Chapter 31 : We're On The Road To Viridian City~


"This should be illegal!"

"What in bloody hell is this?"

"Vul!" "Nine!" "Vulpix?"

All of a sudden, three voices cursed out inside Professor Oak's lab while a fourth figure could be seen grinning at them. Our Pokemon also yelled out, wondering why we did just now.

Arriving at the lab, Professor Oak went right down to business. He revealed the four Pokemon he had gotten from his latest batch for new Trainers to us, and gave us their Pokedex readings. It was of course Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Pikachu. The reason why we cursed was because of the info that was displayed to us. Each one of the four was absurd.

"Bulbasaur, the seed Pokemon. A young Bulbasaur uses the nutrients of its seed as energy it needs to grow. It bears the seed of a plant on its back from birth. It is rather hard to capture one from the wild."


Gender : Female

Level: 5

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Grassy Glide, Grassy Terrain

Ability: Chlorophyll

31 IVs . IVs set for Hidden Power Ice

"Charmander, the lizard Pokemon. Charmander's health can be gauged by the fire on the tip of its tail, which burns intensely when it is in good health. It is said that Charmander will die, if this flame ever burns out."


Gender: Female

Level: 5

Moves : Growl, Scratch, Ember, Dragon Dance, Counter, Dragon Rush

Ability: Solar Power

31 IVs

"Squirtle, the tiny turtle Pokemon. During battle, Squirtle hides in its shell and it sprays water at its opponent whenever it can. The blasts from these water attacks can be quite powerful."


Gender: Male

Level: 5

Moves : Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Life Dew, Aqua Ring, Flip Turn

Ability: Rain Dish

31 IVs.

"Pikachu, the mouse Pokemon, and the evolved form of Pichu. Pikachu's tail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises it to check its surroundings. It can generate electric attacks from the electric pouch located in its cheeks."


Gender: Male

Level: 5

Moves: Tackle, Thunder Shock, Disarming Voice, Reflect, Nuzzle, Nasty Plot

Ability: Lightnings Rod

31 IVs

(A/N: If you guys haven't realized by now, I'm combining different gen dex readings to make it flow better)

"Gramps, just what the hell types of berries have you been feeding these guys?"

"Hohoho, now this was the expression I was looking for. You three must be surprised, yes?"

"That's an understatement, Gramps. A terrain setter, one that can be deadly quick, and one that can heal q lot. Moreover, you got your hands on a Pikachu too. Aren't they really rare and mostly found in the Viridian Forest?"

"They are. And to answer your current doubts, this batch is courtesy of the elite four. A special breed chosen by them. Whomever you choose, the remainder will be left for Ash, Gary, and Green. I need to remain impartial with this."

"Seriously? These guys were hand picked by the elite four themselves?", I asked him with a look of shock in my eyes.

"And it's not just one that's like this, each one of these four is special...", Serena also said with surprise.

"Right? Well, if you want a specific person to thank, its Lance."

"Lance...If it was anyone, I had a feeling it'd be him. Perhaps it was because he witnessed me battling ten years ago?"

"Yeah. That was part of the reason. The other is related to Amber. A shiny Alolan Ninetales with its hidden ability able to cause such a phenomenon at birth is a rarity. Ever since you've recorded her data in the Pokedex and since Lance saw that battle, you've entered the elite four's radar. They're placing high hopes in you in hopes to reach them."

"Wow...", I replied. "They really do think I'll reach the Kanto Conference?"

"Hoho, if they had thought otherwise, I'd just be giving out a normal batch of the starter Pokemon.", Professor Oak replied, rubbing his chin.

"So, Itsuki. Here is the main question. Knowing these four Pokemon are special, who will you choose? Are you still wanting to follow in Blue's footsteps?"

"Well, I do need to live up to their expectations, if they're expecting this much of me.", I answered Professor Oak.

"And to answer you're question, that's natural isn't it?" I smiled, feeling confidence swell inside me. "I've long since decided who I am to choose."

