Chapter 42: Viridian Forest


Viridian Forest. An endless sea of trees of trees quickly approached our view. It was really quiet too which sounded a bit creepy, but if one made a wrong move and strayed from the main path, a Trainer could easily get lost here and get attacked. Every so often we could hear sounds of battle from other Trainers.

But most of the time, it was just wind rustling the leaves, it was quite peaceful.

"This feels like the smaller forest we entered in Route 1. There's a slight breeze, it feels nice.", Serena complimented.

"Yeah, but take Officer Jenny's warning to heart. If you run into a tree you could very well disturb a sleeping nest of Kakuna and get attacked by a swarm of Beedrill."

I said that, and proceeded to grab my Pokedex from my pocket. Unlike my storage backpack, I always keep my Pokedex close to me, similar to how one always has their wallet on person.

As I did, Lillie shivered a bit just thinking about that and nodded her head.

"Yeah, let's try not to do that. By the way, are you interested in looking something up again, Itsuki?", Lillie asked as Serena and Lillie watched me take out my Pokedex.

"Mmm, something like that,", I answered Lillie, only to bring up a map of Viridian Forest. On it we could see the full layout, with several different territories of Pokemon listed on it. It showed the main path too, which seemed to go all along the outer perimeter of Viridian Forest. About halfway in, one could see it lead further in before returning to the other side, which eventually led to the exit. It would be here if one wanted to explore the more dangerous and unknown part of Viridian Forest, the Inner Region.

I continued to talk to them after bringing this map up. Despite having a sense of adventure, I'm not like a certain someone who would just walk into the unknown wantonly. Since regions have been mostly explored before I came into this world god created for me, we have maps to utilize. And I will utilize them. I know a lot has been explored already, but I bet there are still regions unknown to us out for exploring.

I mean, the company that created Pokemon were personifying real world cities and countries to their liking to create each region, and only a handful has been chosen from that. I need to see how big this world was created for me. Perhaps it's even larger than my last world?

With that thought aside, my next words flew from my mouth.

"As you two can see, we're currently just past the entrance. The main path splits here, and to the left eventually leads to a dead end and an open area. It is mostly home to Bellsprout and Oddish. However it also has a rare Pikachu and even a more rare Bulbasaur."

Lillie raised her eyebrow hearing that last part.

"Even Bulbasaur can be found here? I thought only Professor Oak's lab has these starter Pokemon."

"Heh, where do you think Professor Oak gets them? I mean my batch came from the League, but where do you think they caught them? From the wild like here, though it is possible they were bred too. Why, are you interested in catching a Bulbasaur too, Lillie?"

"I mean, you two received your starter Pokemon already. I know at the time I wasn't set in stone to become a Trainer myself and was just looking to be with you as you began your journey, but I can't help nut think about wanting one of my own. Snowy is very special to me, but this is something all Trainers go through, don't they?", Lillie asked in anticipation.

"Most do going through the proper route, but I can see where you are coming from, Lillie. I was planning to give Uncle Kukui a call when we reach Pewter City. As you are a resident of Alola, why don't you tell him your resolve? I'm sure he will send a starter to you along with a Pokedex."

"Do you think you can do that for me? It has been a bit since we said goodbye to Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet. I'm sure they'd like that."

"Uncle Kukui? You're referring to the person who looked after you during your stay in Alola, right, Itsuki? You said you and Lillie lived in his home?", Serena asked with interest.

"Yeah. It's been a while since you've talked to Uncle too Serena so let's plan on doing that. As for your starter, Lillie, while Bulbasaur may be a good option, we should wait for Uncle to deliver you one first."

"Yes. That may be for the best.", Lillie answered with s nod.

"Besides that, are either of you interested in Pikachu?"

After I asked that, Serena and Lillie looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"We saw Pikachu at the lab so we'll leave it to one of those three to have fun with Pikachu. I feel we can skip it. What about you, Itsuki?", Serena replied.

"Actually, I am interested, but not now."

"Not now? Then will you catch one later? Lillie asked.

