Chapter 16 : May and Dawn

Hoenn Region Littleroot Town.

A lively town, home to Professor Birch's Lab. Professor Birch was known to be the go to Professor to start one's journey in the Hoenn Region. Contrary to its size in the games, Littleroot Town was actually quite large. It was also said to be never-changing, no matter how many people pass through it.

It was a waterfront town with a complete port. It sported tall buildings and towers. Even its Pokemon Center was the size of a modern day hospital. As for Professor Birch's Lab, it overlooked the the rest of the town on the outskirts, placed on top of a hill.

But at this present moment, no one could be seen inside Professor Birch's Lab. It appears he and his assistant could be seen elsewhere.

Moving down to the docks, five figures could be seen. Two of them appeared packed, ready to set off on the cruiser behind them. One of them was a rather pudgy man wearing a dark blue shirt and tan pants, wearing a lab coat over them. He had short brown hair and a beard.

This man was Professor Birch, Hoenn's Professor!

Next to him appeared a five to six year old girl with brown hair too. Her hair split off into two really large bangs going down each side of her head. She was wearing her classic red shirt and a white blouse with dark blue spats underneath it, just a smaller version of it.

This girl was none other than May, and she too had a small letter in her hand. Both Professor Birch and May were ready to set off as three others watched them.

The other three were Joshua, who was Professor Birch's Lab Assistant, Norman, May's father and Gym Leader of the normal-type gym in Petalburg City. Next to the two was his wife, Caroline. Her stomach was bulging out, and it seemed she was pregnant. As May is present here, it was likely she was pregnant with Max.

An excited look could be seen in May's eyes. She was your typical country girl. Yet a hint of worry was there too as she spoke out to her father. (A/N: I like manga May better in terms of behavior, so I'm going with her over anime version)

"Papa, are ya sure yer fine with me goin' to Summer Camp? Mama needs all the help she can get ya know!"

"Haha, you leave your mother's situation to me. Ever since we received Professor Oak's invitation, you've had sparkles in your eyes, May. Be sure to thank Professor Birch later okay? It was because I'm good friends with him that you're going after all."

"I will, Papa!" May smiled, gripping her hand onto the letter she was holding. Professor Birch laughed seeing this.

"Professor, you'll look after our daughter during this next one to two weeks right? I do want us to go too, but we've got work."

"Haha, leave May to me, Caroline. I know it isn't easy for Norman since he's still an active Gym Leader, and you're entering the late stage of your pregnancy so I understand why you don't want to move around much. But why are we leaving by ship of all things? Moreover we're even using your private boat...", Professor Birch said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Yet before the two parents could even reply, May spoke out excitedly.

"That's cause we are makin' this trip into an adventure! I'm lookin' to go on my own adventure at some point so this will be a good startin' point. And when yer in Hoenn, travelin' by sea is the way to go. Flyin' way too boring.", May said, raising her fist into the air.

"At least you seem in high spirits, May.", Professor Birch said with a smile. He then reached into his coat pocket, only for everyone to hear a jingling sound of keys. They then saw Professor Birch take his hand back out, tossing his own car keys over to Joshua. Joshua caught them without trouble and Professor Birch spoke out next again.

"Look after the Lab while we're gone, okay, Joshua? We aren't expecting any new trainer arrivals while I'm gone, but if something unexpected happens, I authorize you to safely deliver them their Pokemon. Feel free to use the car while we're gone."

"Thank you, Professor. I'll ensure the lab is still in one piece when you and young May return."

"Mmm.", Professor Birch nodded. He hadn't doubted Joshua's abilities since he became his assistant, and he had no worry over this. He then saw Norman toss his boat keys to Professor Birch.

"Take care, Professor Birch. Tell Professor Oak I give my regards. Don't you dare get into trouble, May."

"You too, Norman, Caroline. May are you ready?"

"Yeah! Let's go!", May yelled out happily, and jumped onto the cruiser behind them in one go. Professor Birch followed her and the two waved their hands goodbye, as Professor Birch slowly drove out of the dock.

May had begun her trip to Professor Oak's Summer Camp via boat along the Hoenn sea...

Sinnoh Region Twinleaf Town

The beginning town in the Sinnoh region. It was a very scenic town, precariously placed over some rolling hills. Some scattered mountains and forests could be seen off to the left and the humongous Mt. Coronet mountain range stretched along the eastern ridge, separating the rest of the Sinnoh region.

