Chapter 36: Registering

Scyther, Butterfree, or Pinsir?


A bustling city arrived before us. Many streets along with modern buildings and towers could be seen. It was pretty dense and packed with people doing about their daily business too. Seeing this, Serena got excited. And we arrived right in front of it. I could even see plenty of vehicles going down the road. It was big enough to contain two lanes on each side of the road.

Several blocks down led to a big opening on the right. It was a bit hard to see from here, but a huge building with a red like ball in its center could be seen. Folds could be seen arched over it in the back. It was just like an open Pokeball. It was easy to guess this was the Viridian City Pokemon Center.

Yet after we arrived in the city and settled off to the right crosswalk of the main street, I almost tumbled over after hearing what she said next.

"So this is Viridian City. It definitely is a large city. The lines of shops don't end! This will be perfect for us to have a date later."

After Serena said that, I received an urge to chop her head so I did and gave her a retort.

"We've no time to go on a date right now, Serena. Besides, I think I spotted the Pokemon Center. It doesn't look too far away."

"Boo. I did say at a later time, didn't I? Going on a Journey isn't all battles you know. We need to see what each city and region has to offer!"

"Haha, that is true. Gyms, training, sightseeing, special events, there's quite the different ways to spend our time. I personally should probably pay my respects to the Viridian Academy."

"Viridian Academy...Isn't that where Gary, Ash, and Green went to school?"

"Yeah. I haven't been there yet since I've been away in Alola so it'd be good to see it."

"Think we got a plan coming then. And besides, this date will be special. It will be our first date as a three person couple, so that in itself holds meaning. Our double date back in Pallet didn't count since you didn't start dating Lillie till the last day."

Even though Serena said that casually, Lillie's cheeks still blushed a bit.

"A three person date, I guess you're right about that. It'll definitely be something to look forward to."

"Right? I want to buy Lillie a couple swimsuits and a few pairs of panties!"

"S-Serena!", Lillie tried to retort, only for her cheeks to turn more red.

"Heh.", I also chuckled. "And where do you plan to get the money to do that?"

"Isn't that a silly question, Itsuki? You'll be the one paying, of course. You're our boyfriend after all."

"We'll see about that. Each of our families left us quite the fortune. Excluding Lillie's, your Mom may not look like it but she's quite rich isn't she?"

"Yeah. I don't really want to dip into those funds though unless it becomes an emergency or for our daily necessities."

"I can see that. It's good you don't want to be too self reliant on that. That's partly why I started to get my own earnings too. I have my own pool of money I can dip into."

"Haha, so just for this date we'll rely on you okay? Besides if it goes well you we might reward you. Isn't that right, Lillie?", Serena said, winking at Lillie.

"Let's just see what we can do first, okay?", Lillie retorted with a cute pout.

And in the next moment I saw Serena shift her eyes downward, closely looking at my crotch. She gave me a playful smile, but then her demeanor returned to normal.

Well, if Serena is looking to get in the mood later, I wouldn't mind that. Us three haven't done a whole lot since that night a few days ago, besides some cuddling and bathing together. I'll be looking forward to this date if she's already starting to plan it.

We've about eleven months until the Indigo Plateau Conference, which is the official name for Kanto's League. Since we started in January, I think we can afford to have a few days of fun here in Viridian City. Might as well check out the Gym too, since it's here.

Trainers can't access this Gym yet though as it's actually the last Gym to beat, not the first one. While Viridian City is the first city many come to, especially those who come from Pallet Town, it is also the last city of a person's journey.

The reason being are the huge mountains cascading to the west of here. Some of its peaks could be seen covered with snow too. To the right of that, although it was concealed by the vast mountain range, was the Victory Road mountain path that split into Mount Silver off to the left and the Kanto League to the north.

"Mount Silver and the Kanto League...", I uttered softly, feeling aspirations swell inside me.

"Itsuki?", Lillie asked, calming down a bit, seeing me stay quiet for a moment.

