Chapter 13 : Vulpix Vs Articuno

A/N : Aht here. Here is the next chapter.

I am planning to include all three in this fanfic : Z-Moves, Mega Evolution and Dynamax.

However fun fact, did you guys know Z-Moves can't be used alongside Mega Evolution or Dynamax?

But that doesn't mean all three can't be used by the same Pokemon.

And this is a fanfic, so we can throw that logic out the window. Who says I can't combine Z-Moves and Megas? Hehe

Don't forget to drop those power stones let's aim for that 600!


Shake. Shake. Rumbleee!

The ground started to rumble before our very eyes. The plain grass started to slide off to the sides. A huge platform soon lifted itself from a giant space underneath.

Our backyard became similar to that of the outdoor field found in Galar's Research Lab located in Wedgehurst Town in the Galar Region. But a key difference was that this field was not paved with concrete. It was mostly paved dirt. It still had the Pokeball in the center of the field, signaling it was a field for battlers.

Some of us started to head on over to the side in front. Ash constantly had sparkles in his eyes seeing a battle was about to take place. Thankfully Gary was there to keep him from running all over the place. Green watched on with curiosity.

Only Professor Kukui, Professor Oak, Mom and I remained while Vulpix and Articuno was still out of their ball.

I saw Mom stay around the control panel at the side of the house, before speaking to me.

"Say Itsuki, would you be interested in changing the field's environment? It's currently set to plains but we do have a few options to choose from.", Mom asked.

I was surprised to hear that. I did see numbers on the control panel, so that's what those were for huh? But I shook my head, denying Mom.

"While that does sound interesting, let's leave the field as is. Besides, I'm sure it will turn into a field to our liking before long, right Vulpix?"

"Vulpix!", Vulpix nodded happily. She then jumped down again onto the grass beside me.

"Ah, that's right. Vulpix has that ability of hers. In that case you've made sure to note down Vulpix's moves right?"

"Of course that was the first thing I did. How could I call myself an aspiring trainer if I don't even know the basics of the basics?"

"Haha, but you're still a kid, Itsuki. People generally won't learn how Pokemon moves work till the first or second year in Pokemon School. But like you see there are exceptions to that if you come across a Pokemon before then, just you and Vulpix. Since you know hers, I'll be expecting it."

"Just the way I want it, Mom. You ready, Vulpix?"

"Vulpix!", She said happily replying back to me.

I then take my Love Ball out of my pocket. Vulpix saw it and turned toward me.

"Vulpix, return.", I said. The ball then acted on its own, letting Vulpix return to her ball.

"Crystal, you return as well.", Mom said following suit.

Articuno was brought back into Mom's ball as well.

"Looks like you two are ready.", Professor oak said. "Kukui and I will cheer on with the others."

"Good luck you two! I can't wait wait to see what that new Z-Move looks like.", Kukui said waving his hand as he walked alongside Oak to join the others at the side of the field.

Mom and I looked at each other before heading off as well.

Seeing us two approach, Lance spoke out with a loud and firm voice.

"Itsuki, Violet, the field is ready. Itsuki, as the challenger, please head to the left area. Violet, you will head to the right."

We both nod our heads. I made my to the left side. Once the full field came into view from my front, I could only let out a sigh.

It was like staring down at the other end of a football field, it felt that wide.

And Lance had me be put on the left side. I was technically the challenger here. Was there an unspoken rule of challengers being placed on the left side I wasn't aware about? I wasn't sure.

Mom saw me behave like this and chuckled.

"Haha, getting Butterfrees in your stomach, Itsuki? As a trainer you'll need to get used to feeling like this."

"I'm just taking it all in. This won't be the last time."

Seeing the two of us at our spots, we saw Lance speak out once more.

"As both of you only have one Pokemon, this will be a one on one battle, with no switching. The first Pokemon to faint the other will be declared the winner. Battlers, bring out your Pokemon!", Lance declared.

Those at the side started to cheer and I smiled.

"Let's do this. Come on out, Vulpix!", I yelled, tossing my Love Ball into the air.

"You two, Crystal. Come on out!", Mom said, also tossing her Pokeball.

"Vulpix!", Vulpix announced herself again, appearing in front of me. She crouched a bit, ready to attack.

"Schreee!", Articuno gracefully yelled. Articuno let out blue sparkles around him as he flapped his wings. He then landed, extending jis wings out.

Seeing the two, Lance nodded.

It was at this time faint blue energy sparked off of Vulpix's body, launching itself into the air. Dark grey clouds formed out of nowhere, encompassing the entire field. The temperature started to drop, and before long, snow flakes started to fall, turning the environment into a snow storm.