Professor Oak nodded at me, and stepped to the side. Serena and Lillie looked on with anticipation.

I took some steps forward, and did one sweep at the four. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Pikachu did not turn away at all, and even looked at me curiously. And since this Pikachu was one chosen by the league, it was probably not the problematic Pikachu Professor Oak had to deal with in the anime.

And if that's the case, will Ash even be a good fit for this Pikachu? I guess only time will tell for that.

I only took a couple moments before my eyes landed on Squirtle.

Approaching Squirtle, I picked him up, who didn't retaliate in any way. He was looking at me curiously. Seeing this caused me to smile.

"Squirtle, would you be willing to be partner and join me on my journey?"

"Squirtle?", Squirtle asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Ninetales!", Amber suddenly yelled out, approaching us. Squirtle looked at Amber for a moment before looking back at me.

"Squirtle!", Squirtle replied happily, nestling into my arms.

Looks like Amber just needed to talk to Squirtle for a moment for Squirtle to make his decision. Perhaps that friendliness of mine also factored in.

Without saying anything, I reached for Squirtle's pokeball, which had yet to capture it.

Seeing this, Squirtle leaned in and tapped his head directly onto it. The Pokeball then fell down onto the ground, and started to wiggle.

Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle. Ding!

"Welcome to the party, Squirtle. I'm looking forward to raising you." I smiled, leaning down to pick up his Pokeball.

"Looks like its settled.", Professor Oak smiled back. He then shifted his eyes to the three remaining on the table in front of them. "Don't worry you three, your trainers will come to choose you in a few months. I ask you to be patient till then. Return.", Professor Oak replied to Bulbasaur, Charmander and Pikachu, grabbing their Pokeballs.

"Char!", " Bulba.", "Pikachu!", the three responded, understandingly. They returned, and vanished from sight.

Serena and Lillie approached me and congratulated me.

"So you did choose Squirtle after all. Were you not tempted by them?" I personally would have chosen Bulbasaur."

"Moreover, did Professor Oak say your dad was Blue? We haven't personally met him yet, but I'm guessing he chose a Squirtle as well?"

"Heh, dad sure did pick Squirtle when he started his journey. The others were really tempting, but seeing Squirtle having those healing moves sold me. This way I won't need to catch a Chansey."

"Is that so? Well, you had that look of determination in your eyes. Reminds me of Blue when he was younger, hoho.", Professor Oak smiled back. "Though our business here isn't done yet, you know that right Itsuki?"

"Yeah. Don't you give out these Pokedex to Trainers too?"

"I sure do! This one is yours, Itsuki."

Retrieving the other item on table, Professor Oak handed me a red device of sorts. It was reminiscent of the DS in my past life. It had a flip screen.

"As for you, Serena, Professor Sycamore gave a Pokedex too didn't he?", Professor Oak also asked.

"He sure did.", Serena replied, proceeded to bring our her Pokedex. Hers appeared very different. Serena's was like that of a smart phone with a blue screen in its center.

"Good. Each Professor has their own design variation to these Pokedex, but it was me who originally created them. I was so young back then though."

Hearing that, Serena and Lillie became surprised.

"Wait, you created the first Pokedex, Professor?"

"Indeed. It wasn't brought up to you guys before, but I am the original creator. My dream was to build a large database of every single Pokemon we know today. Red and Blue had actually accomplished most of that for me, as did many other Trainers. And now, each region has its own variation of the Pokedex."

"Is that what happened?", Lillie asked with interest.

"Yeah. I still have a couple other dreams I'm aspiring for, but this one was accomplished. And now, Trainers from all around carry one."

"I see. It's a shame I haven't received my Pokedex yet, but that was my choice. I do look forward to it."

"That's right. You've yet to start your Island Challenge, Lillie. You'll get yours when you do.", I replied to her.

"And with that said, since the completion of this, it's gone through several upgrades. Would you three like to know what they are or would you rather explore that on your own?"

"Please inform us now, Gramps.", I immediately replied. Serena and Lillie also nodded their heads.

