Chapter 28 : Properly

Several splashes of running water later, two figures appeared from inside Serena's bathroom, holding hands.

One was of course Serena, her long hair could be seen dangling wet. Same for me but my brown hair was much shorter than hers. We could be seen wrapped in bath towels.

"Hehehe, we were able to wash each other's backs. With you being so tall I wasn't sure if I could even reach it all."

"Haha, it was enjoyable to say the least. Come, let me do your hair.", I responded to her with a laugh of my own.

"Really!?", Serena's eyes glittered in excitement. "I always love it when you brush my hair.", Serena replied happily. "But I don't think many boyfriends normally do that, do they?", Serena also asked.

"Hmm, I don't think so. My case is a bit special. If there's a person to blame, it would be Teacher Hobbes.", I replied to her.

"Teacher? I know you just finished school seeing you're here and all, but did you have a private teacher outside of that?"

"Ahh. You know that Lillie decided to move in with me at Kukui's place right?"

"That's right. I wouldn't even think of doing something like that at that young age back then, but she was feeling lonely, wasn't she?"

"Yeah. Shortly after I arrived I was able to meet her family. Yet within a year or two an incident occurred, causing the disappearance of her father. Gladion, Lillie's brother, decided to take matters of searching for him by his own, and left. I currently don't know where he is either. As for Lusamine, she's been busy with the Aether Foundation so she barely has any time for Lillie."

"Such a thing happened...? Lillie always seemed like she was happy necx to you whenever we did video calls."

"Lillie is strong. She's been learning to become independent too. But as a result of this, Teacher Hobbes came to me and gave me training to act as a caretaker for her."

"Training a child to become a caretaker? Now that's just silly.", Serena replied, first appearing worried but now she was confused.

"Right? But like I said, my case is special. It was a requirement for me if Lillie wanted to stay beside me instead of the Aether House. Sure, Teacher Hobbes could have watched over us himself, but he deemed fit that I was better for it. Perhaps because I was in fact a child more her age instead of being an adult like him."

"I see. So you must have learned a lot then? I'm surprised you didn't tell me about this until now."

"Haha, I didn't want to cause worry for you. And pretty much, yeah. Mannerisms, cooking, cleaning, taking care of oneself, you name it. I was mostly focused on studying Pokemon and having fun with the others back at Pallet Town. So covering these areas during my stay in Alola, I couldn't be more grateful to Teacher Hobbes.", I concluded.

"So that's what happened while you were there, huh? But your stay is now over isn't it? Won't Lillie become lonely again? You did say she is becoming independent, but...", Serena replied, appearing worried once again.

As she did, I continued to brush her hair while she sat down at her stool at the side of her bedroom. In front of us was a pretty large mirror. Yet the only thing she saw was me smiling. I paused for a moment before answering her.

"...Do you want to see her?", I asked with a smile.

As soon as I did, Serena became still and her eyes turned wide.

"Don't tell me she's here!?", Serena yelled out in surprise, almost causing her body to fall over on the stool. Her sudden motion almost caused the brush in my hand to fall out of it too, but I stood steady.

I then saw her stand up and turn around. I saw sparkles in her eyes.

"Didn't you say something about having guests? Don't tell me..."

"Haha, well then you should get ready to find out eh?"

"Yeah! I've already caused enough time to pass as it is--!?", Serena replied back in excitement. Yet she seemed to have misplaced her footing, as I saw one of her feet trip over herself.

Seeing Serena's body start falling backwards, I reacted quickly. I reached out my arm, placing it behind her shoulder.

"Oh...", Serena replied bashfully, seeing as I caught her before she could hit her head on the desk.

"I've caught you~", I replied in a teasing tone, which caused Serena to blush her cheeks.

However, as a result of our sudden movement, we both felt something unravel on our bodies. Plop.

All of a sudden, our bath towels unraveled themselves, letting them fall onto the floor. These were the only things covering our bodies, so once they dropped, we became buck naked in front of each other.

We were so in the bath a few moments ago, but with the time spent in there, we were mostly looking at each other's backs. It ended with Serena cuddling against my chest in the tub, enjoying the hot water.

But now, this was actually the first time seeing her bare front so close up, I couldn't advert my eyes.

"Ahh...", Serena immediately recognized my staring. Her cheeks turned more red but she didn't back away. Perfect C size cups, a slender body but toned thanks to Grace's Rider training she did for her in past, and a closed crotch waiting for someone to come knock on it for the first time.

Likewise, Serena saw my fit tan body and my dangling member below.

"Like what you see?", Serena asked me embarrassingly.