Yet all of us were not disturbed by this. Lance kept his cool too.

"Let the battle begin!", Lance signaling, swinging his arm down.

And then the battle began!

"Quick, Vulpix use the snow and hide yourself."

Thanks to the ongoing snowstorm, some parts of the field was shrouded by white snow mist. Vulpix started to dash back and forth, before hiding herself away from sight, lending her body blend in.

"Hmm, going on the defensive already? There's a simple answer to that. Crystal blast away this hail with Hurricane."

Violet suddenly announced one of the most powerful flying type moves that currently exist. White wind started to whip up around Articuno's wings as he flapped them. The flapping increased faster and faster, creating strong gales around it. It blasted most of the field without any target.

Those at the side felt their clothes fly away, having to hold them in place. Kukui held onto his hat seeing how strong the Hurricane was

"That's a really strong Hurricane.", Kukui said while hanging onto his hat.

"Indeed. Violet never showed this move in the Indigo Plateau Conference. Guess she's been keeping up in her training.", Professor Oak also complemented her.

"I didn't marry her for no reason, haha! How will you respond, Itsuki? I'm looking forward to see how you battle.", Blue said looking on without wavering.

After commenting the battle a bit, they saw the snowy mist clear up rather quickly by converging winds that combined into a tornado of sorts. The tornado dissipated, leaving barely any snowy mist left.

But surprisingly Vulpix was nowhere to be seen.

"Now Vulpix, aim for Articuno's right wing with Frost Breath."

Vulpix appeared behind Articuno and jumped up. Opening her mouth blue energy formed before an icy white breath shot out fast. Icy shards also appeared inside Frost Breath.

"Frost Breath huh? That always lands a critical hit if it lands, causing major damage. I won't let you. Articuno take into the skies, use Agility."

"Schreee!", Letting out a calm chirp, Articuno rapidly flapped his wings, and spun around, dodging the Frost Breath gracefully. It was close to hitting his wing but it felt as if Articuno had it under control. It easily took to the skies above.

Vulpix could be seen in the field down below now, and looked up and saw Articuno.

"Crystal, use Ice Beam.", Not giving Vulpix any time to catch up, Articuno opened its beak, letting a blue ball of ice condense. It shot out in three strikes, aiming right at Vulpix.

"So now its Ice Beam, a staple of Articuno. Vulpix counter it with Moonblast!"

"Vulpixxxx!", Vulpix yelled out, letting her tails rise up. A huge ball of blue and pink energy started to form in the shape of the moon, before becoming a pink sphere.

"Is that a fairy move?", Professor Oak asked.

"That appears to be the case. Alolan Ninetales is said to be part fairy type, but for its pre-evolution to also have it, this Vulpix is quite strong!", Kukui replied.

"Launch it.", I commanded Vulpix.

Vulpix then launched the Moonblast, which was sent directly at Ice Beam. Yet as I expected the two to cancel each other out, I actually saw Ice Beam start freezing the pink sphere over. Before it could detonate, it froze, letting Ice Beam travel even quicker down its path.

"Oh no. Vulpix dodge it!", Seeing Moonblast ineffective, I tried having Vulpix dodge, but it expended quite a bit of energy to use it. A loud boom struck as Vulpix got struck with Ice Beam. The Moonblast vanished then, and Vulpix got blasted my way.


"Vulpix are you alright?"

Seeing Vulpix take a strong hit dead on, I could see it somewhat injured. But she shook her body a bit and got on all fours again.

""Vulpix!", She replied, still ready for another shot.

"I'm surprised Vulpix knows a fairy move , and you survived that Ice Beam quite well. But I won't let you rest. Crystal lets finish this, Brave Bird!"

"Mom really shows no mercy, huh? Let's go with a strong move then too. Its time to whip up the snow. Use Blizzard!"



Articuno suddenly tightened his wings in, and started homing in on Vulpix. A fiery aura appeared around Articuno and about halfway down, it changed to blue, successfully launching Brave Bird. Articuno's speed was quick, but Vulpix was able to let her energy rush forth, and whipped up a powerful snow storm.

As hail was still in effect, the surrounding got cold really quick. Icy shards were whipped up everywhere, heading right at Articuno. This time as Blizzard and Brave Bird clashed, a powerful boom shook the backyard. I actually saw Articuno fly back up a bit, blasting away. I even saw its wingtips now clustered with ice. It looks like it barely took any damage though.

Articuno really is strong. Mom trained him well, I thought to myself.

Mom was equally surprised seeing Vulpix launch a Blizzard, one of the most powerful ice type moves and it canceled out her Brave Bird.

But before mom could do anything more, Articuno was suddenly struck with red coils of lightning and he winced in pain. His height in the sky fell a bit before he stabilized himself him.