"Likely so, when we travel in Alola. More specifically, I'll be on the lookout for Alolan Raichu."

"Alolan Raichu? If I remember...that version is electric and psychic type, right?"

"Such a Raichu exists?", Serena asked, surprised.

"Yeah, believe it or not. So until then I won't bother with a Pikachu.", I answered the two with a smile.

"Moving along, since we don't need the west side, we can probably make it to the halfway point before tonight. It is mostly Weedle and Caterpie territory if we keep on the main path. I also found a Venonat spot we can reach, but we need to wait until it's I'm dark before they come. We can set up camp after that."

"Works for me. I'm sure we'll see some Trainers along the way."

"Sounds good! Let's start some catching. Lillie, you're up first!", Serena replied happily.

And with our layout now before us, we proceeded along the main path for today. I see ourselves spending two days in Viridian Forest as we don't need to go left. Thinking that, I reached into my pocket again, and felt a Pokeball.

"It's time we get going. Come on out, Jack!"

Tossing Spearow's Pokeball, my Spearow appeared before us.

"Spear!", Spearow greeted us. It stretched its wings and swerved s bit before it perched on my shoulder.

"Looks like you are doing well and healed up, Jack. You ready for some battling? I need to see you get acquainted with Aerial Ace."

"Spearow.", Spearow answered me.

"You already taught Jack Aerial Ace? That was pretty quick.", Lillie asked with interest.

"Right? Still, Jack needs to get used to it. Jack you can go on ahead of us but be sure to keep a close distance okay?"

"Spearow!", Spearow said, answering me again with an annoyed tone, which caused me to look at it.

"Is something wrong, Jack?', I asked Spearow, only for it to turn its head away.

Seeing this I chuckled and thought of a certain thing, only speak out once more.

"Haha, my bad. I meant to say Captain Jack, you can go on ahead of us."

"Spearow!", Spearow yelled out in approval this time. It then took into the sky and started to fly ahead. As it did, I sighed.

"...Was it bad to name Spearow that?", I said with a sigh.

"Hehe, you reap what you sow.", Serena retorted with a giggle. "C'mon let's go follow "Captain" Jack!", Serena said with a retort, urging us.

And we did just that. Making light conversation along the way, two to three hours passed by before we realized it. At this time we saw several Pokemon pass by us. As they did, we saw Spearow yell out, only for it to swoop down, heading into a certain direction before us.

Not too far off, we spotted a Weedle. However this Weedle seemed a lot more vibrant in color, which caused my eyes to turn wide. It looked like it was about to go hide in the nearby grass seeing Spearow approach it.

I started to run and Serena and Lillie quickly followed behind me. I then issued Spearow's move.

"Jack, don't let that Weedle run! Quickly, test out Aerial Ace!", I yelled at Spearow.

"Spearow!", Spearow yelled out. It expanded its wings and became a jet. Its speed increased, letting wind whip up around it. In no time at all it arrived at Weedle and caught it off guard. A loud impact resounded as Spearow hit Weedle head on, causing it to fly.

Weedle unfortunately had no time to react and was sent into one of the trees. It struck the tree and and faint circles appeared over its eyes as it fell down. Thankfully the rattle didn't disturb any other Pokemon.

We arrived not too long after and I tossed a ball at Weedle.

"Good work Jack. Pokeball, go!", I tossed it at Weedle. It was then sucked into the ball and dropped onto the ground.

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle, Ding.

Successfully capturing Weedle, I smiled and went to retrieve it.

"That went well.", Lillie replied happily.

"It did. You're on a roll now, Itsuki. Guess you were up first this time. Why the rush though?"

"Sorry for doing that all of a sudden but I didn't want to let this guy run away. If my eyes didn't play tricks on me, then this Weedle ought to be pretty good, and it was spotted by Jack."

And sure enough, the moment I saw Weedle's dex entry, it confirmed my suspicion, causing me to smile.


September is almost over and I'm approaching my last long week!

Once October starts I will have more time to write again, till then I ask for your guys' patience.

Upcoming battle.

In the meantime, power stones please?