"Of course. You're beautiful, Serena. Entering a relationship was one of the best decisions I've ever made."

"Oh you...", Serena replied. Despite being naked in front of each other, she approached me, and gave me a hug. I could feel the tenderness of her breasts press against my chest as our bodies shared warmth. "You always know how to choose the right words, don't you?"

"Still, you like what you see, but I like what I see too. You're handsome, Itsuki. I know 'That' already happened by accident, but we can do the proper one now, don't you think?", Serena asked me, looking me right in the eyes.


Yet before I could say anything else, I saw Serena close her eyes. Her head inched toward mine as she tried to match our height. I felt something soft and warm press against my lips. The sensation was familiar as it was the same of what happened on the bed earlier.

However, this time, Serena went further and we ended up properly locking our lips. Serena even opened her mouth, letting her tongue lick against mine. My eyes turned wide seeing this happen, but I closed them, and wrapped my arms around her, enjoying this new sensation.

As a result, Serena let out cute stuffed moans as our tongues danced. A couple moments later, our lips parted, revealing a super blushed Serena.

"Itsuki, it was so great getting a chance to meet you ten years ago. I had no idea it would turn out like this, but I couldn't be more happier. I love you."

"I share the same feeling, Serena. I love you too.", I replied to her with a smile.

We soon parted our hug, letting out a laugh. Serena sat back down on the stool, with me resuming brushing her hair. We still didn't have our clothes on, but it seems Serena was no longer embarrassed by that. Besides, it seems she still had something to say.

"While we share these feelings, Itsuki, I'm probably not the only one to have the same feeling I feel for you, you know?"

"Hmm?", I asked her, unsure of what she was saying. I saw her lift her head up a bit letting her eyes look at me.

"Don't you play dumb with me. You've been living Lillie for almost ten years. You are under the presumption that you're taking care of her, but has Lillie really not felt something toward you since?"

Hearing that, I became surprised.

"From what you're suggesting here...Are you saying that Lillie likes me?"

"Well, obviously! It can't be more clear than that. Moreover, if what you said is true and Lillie came with you, it's clear she wants to be by your side. You really haven't done anything to her yet?", Serena questioned me.

"Of course not. I already have you, so why would I touch Lillie?"

"Well, you like her too, don't you?" Serena asked with a giggle. She then started to dangle her feet below the stool, moving back and forth. "I'm not actually against it, you know?"

"Eh?", I asked her, becoming more surprised. "Is this your way of saying I should chase her?"

"Hehe, well let's put it this way. Do you want Lillie to end up with some random guy you don't even know?"

After Serena asked that, I turned quiet. I felt my heart thump a bit as well. Feeling that, I shook my head.

"No, I don't.", I answered her.

"Well, there you have it. You know your answer."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm giving you my okay, so it's fine! We were able to have our own push today, so I'm giving you my push for Lillie too. Well, in the end it still depends on what she thinks. Let's go get ready! I want to see her!", Serena replied with another giggle. She then raised her head again, planting a quick kiss on my cheek.

Afterward, I finished brushing her hair and we put on a clean set of clothes. What seemed like an eternity was now over, and I enjoyed every second of it. I'm sure Serena did too. Moreover it looks like she gave me the okay to ask Lillie out too. Over the years, I could slowly start seeing her develop feelings for me.

According to the society I live in this world now, people actually don't condone these types of relationships, it's just that they're pretty rare. Most men settle down with one girl and likewise for the latter.

But if one man wanted to settle down with two or three girls he could, or if a girl wanted two husbands, she could, without getting any whiplash from our society standards.

But what Serena didn't know is that she still has one surprise waiting for her. She would be accompanying Lillie and I during my Kanto journey. On top of that it was time for her to receive her starter Pokemon too. Lillie would receive her starter once we come back to Alola to start our Island Challenge.

We finally made our way downstairs, holding hands of course. A soon as I saw the three figures waiting for us, I saw Grace grinning at me, specifically looking at what we were currently doing.

As for Serena...her assumption became realized the moment she saw a beautiful blonde haired woman sitting at her table, along with Professor Sycamore. She let go of my hand and became excited as she rushed toward the table.

"Wow, it really is you, Lillie! You too, Professor Sycamore?"

"Serena!", Lillie replied back, greeting Serena.

"Hello there. Now that you're here Serena we can get down to business.", Professor Sycamore also greeted Serena.

After he said that, Serena looked at him with a look of interest.


Ships are sailing =3=

End of fluff chapters.

Don't expect any actual action till probably the Kanto League at the earliest.

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below!