back toward Mom, and spoke out to her.

"So? Will you let Itsuki have a battle with you, Miss Violet? Also it's been since a while since I last saw you. You seem in good health."

"It indeed has been a while, Lance. You seem good too. And no, I will not have Itsuki battle. It can get too dangerous and he's just a four year old kid. Also you can drop the "Miss". Itsuki, you can call him Lance too, he is a friend of your Grandpa after all, haha.", Violet said, approaching us. Mom then wrapped her arm around Gary and I, bringing us into her arms.

Eh? Mom is acquainted with the Champion himself too? And did she just turn him down!?

"What's wrong with him taking on a battle? He has a newly hatched Pokemon looking to gain experience. Moreover, its not like your family line is new to battling. You're family is full of monsters. Don't tell me you forgot your husband was also Champion of Kanto for a brief time, before Professor Oak here took up the seat."

Ehhhhh? I inwardly yelled out in surprise. This was news to me! Mom never talks about Dad so I've no idea where the hell he's been these last four years, or if he was even alive. I turned toward mom and asked her.

"Dad was a Champion too, Mom? I never hear you talk about him. Where is he anyway?"

"I didn't have much a need to talk about him yet, but guess you would be curious after learning about that. Yes your Dad was a Champion in Kanto for a brief time. He's still out exploring the world with that rival of his. Once I became pregnant with Daisy, we settled down here in Pallet Town. He does come home from time to time, that's how your brother Gary came to be. Though the next time comes back, he'll be in for a shock after seeing you.", Mom said with a chuckle.

"Hey, you actually didn't tell Itsuki or Gary about him yet?", Professor Oak said in surprise, asking Mom

"I was wondering why dad was never around. He's still exploring the big world out there, so cool!, Gary yelled out in excitement

I was now having doubts about whether two specific people actually existed in this world or not that god created for me. I know with what I've seen so far, it's pretty much a mash up of each. I mean it already has Ash and Gary, both of who are a part of my generation. God really wouldn't play with my heart by bringing in those two...would he?

It was one thing finding out dad was a Champion too, but I still haven't heard his name yet, and I couldn't find any records of him in our house. Seriously, what's up with Pokemon, leaving out dads? With that in mind, I nervously asked mom.

"Say Mom, you never did mention Dad's name, did you?", I asked her.

As if she made a blunder, surprise appeared in her eyes.

"Oh my, I guess I did never tell you his name, did I? I did tell him to be back for you two's big 5, so he at least knows about you. He actually approved of me adopting you into our family, so it went well."

"I see. What is Dad called?"

"Haha, why spoil the surprise when you can ask him yourself? Looks like Lance and Dad weren't the only ones to show up here."

"Haha, you can say that again. I see this sore loser didn't actually run away from this invitation. It's good to see you again, Lance. You too, Professor.", a middle aged voice suddenly said, distracting us, who specifically called out the current Champion of Kanto.

From inside our house, it wasn't just one figure revealing themselves. Five more appeared beside him. The second one was kind of obscuring his face with the red hat he was wearing, but I knew him well. The other four were Delia Ketchum, who was Ash's mother, Ash, Green, and Daisy. Daisy still had a really tired look on her but she was still wearing a smile.

You know you can always take a break, right Daisy? Sure I was concerned for her, but she was doing this for her future. I will cheer her on later.

Cause right now it seems a gathering of sorts was appearing before my eyes. Was I not kept in the loop of this happening or something? Is this a prelude to the people coming here for Summer Camp? But then again it was the adults, and I'm currently a kid. So I can't complain.

But that wasn't the point! The surprise factor kept rising, especially with the arrival of these two figures in front. And pardon my language again, but you know when I mentioned Gary Oak becoming my younger brother previously?

Well the figure standing in front of me next to Lance and Professor Kukui was the spitting image of Gary here, except a lot older. more middle aged. On top of that, his hair was light brown, a few shades lighter than Gary's brown hair. He was currently wearing a black polo shirt with white buttons going down the center and long tan pants with a black belt and a silver buckle.

That's right, this person was none other than the rival in the game-verse, Blue. Blue mother fucking Oak is apparently my Dad! Who knew.

As for the figure next to him, did he even even need an explanation? He was wearing his iconic red and white Pokeball like hat, which hid most of his face, and his black hair. He wore his signature red and white-lined vest and blue jeans. This was none other than Red, the leading character in the first generation and one of the strongest characters in the franchise.

Not only that, Ash and Delia were next to him, and Ash was even holding his hand. Don't tell me...Did god make Red Ash's father as well? As for Red, he hadn't even spoken a single line nor did he make any facial expressions either since he got here, just like in the game-verse.

God, this is already such an insane mash-up of Pokemon worlds. Why do you keep playing with my heart like this?


A/N : Aht here.

Here is the next chapter!

I did say no Red or Blue previously, but I still decided to bring them in. I just made them older, with both of their stories mostly done already. Don't hurt me!

The battle will happen next! How can there be a battle without an audience? Hehe.

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below! If we can break past 500 stones I'll try for an extra bonus chapter.