Chapter 58: Leaving Pewter City

Slight lemon talk this chapter.

Don't forget to drop those power stones!


Waking up, I saw a pale white skinned beauty snoozing away at my left and a healthy peach skinned beauty to my right. Both of them were stripped of all their clothes, as were mine. We had an enjoyable night last night, and morning dawned before I realized it.

"Time to say goodbye to Pewter City for now, huh?", I uttered softly after waking up. I could feel Lillie's and Serena's body heat spread into mine, and it was really enjoyable. Moreover, two pairs of soft mounds constantly pressed up against my arms.

Leaning over to the left a bit, I was able to get a closer look at Lillie. I could see a small string of white liquid still strung from her lips. Seeing this, I reached my finger out, and traced against it. Scooping it up, I wiggled my finger into her lips. Despite being fast asleep, I felt her tongue slather against my finger.

"Mmm...", Lillie said, letting out a light groan.

Feeling this, I saw Lillie's eyelids flutter, only to slowly open. I took my finger out before she realized it. "Itsuki?", Lillie asked, rubbing her eyes awake. She also felt the inside of her mouth a bit hot.

"Good morning, Lillie. You were quite adventurous last night.", I replied with a smile, then gave Lillie a quick kiss.

Lillie blushed lightly while stretching her arms. I saw her turn silent before speaking.

"...Did you like my butt?"

"It felt amazing.", I answered back, which brought a smile to her face.

"Go get cleaned up, Itsuki. I need to talk to Serena for a bit.", Lillie said, returning to normal.

Hearing that, I looked over only to see Serena staring right at us.

"So you woke up too eh? Good morning."

"Of course. Good morning. We got a big hike to the base of Mount Moon today. And it looks like Lillie wants to talk about something so go on in ahead of us. We'll join you shortly."

"Haha, will do.", I replied. Getting up, Lillie and Serena saw my retreating figure, heading right into the bathroom. A couple moments later, the sounds of running water spread out from it.

"So what's up? Still thinking last night as a dream?", Serena asked with a grin.

Lillie blushed again but answered.

"No. I know last night was real. Having Itsuki's thing rub between my butt like that...I really liked it. My back felt that burning sensation all over during the release."

"It felt that good, huh? It looked like you really enjoyed it. And after that you took his into your mouth without needing me to do anything.", Serena replied back.

"Y-You didn't need to mention that last part...But still, I'm sorry that you didn't get to do anything last night.", Lillie said feeling a bit guilty.

"Haha, oh you, you don't need to worry about that.", Serena answered with a smile. She then grabbed Lillie's nose with her hand and rubbed it for a moment before releasing her hand. "We typically just go with the flow during nights like these. The real thing won't happen until we are wed at the end of the year, should we keep doing well on our journey."

"Yes. Mother approved of us being wed to Itsuki should we enter the Indigo League successfully. But Serena, last night I felt something. I wasn't sure whether I should bring it up or not...", Lillie asked a bit hesitantly.

"Oh? What did you feel?"

" it in the butt?"

Hearing Lillie ask that, Serena blinked her eyes at Lillie.

"Eh? Isn't that what you did last night with Itsuki?"

Lillie shook her head in response.

"No not like just the rubbing from last night..."

After Lillie said that, it seems Serena caught on to what she was trying to ask.

"You mean, like do it do it?", Serena asked which caused Lillie to blush some more. She stayed silent and nodded.

"Well, we did promise each other not to go all the way until then, but I didn't think you'd ask something so embarrassing, haha!", Serena replied letting out a laugh.

"Shh, I don't want Itsuki to hear this..."

"The sound of the shower is louder. But that what you felt?"

"Yeah. I mean, couldn't we use it for practice? It's not like something would happen, that much know from school."

"Well you're right about that. But...", Serena said, letting her eyes wander down over her chest, only to see her cute slit shut tight, and what lied beyond it.

"But?", Lillie asked, watching Serena.

"Even if at some point we make this an exception to let Itsuki take us from down below...will his thing even fit?"

"That's actually a good question...won't it be painful if we don't get it ready?"

"I bet it would be. Why don't we save this talk for now? If you want to go this route, we need to ready our hole down there, and that will take some time. Let's not bring this up to Itsuki before we think we're ready."

"Yes. I feel the same. You'll help me with this, right?", Lillie asked.

"Of course! Let's go join him in the shower now. Changing topics, how good are you at hiking?"