That's recoil damage for you I inwardly retorted.

"Are you alright, Crystal?", Mom asked him.

"Schree.", Articuno responded, flapping his wings again a bit. Mom then chuckled.

"You're still raring to go, good. For Vulpix to even know Blizzard, you lucked out Itsuki. But it looks like Vulpix doesn't have much left in her to spend.", Mom said, looking at Vulpix calmly.

I too saw Vulpix and that explosion just now actually caused some more injury on her. She was pretty battered at this point. Vulpix turned back to me and I could see fire in her eyes, telling me she still wanted to do more.

I then looked down at my Z-Ring, placing my hand over it.

"It looks like you're right about that, Mom. I think its time to finish this, with the same Z-Move given to me by Tapu Koko!"

"Vulpix!", Vulpix yelled out. In then crouched down, and looked up at the slightly damaged Articuno.

"So you're really going to use it. Very well, let me see the power of a Z-Move. Crystal take into the skies!"

"By our power we will make sure this works. Let's go, Vulpix!"



Touching the Z-Crystal, I brought my arms together, crossing them. The --Ring then lit up with a yellow light as I parted my arms. My arms then felt as if they moved by themselves, enacting the same pose Tapu Koko taught me.

"Ooh, Itsuki is finally going to use the Z-Move!", Kukui yelled out excitedly.


"Yes. But will it be enough to take down a Legendary Pokemon?", Professor Oak asked. Everyone else became excited too, seeing a blue aura envelope my whole body. Doing the rectangle motion, I finished it off, crossing my arms over once more.

The energy suddenly spread on over to Vulpix, before the blue energy changed into pale purple through several strands. Vulpix then had a unique totem mark appear from her body and yelled out, saying she was ready.

"Zero Ice Prison!", I yelled out, and so did Vulpix.

"We'll go all in too. Articuno launch a flurry of Blizzards. Make sure this attack doesn't connect."

"Schree.", He complied. Articuno then started to flap his wings, stirring up fierce blizzards. As for Vulpix, a huge pillar of ice formed beneath her, letting her soar into the sky while on the pillar. Huge amounts of ice gathered in her mouth and she fired them off into four strands, similar to Ice Beam. Articuno trued to blast them away with blizzards, but they went into four areas around Articuno, and suddenly connected to each other.

Articuno became locked inside a box of sorts, trapping him. Vulpix didn't stop there and launched one large ice beam, heading straight at Articuno.

"Crystal use Steel Wing to cut open those strands of ice and finish this off with Ice Beam!"

Seeing all of this happen, I saw mom remain calm and not get nervous. As expected of a veteran trainer. I saw Articuno act very quickly, letting his wings turn grey-white and actually tore through the 'prison' I set for him. Three bolts of ice energy formed over his mouth and launched at Vulpix.

The two beams struck head on, letting one freeze over the other. In the end, I saw Articuno trump and his beam quickly froze over Vulpix's. Quickly, a string of ice shards formed into a diagonal pillar, before striking Vulpix head on.

"Amazing...", I couldn't help hut utter that as I saw Vulpix yell out in pain, creating another explosion in the process.

"Vulpix!", I rushed out, watching her get blasted backwards.

"Vul...pix...", Vulpix uttered one last time, before fainting in my arms.

Seeing Vulpix faint before my eyes, I ruffled her a bit before pulling out my Love Ball.

"You did well for your first battle, Vulpix. Take a nice long rest, okay?"", I said, recalling Vulpix back into my Love Ball.

Lance had a calm appearance during this battle but he was inwardly surprised seeing that last clash with the Z-Move being used. The battle ended so quickly, so he had to declare the winner.

"Vulpix is unable to battle. The winner goes to Violet and her Articuno!", Lance declared, bringing the crowd out of their stupor.

The long icy pillar soon crumbled away and the hail eventually dissipated. Articuno let out a happy chirp before landed besides mom. He was somewhat battered but still had stamina to use.

"You did well, Crystal. How did it feel going up against that move?"

"Schree!", Articuno responded happily, not disdaining Vulpix in any way.

"Guess you had your fun then. Crystal, return.", Mom said, recalling her Articuno.

And just like that, my first battle was over. Man, having Pokemon battles and experiencing them like this is way better than playing it through a game. And after facing against a Legendary Pokemon, they are definitely worthy of being in their own tier. Articuno successfully came out of that Z-Move without even knowing what it was.

I know my next battle probably won't come for a while unless that Masked Man exists, but I'm more looking forward to starting my career as a Pokemon Trainer now!


First time writing a Pokemon battle. Let me know how it goes!