Within Twinleaf Town stood a rather decorative three story house, lavished with a green-teal colored roof and windows. A large flower bed could be seen to the left side of the house. If one looked out back, they could see a light brown paved dirt battle field, very similar to the one behind Itsuki's house. However this one had no fancy gadgets tied to it to hide it away, it was just a normal battle field.

And among the houses scattered in Twinleaf Town, this one appeared more fancy. It made sense, as it belonged to one of Sinnoh's Top Coordinators, Johanna. Thanks to winning several Coordinator Cups and becoming Top Coordinator, Johanna had amassed quite a fortune. Every so often she would teach young aspiring Coordinators at her house as well.

At the present moment, Johanna could be seen with her Glameow sitting next to her as they stood at the front of her house, facing two other figures.

One of the two figures in front of her was a rather tall and stern man. He appeared he was aging as well, he was one of the older known Professors, sporting a full head of gray hair. He had long sideburns and a thick mustache. He was currently wearing a long leather one piece dress jacket over a blue dress shirt and black dress pants. He looked very similar similar to that of a top businessman, especially with that stern look of his.

He even had his leather case next to him. A couple of suitcases could be seen around him and the other figure next to him too, who was wearing a small backpack.

This man was Professor Rowan, the main Professor of the Sinnoh region. He too had received an invitation to Oak's seminar, along with Professor Elm and Professor Birch.

As for the other figure beside him, it was a little girl, who appeared as if she was a small version of Johanna. And in fact, another small figure could be ween next to Johanna.

The one next to Johanna was Leona, a childhood friend of the figure standing in front of her.

As for the last figure, she was indeed none other than Dawn, who sported the same dark blue hair as her mother. She was the main girl who traveled with Ash and Brock in the Sinnoh region, and a small letter in her hand could be seen.

"Professor Rowan, I leave my daughter in your care. We haven't known each other for long, but with you being a renown Professor here in Sinnoh, I can trust you, right?"

"Yes. We share the same destination, so it makes for us to head there together. It was good Professor Oak contacted me beforehand letting me know who he sent his invitation to. Dawn sure is a lucky kid to partake in Professor Oak's famous Summer Camp."

Hearing that, Leona frowned.

"You're so lucky, Dee dee. It's a shame we can't go to Kanto together."

"Geez, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me like that, Leona? I'll be fine by myself, honestly! I'm so looking forward to meeting new friends there. Isn't Professor Oak's Summer Camp known to have lots of Pokemon to play with too?"

"Indeed. It is quite a famous event for you youngsters. Apparently Professor Oak accepted an assistant recently, and he's a kid just like you. To be honest that's one of the main reasons why I'm attending this seminar for us Professors' side. To have a good look at such a person.", Professor Rowan replied.

"Oh? A kid is actually working for Professor Oak? He might be really bright to be in such a position. Perhaps he might be good enough to partner up with my cute little Dawn here, hehe.", Johanna said, teasing Dawn with a giggle. It caused Leona to laugh while Dawn blushed a bit. Professor Rowan remained calm.

"D-Don't tease me like that, Mama! I don't need any boy beside me. I'm looking forward to this Summer Camp to play with all those Pokemon Professor Oak has!"

"Yes, yes. Off you go. Be sure to tell me all about it later."

"Gla.", Glameow replied, stretching her body out.

As Glameow did that, as if on que, the four suddenly heard a long distant honking noise coming docks down south. Before they realized it the sun was starting to set. Seeing this, Professor Rowan spoke out.

"It's time to depart. Boarding will take place soon. Let us go, Dawn. We will arrive in Kanto before you realize it."

"Okay! I'll miss you, Mama, you too, Leona."

"Have a safe trip, Dawn, Professor Rowan. We will wait for you two to return."

"Have a fun time Dee dee, Professor!", Leona happily waved at them.

Professor Rowan then picked up the two's luggage with ease. Dawn puffed out her cheeks at Leona but didn't say anything. The two then left toward the docks, ready to start their trip to Kanto...

Along with Itsuki, Gary, Ash, Green, Goh, Chloe, Tracey and Ethan, May and Dawn are the 9th and 10th participants in the upcoming Summer Camp!


Aht here. Here is the next chapter!

Five more slots to go. Cynthia and Serena are confirmed two out of those five. The other three are up for grabs!

How are you guys enjoying the perspectives so far?

There will be a couple more perspectives coming up before Summer Camp begins. There will be another legendary encounter coming up too, and if you guys watched Pokemon 2019 you guys probably know who it is~

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones. Let's reach that 500!