"Actually, Itsuki and I have gone on some hikes together while we were back in Alola."

Hearing that, Serena blinked her eyes as she grabbed Lillie's hand, allowing the two to get off the bed.

"Seriously? Damn I need to make sure to keep up with you two then."

"We'll make sure not to keep you too far behind.", Lillie retorted with a giggle, which earned some laughter from Serena.

The two vanished into the bathroom. Once they got inside, they saw me showering away in the bathtub.

I saw Serena and Lillie come in while holding hands. Looks like they were in a good mood.

"About time you two got in. Have a good chat?", I asked, making sure not to get any soap in my eyes. Seriously, accidentally spilling soap in the eyes a bitch of a pain to deal with.

"Sure did. Let me wash your hair, Lillie."


Quickly getting themselves rinsed, they joined me.

"So what'd you two talk about?", I asked.

"Girl stuff.", Lillie replied vaguely.

"So it was one of those then.", I retorted.

"Hehe, true it was girl stuff. If anything we might have something for you in a few months. Perhaps by the time we have four badges in our hands."

"...Is that so? Guess I can only look forward to it for now. Take a good rinse you two. We may be out of luck for a couple days. We will only have our belongings once we enter Route 3. I do believe there is another Pokemon Center at the check point for Mount Moon, but we still have to trek up to it."

Hearing me say that the two nodded their heads. We made sure to thoroughly rinse ourselves.

Bright and early, it was now Jan 21st, 8am. After getting all ready, we took one good look at Mount Silver, before we turned our backs to it. We left the east side of Pewter City, officially entering the long hiking trail that lead directly to Mount Moon.

We made sure bid farewell to Brock and Flint. Next time we meet it would be on the way to get to Cinnabar Island, or if Brock decides to accompany Ash and we come across them somewhere on the east side of Kanto.

By the way during our free time here, we met Brock's family thanks to Flint's invitation. Flint stayed at a house on a cliffside by himself thanks to his separation, and he didn't want to know that he was actually in Pewter City. It did indeed look like Flint didn't want to reveal himself just yet, as such, we only hung out at Brock's place.

Flint had his family problems, but that was up to him to resolve, we couldn't meddle with that.

As for Brock, he is actually a really nice guy and is quite knowledgeable, let alone having his experience as a Gym Leader. He was a family man too, as he had several siblings he was currently raising.

I was wondering what Mew had been up to as well. The moment I found out Mew had been pretending to be a rock all this while caused me to let out a deep sigh. Thankfully Mew noticed we were leaving Pewter City and it was able to follow us out.

In regards to Team Rocket...ever since I felt that disturbance in Viridian City, nothing has happened afterward. If I see that Mount Moon as no lights stringed across the caves, I will know for sure they aren't in there. And hopefully that'll be the case.

Before knowing it, we reached Pewter City's exit sign.

There was only one thing to do now.

"Say, Lillie would you happen to have a marker in your bag?"

Hearing that, Serena and Lillie stopped just as they were about to head past the exit sign. They turned around.

"I do, but why do you want a marker?"

"Just for a bit of fun.", I answered, turning toward the exit sign, which read, "Now leaving Pewter City.".

"Okay...?", Lillie replied, confused. Still, she tossed me a black marker.

Popping the cap off, I proceeded to write on the bottom left corner : "Ash is a sore loser.", - Itsuki Jan 21st.

Seeing me write this, Serena giggled.

"Hehe, leaving behind a note for the others, huh? Ash is one if those Pallet Town kids you grew up with, right?", Serena asked while letting out a giggle. "The one who couldn't join us on that double date cause he didn't have a date."

"Yup, the very same. But watch this."

Saying that, I did a big X over Ash's name, making sure his name was still readable. Above the name, I wrote "Gary".

"Now it's, 'Gary is a sore loser'?", Lillie asked tilting her head. "He's that little brother of yours we saw before we left Pallet Town, right?", Lillie asked.

"Yup. Doesn't hurt to have a bit of family rivalry now does it? Heh.", I answered letting out a chuckle.

"I like it! Let's hope it doesn't get erased before they start their journey. They got a few months still right?"

"Ash, Gary and Green probably won't head out till June. We do need to make that our halfway point so we can return to celebrate their big 15s together."

Serena and Lillie nodded their heads hearing that.

With that out of the way, we started our hike on Route 3. It would take most of the day to arrive at the entrance to Mount Moon.