"We'll be coming back here once our journey is coming to a close in Kanto. But I think we can afford to spend a few days here and have some fun and enjoy some restaurants. We can do some shopping too. However for now, I need to take Jack to the Pokemon to get him healed up. We also need to register for the league.", I said with a resolute tone.

Serena and Lillie became happy hearing that. Lillie also tilted her head a bit, appearing confused.

"Jack? Is that the Spearow you just caught?"

"It is. Named him Jack on the way here.", I grinned.

"Is that supposed to mean something again? Besides Amber, you're starting to give your Pokemon weird names.", Serena retorted back at me.

I proceeded to wrap my arm around her shoulder and we began to walk, blending into the ongoing crowd of people.

"You see Serena my girl, you think that way because you aren't a cultured person, haha!", I let out a laugh.

Serena frowned and gave another retort.

"The heck is that supposed to mean? Are you teasing me again?"

"Who knows.", I retorted back with a vague reply.

"Hehe.", Lillie giggled, seeing Serena and I behave like this.

We slowly vanished into the coming and going of people. Along the way we spotted many restaurants and shops to venture into later. I could see Serena taking mental notes of where each shop was. I myself was keeping track of the restaurants. Lillie just hard her fun observing the busy atmosphere.

We did go to some cities in Alola, so thankfully this busy life wasn't anything new to her. Actually I could probably say she's far more used to it if we take it from her mother's perspective. She's currently one of the busiest businesswoman I've come to know.

Roughly an hour passed as we enjoyed our walk before a huge building appeared before our eyes. The red sphere in the center was quite massive. It was as if a UFO had crashed diagonally, revealing its underside as a result of a crash.

The only thing that seemed out of place was the automatic sliding doors at the very bottom of it, presumably the entrance.

"This is a weird looking building, but I guess this is the Pokemon Center?", Serena asked confused.

"Yep. Let's head on in. It's still day time so we probably got time to register today."

"Okay!", Lillie replied happily.

The doors opened before us and we headed on in. Several Trainers could be seen lazing about with their Pokemon here. Some new and a few veterans. They had a brief look at us before returning to their own business.

We soon approached the counter which had a nurse-like pink haired woman. A Chansey could be seen beside her.

"Welcome to the Viridian City Pokemon Center! You three seem to be new faces. How may I help you today?", the pink haired woman asked. Of course this was none other than one of the many Nurse Joy sisters. Officer Jennys were all sisters as well.

I've heard it's a man's dream to conquer all of these beauties, much like a certain pervert from Pewter City, but I'm not like that. Serena and Lillie is enough for me. Maybe Cynthia too? I'm not sure if she's much of a romance girl. From the way she's been progressing it looks like she a total battle junkie. I will have to find out for myself how she is now. It's been a couple years after all.

She did exchange contact info with us before her own journey started, and since we finally started ours, perhaps it's a good time to get in touch with her again?

With that thought, I spoke out to Nurse Joy.

"Indeed we are. We've come here for a couple things. We need to register, and can you please have a look at our Pokemon?"

"Three new Trainers, is it? And you're saying you guys already caught some Pokemon? Don't you know that's a really risky thing to do?", Nurse Joy responded, appearing worried.

"We do. We came from Pallet Town. I already obtained my Pokedex there while Serena got hers from another region. I do have a question though, can a Trainer without a Pokedex become a Trainer?"

"So that's the situation. Not many Trainers start from Pallet Town. You are definitely welcome to register for the Indigo League here. All I need to do is take your Pokedex. And to answer your question, yes. As long as the person provides sufficient ID and is not a criminal in our database, they are free to register too."

Hearing this, Lillie let out a sigh of relief.

"Itsuki, are you fine with me becoming a Trainer myself even though I haven't received a Pokedex yet?"

"Of course I am. It will be easier on us if all three of us are seen as Trainers. And if I'm not mistaken, you're Nurse Joy, aren't you?"