"Hoho, got it. The first feature that we introduced was the Call feature. Similar to our normal phones, the Pokedex contains a list of specified contacts, which calls the number uniquely assigned to your Pokedex number. By the way, this same number is what you use to register the Kanto League with. Without a Pokedex from one of us, one cannot enter the League. But if a Trainer comes in from another region Without going through me and they already have a Pokedex, they can use theirs to register too. The system is quite lenient, as long as one has a Pokedex. You'll be able to find it in the System page, but with technology nowadays, all we need to do is scan it."

'So it basically works like QR codes without reading the scanning bar and it just directly scans the Pokedex directly, huh? How convenient.", I inwardly said.

As for Serena, her eyes brightened hearing Professor Oak say that.

"Are you saying I can register for the Kanto Conference with this Pokedex given by Professor Sycamore?", Serena asked excitedly.

"You sure can! Are you interested in joining it alongside Itsuki?"

"I wasn't sure if it was possible or not, but after hearing you say that, I definitely do now! I did graduate Trainer School to become a Trainer alongside Itsuki.", Serena replied excitedly, letting a light blush appear on her cheeks.

"I see. If you two want to register, then you'll be able to do so at the nearest city, Viridian City. After registering at the Pokemon Center there, they'll give you two your badge cases too. It's a shame we don't have a Pokemon Center here in Pallet Town.", Professor Oak replied.

"Mmm. Definitely looking forward to registering. Though speaking of which of what Serena just mentioned, Gramps, Serena, Lillie and I promised each other to become a family of three in the future last night. I was thinking of whether of informing you or not now, or until the proposal actually happens."

Hearing that, a blush appeared on Serena's and Lillie's cheeks, who didn't say anything but nodded silently. As for Professor Oak, his eyes turned serious.

"I see. Have you told anyone else this yet?"

"Not yet. But from mom's reactions this morning as we bid farewell, I'm pretty sure she figured us out."

Hearing that, Professor Oak smiled and laughed.

"Hohoho, well that's youth for you. Thank you for informing me of this, Itsuki. It looks like our family will be growing larger soon.", Professor Oak said. His eyes then shifted to Lillie.

"This won't cause any implications to the Aether Foundation, will it? Considering your background...", Professor Oak asked Lillie.

Lillie only shook her head left to right and smiled.

"No, it won't. After we reached this decision last night I was able to have a short call with Mother. Mother was surprised about it but she too reached a decision and formally declared Itsuki as my fiancée. It's being kept secret for now, but it will be publicly declared in the future."

Hearing that even I became surprised.

'Wait, such a thing happened?"

"Oh, did I forget to tell you? Hehe.", Lillie grinned at me with a giggle.

"Well I'm sure this will definitely cause an uproar once its known to the public, haha!", Professor Oak retorted with a laugh.

"It definitely will!", Serena also retorted with a giggle.

"I guess for now we can only cross that bridge when it becomes closer. For now, can you keep this a secret, Gramps?"

"Of course. You three are childhood friends so it's only natural it progresses that way. Moreover you also got quite close with that lass Cynthia didn't you?"

"Cynthia...we haven't spoken to each other in the last few years but yes we did. Last time we spoke, she was about to start her own journey in Sinnoh."

"That's right. We haven't seen each other in the last few years. We've so much to catch up on!", Serena replied happily.

"Hmm, if that's the case, would you like to know what she recently accomplished? Cynthia became the headline in Sinnoh News not that long ago."

"Cynthia appeared on the news?", Lillie asked with surprise.

"Could it be...", I also began to say.

"Ahh. Cynthia officially became the youngest known Champion in Sinnoh just last year. Moreover she declared a challenge to you upon her ascension. Your name is spreading like wildfire over in Sinnoh right now. Besides us Professors, they haven't a clue who this Itsuki is, hoho!", Professor Oak replied with another laugh.

"So Cynthia really did become a Champion!?", Serena yelled out in shock.

"Wow...", Lillie also said in surprise.

