Chapter 56: Aerodactylite!


Gender: Female

Level: 15

Ability: Rock Head

31 IVs in ATK, SP ATK, SPD

Moves: Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Psychic Fangs, Roost, Sandstorm, Wing Attack, Scary Face, Rock Slide

Seeing this, I caught quite the Aerodactyl, didn't I?

I know Aerodactyl could learn quite the array of elemental attacks, such as the multiple fangs it has. It is overall a really strong Pokemon. The best part about this is that Aerodactyl is capable of Mega Evolution. Once Aerodactyl became Mega, it would gain an ability that boosts its damage by bonus amount for moves it came into contact with, and those fangs did just that.

The main question now was where exactly would I find Aerodactyl's Mega Stone?

Well, little did I know that answer would cone knocking at my footstep sooner than later...

Seeing me catch Aerodactyl, the situation calmed down at the President's lab, and we found only a few things misplaced. Serena and Lillie congratulated me. As for the President, he was calmly looking at me.

"You know, if this was a beginner who didn't have their wits about them, this could have gone very wrong. But Brock recognized you three by giving you the Old Amber, it isn't just given out to anyone.", the President said.

Hearing that, I raised my eyebrows.

"You know Brock, President?", I asked him.

"Of course I know him. His family often delivers fossils to the Museum, his family is quite known in that field. Why else would he be a rock type Gym Leader?"

"Well, he did express his dream to us after we fought him and won our Boulder Badges. Apparently his dream lies elsewhere."

"Oh? I haven't really heard Brock talk about that. I know he has his family tying him down, perhaps something happened..."

"He did say he was interested in becoming a Pokemon Breeder, retiring from his Gym Leader position", I said, deciding to explain to the President.

"A Pokemon Breeder eh? And you said Brock wanted to come with you guys?"

"That's right. We turned his invitation down though.", I answered, nodding my head.

"Why would you do that? Having a Gym Leader could provide bountiful knowledge to you on your travels."

"Let's...just say the identification of one of us three here is a bit complicated. Plus Brock will find hjs time later. He won't even last till the end of the year until he retires from his position."

"So that's how it is. I'm not sure if you'll be right on that last part, but I'll refresh from talking about it any longer. I still have to thank you for the data I was able to collect from this restoration of Aerodactyl. To be honest they are quite rare. I've only seen Brock obtain a few of those d Amber."

"I had a feeling that was the case, but you don't have to go that far..."

"Hoho, don't be like that. I decided to. It's not every day one gets to see what you got on your arm there.", The President said with a laugh. He then let his eyes wander to the Mega Ring I was wearing.

"I take it you're familiar with Mega Rings, President?"

"Of course. Mega stones are just as enccchanting as fossils are~", the President replied while twirling around.

Hearing that, Serena's eyes started to sparkle.

"Then..", She began to say.

"Would you like to see? Every so often during our excavations, we find Mega Stones hidden away in crevices. Professor, you are looking for Mega Stones yourself right?"

"Indeed. We have yet to come across any though."

"Hoho, they can be quite finicky. Let us proceed to my safe.", the President said, and started to twirl into a miniature tornado. I am not sure how he does this, but hey it's the Pokemon world, anything can happen here.

We made way toward another corner of his lab, locating his safe. We saw him open it, only to reveal a small black pristine box. Setting it on the table back in the middle of the room, the President opened the box.

Sure enough, in it laid several colored marble-like stones, each nicely fit into a slot in the leathered box.

"As expected of being the President of the Pewter Museum, turns out you got a collection of Mega Stones."

"Right? Take a look at this one for example.", the President said, reaching in, grabbing one of the Mega Stones.

"This one here has a blue and white swirl. This one was found in an excavation back in Johto, deep within Mount Silver. The Pokemon that can use this is Steelix."

"Steelix? Isn't that the evolved form of Onix?", Lillie asked.