"Haha, I am. I'm one of my many sisters overseeing several regions. I will get you three registered in a jiffy!", Nurse Joy replied with a smile.

"Thank you. Could you please keep Lillie's registering a secret as well? We had Officer Jenny do the same when we arrived at the south entrance.", I asked Nurse Joy.

Hearing that, Nurse Joy looked at the blonde haired girl beside me.

"Is this person's identification sensitive?", Nurse Joy asked, raising her eyebrows.

"It is. Itsuki's is as well but not as much as mine is.", Lillie replied with a nod.

"I see. I can mark it as so but just know you can still be seen by the elite four. Will that be fine?"

"Yes. Thank you very much.", Lillie answered with a smile.

"Very well. And where have heard that name Itsuki before?", Nurse Joy asked as she took our IDs. I just gave her a playful smile.

After a couple moments of typing on her computer beside her, I saw her eyes turned wide ad she entered our identification into the system.

"No wonder why it sounded so familiar! It's nice to see you, Professor. And a member of the Aether Foundation is beside you. I can see why you want to stay quiet on this." (A/N : Should I have others call Itsuki Professor Little for those that know him as a Professor? lol)

"Right? Thank you for doing so, Nurse Joy."

"All done. Here are your IDs back.", Nurse Joy replied, handing them back. I then saw her shift downward, only to see her bring out six medium sized black boxes upholstered with black leather on the inside. Inside of it a single separator could be seen, along with four empty slots on each end in special shapes.

One appeared to be the shape of a boulder.

One appeared to be the shape of a drop of water.

One appeared to be the shape of the sun.

One appeared to be in the shape of a flower reef.

One appeared to be in the shape of a heart.

One appeared to be in the shape of a button.

One appeared to be in the shape of a flame.

One appeared to be in the shape of a leaf.

Eight empty slots meant for eight badges to obtain by defeating the eight Kanto Gyms. Only then would one be granted access to participate in the Indigo League.

After hearing this short summary from Nurse Joy, she presented our badge cases.

"And these will be your badge cases. Please be careful not to lose them. Once all eight badges have been obtained, you can contact one of us to present it so we can register you."

"Thank you. Will you be good looking at our Pokemon now?"

"Of course. Please set them on these.", Nurse Joy replied, only to pull out a couple of trays specifically designed to hold Pokeballs. She was surprised to see us bring out six total Pokemon, but happily carried out her duty as Nurse Joy. I did tell her Spearow should have a look at first as it was still injured, even though I was able to heal some with that Sitrus Berry. She took my words, letting Chansey do her thing. Our Pokeballs vanished from sight.

"I will let you know when your Pokemon are all ready. Do you three have anything else for me?"

"I did hear you guys rent out room to Trainers who are staying overnight?"

"You heard right. It's only exclusive to Trainers. We don't have any suite rooms either so please bear that in mind."

"That's fine with us, otherwise we would have stayed at a fancy hotel here. We only need one room."

"Are you sure? It'll be quite cramped with three people."

"We're fine with that, Nurse Joy.", Serena replied happily.

"Very well. Any messes you make, please be sure to clean up after yourself, okay?"

"Haha, got it. I'm also looking to make a couple of calls. Are your phones free?", I also asked.

"They sure are. We got some on both the left and right walls, do feel free to pick one. Also take this, it's your room key for the duration of your stay. Go up to the second floor and your room will be the farthest one on the left."

After Nurse Joy said that, we thanked her and received our door key.

And just like that, we settled into our room. After another hour or so, Nurse Joy gave us back our Pokemon back in full health. It was now about 3 in the afternoon on January 8th.

We were pretty hungry by this point as we didn't get lunch yet but before that, we had a couple calls to make!


Possible short lemon scene incoming.

Skip and jump into Viridian Forest?

Or show?

It will be that classic shop and dine date staying at a hotel after scene, in which the hotel will be Pokemon Center.

Let me know!

Don't forget those power stones! We are on our way to 500 again this week.