"Guess I have to work up to her expectations then. Perhaps after Kanto, Sinnoh may be our next destination."

"Only time will tell. You still need to register first for the Kanto Conference. But I wasn't finished going over the Pokedex features. May I continue with that?"

"Please do.", I replied. We all nodded our heads.

"As I just mentioned, there is the Call feature."

"After that is the Map feature. This is pretty self explanatory, but the Pokedex can show you the map of the current region you're in or other regions should you can search for. You can also mark down places of interest."

"Next is the Stats feature. This shows your Pokemon's Moves, Level, Ability, and so on. It can also show your Pokemon's current condition."

"After Stats is the Database. Any Pokemon you discover can be recorded down into its database. You can also create private servers now should you not want any Pokemon reported to Leagues.", hearing this one brought me an inward smile.

"There is also the Storage feature. Similar to our recent spatial technology that was developed which can exponentially increase the storage of our bags and such, this is now getting applied to the Pokedex. The Pokedex can now store several boxes of Pokemon without having to rely on the PCs at Pokemon Centers. While we can only carry a limit of six Pokemon on our hands, this makes it convenient for Trainers to quickly swap Pokemon around."

The three of us nod our heads. This was probably one of the most convenient features recently introduced into Pokemon. And it's a really good one so can't complain there.

"And finally, the Trade feature. Throughout the years, we've discovered some Pokemon can only evolve by trading with other people. So to make it easier on Trainers, as long as two Trainers are in close range, they can initiate a Trade."

(If you guys think of any other features I should add, let me know! Think I covered most of it. Nothing related to shiny Pokemon please)

"Can't believe the Pokedex has gone through so much. Thank you for informing us, Gramps."

"Of course. That's my responsibility as a Pokemon Professor, and would be yours if you decide to open up a lab in the future, Itsuki. Take care of this Pokedex for me."

"I will."

"Good. There is one more thing, I recently received a package to analyze from an old colleague of mine who lives in the Orange Islands. After I finish analyzing it, I may ask you to deliver it to her after the Kanto Conference is over."

"A delivery to the Orange Islands huh? Got it, Gramps."

'He is probably referring to Professor Ivy...', I inwardly said.

"Looks like you three are all set to depart now. Don't forget to contact me again once you arrive in Viridian City!"

"Of course. Thank you for everything, Gramps. It's time to go, Serena, Lillie."



And just like that, with my newly caught Squirtle, we recalled our Pokemon and slowly departed from Professor Oak's lab, and descended the hill, making our way through Pallet Town.

I did think of revealing Mew to Professor Oak as a thank you gift for all that he's done for me since I was brought into this world, but I decided against it. For now I let Mew just leave a bit of its trail for Professor Oak to witness.

As we left, Mew knew what to do, and appeared over the lab. All of a sudden, Professor Oak heard a childlike voice reach the depth of his ears, which caused him to halt and his eyes turned wide.

The next moment, he rushed out of the lab, only to see a pink floating creature far off in the sky.

"Mew?", Mew looked down at Professor Oak for a moment. Mew then quickly left the lab, departing in the same direction we just did.

"W-Was that just...", Professor Oak stuttered briefly before he regained his composure.

But by the time he did, Mew was long gone and shortly reappeared over us. We too were long gone from Pallet Town, and Professor Oak could no longer see us three.

Professor Oak could only let a strong laugh. Was he able to find out that Mew exists now from that? I hope this little gift of mine left him in a good mood. And he sure was as Professor Oak returned to his lab in all smiles.

And as for us, we officially entered Route 1 and are now on the road to Viridian City. My journey only starts from here!


Another long chapter for you guys!

Turtle squad unite!

If anyone doesn't like this choice, don't worry, there are certain locations in the anime where Charmander can be caught, as well as Bulbasaur (:

I'm keeping the 6 held Pokemon rule but bringing in the pc storage usable anywhere feature to offset that limit.

Also a sneak peak to what Cynthia has been recently been doing~

Don't forget to drop those power stones!