"That's right. I was especially holding onto this one for Brock should he ever decide to evolve his Onix, which could be said to be his prized Pokemon. I didn't think I'd get to see that moment, but perhaps I might if Brock decides to go on that journey of his."

"Looks like you got a pretty good relationship with Pewter's gym leader eh?", I asked.

"Sure do. Now as for you, Professor, I'd figure this one ought to do the trick."

After the President put away the Steelixite, he went in and grabbed another one, which had purple and black swirling together. This one appeared more menacing compared to the Steelixite. My eyes couldn't wander away from it the moment he brought it out. Seeing me act like this, the President laughed.

"Hoho, it seems the Professor knows what's in my hand already."

"Yes. The Aerodactylite. The Mega Stone that lets Aerodactyl mega evolve."

The moment I said that, Lillie and Serena became surprised.

"Are you sure, President?", I asked him.

"Yes. Take the Aerodactylite with you. Though to most trainers it'd just be a useless stone until they bond well with each other. Aerodactyl accepted you and its been a while since I last restored one. I feel it will do well in your hands."

"Thank you. I won't hold back then.", I said, accepting the Mega Stone. As I took it, I decided to put it in the Mega Ring. As of now, it was just an empty shell as Professor Sycamore said. The second half to it were the Mega Stones, and now I had finally gotten my first one.

And as expected, the moment I set it in, nothing happened. No glow or anything. The only thing I could feel was a slight connection to it, which could be shared with Aerodactyl.

"You'll need to continue developing your bond with Aerodactyl more it seems."

"Yeah. Thank you. It was fun touring your Museum, President."

"Glad you guys enjoyed it. Will you be heading off now?"

"Yeah! Our next destination is Mount Moon. This will be our first time exploring a cave as big as Mount Moon is.", Serena said happily.

"Well I guess that is the main way to Cerulean City. There are rumors of rare Pokemon like Clefairy popping up in Mount Moon. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to spot one." the President said.

Hearing that, we saw Lillie freeze up, and turned quiet.

"...Clefairy...", Lillie said, as a hint of sadness appeared in her eyes.

"Lillie?", Serena asked, becoming confused. The President also became confused.

"Was it something I said?", the President asked.

Hearing him ask that, I calmly shook my head.

"...Nah. It's nothing. We'll take our leave now. Thank you, President."

"Hoho, if that's the case, then have an enccchanting day~", the President said, which got another round of laughter from us.

We took this time to exit the Museum after getting my newfound Aerodactylite, and Aerodactyl.

Though as we walked back to the Pokemon Center, we saw Lillie become dejected again.

"I knew it. Something is wrong, isn't it?", Serena asked Lillie.

"It's nothing...All of it was in the past. Nothing will change it.", Lillie denied Serena, shaking her head lightly.

"Oh c'mon! Now you're just making me even more curious. It's obvious you're sad about something. You don't want to tell me?", Serena asked.

"Itsuki...",, Lillie replied, turning her head toward me as we walked.

"We might as well, Lillie. We've no reason to hide it. I was going to bring it up the moment we brought up any mention of Clefairy, seeing as we'll be passing through Mount Moon. It is said Mount Moon is where Clefairy crash landed into too. And besides, you might be able to catch one, Lillie."

"That is true. Let's start once we arrive back in our room.", Lillie answered calmly, nodding her head.

Hearing that, Serena nodded to and we arrived back in our room. After setting down, Lillie began her story to Serena, a certain sad tale of a Forced Evolution...


First mega stone get!

Don't worry, it will take time to get Itsuki to use them. He will need to develop bonds with his Pokemon. I may or may not create a unique mega evolution like I did with the Z Crystal for his Ninetails. We shall see.

Ash did end up getting a Mega Lucario in the latest Journeys episode, but by that point his Lucario was well bonded with him already.

Next chapter will dive into the past a bit, Lillie used to be close to a Clefairy~

Don't forget to keep dropping those power stones lets try to get back up to over 500!