Chapter 69: Bill And The Lighthouse

A small tease for you all.

Serena's naked, peachy body glistened under the rays of the descending sun as she splashed water at Lillie who was also stripped of her clothes, revealing her breathtaking pale white skin. Their breasts would jiggle up and down as the two had fun. And if one had a close look at Serena's butt, her smaller hole located above her closed slit could be seen closed, and a small string poked out of it.

The moment Serena and Lillie extended their hands out to me to join them on the beach with the setting sun, only one word came to mind.


Happy 69th chapter everyone! Please enjoy the real chapter below.

Power stones please?

Let's try to get 500 power stones this week!


We had successfully arrived at sea. I'm sure if we followed the beach in one direction, it would eventually take us to Vermillion's Harbor. This area was quite complex really. It wasn't a joke that Ash and his group got lost multiple times during this Route. In the end, becoming lost those several times became a blessing for them, as Ash walked out with the three starters of Kanto.

Seeing the sunset on the beach was really breathtaking. We listened to bird Pokemon chirp over the waters while water Pokemon dove in and out of it. Serena and Lillie held my hand, and rested their heads against my arms, not moving. In mere moments, the sun descended and night fell upon us.

"That was a really pretty sunset.", Serena said happily.

"Yeah. My house literally sits right next to a beach, but we almost never went cause its right next to us. It really is enjoyable to watch.", Lillie also responded.

"You stayed at two different areas during your stay in Alola right, Itsuki?"

"That's right. Most time out of the week Lillie and I stayed in Professor Kukui's loft at his lab. Every so often we would travel back to Lillie's home."

"Is that so? You need to show me pictures of your house sometime, Lillie.", Serena said.

"T-that's not really necessary...", Lillie replied back with a hint of shyness.

"Oh? Don't want to show us what your house looks like? Your family is rich, aren't they?"

"Yes. That is why I don't want to bring it up. If it wasn't for Itsuki being with me, I would always feel way too lonely in that mansion.", Lillie answered, only to cause Serena to blink at her.

"Wait, did you say mansion?", Serena exclaimed in surprise. "Geez, how rich is your family? Why haven't I decided to inquire about that all this time we've been together? I remember you seeing flying off in a helicopter when you left Summer Camp back then too...", Serena said as her eyes turned wide.

"Hehe, you never asked, so I never spoke about it. And yes that helicopter belongs to us too. I wouldn't be surprised if mother's corporation is earning billions of Pokedollars already.", Lillie answered nonchalantly. Hearing her answer that way, she probably still has a bit of contempt for her mother, Lusamine for being absent so much. If only Lillie had a proper tour of her office, she would find out that Lusamine still deeply cares for her. Her attitude on this has greatly improved over the years though, but it's still a bit of a touchy subject. (A/N For sake of this fanfic, Pokedollars is typically Yen in the games, but for this, its USD)

"B-Billions!?", Serena replied in shock once more. She then turned toward me and pointed her finger. "And this guy will get half of it once us three wed?", Serena joked, sticking her tongue out at me.

This only earned another giggle from Lillie. "If only it was like that. I'm sure mother has her inheritance plans set up already, so we will see once the wedding happens. You already own a certain percentage of Aether Foundation already, don't you Itsuki?"

"I do. It's just a small percentage though. Besides, I have my own wealth as a Professor.", I explained back with a smile.

"You two have it good. I declined my mom to become a Pokemon Rider, so now I'm just a Trainer.", Serena replied.

"Isn't that fine though ?Just enjoy the experience of being a Trainer like we've been doing and leave the money business to us."

"Is that really alright...?," Serena asked.

"I don't see a problem with it.", Lillie answered, only to shiver a bit from cold wind of the beach passing through. Serena also shivered.

"Brrr. It's getting chilly out. Shall we conclude our travelling for the day or see if we can make it to that lighthouse?"

"I was actually thinking the latter. There's been a rumor of a giant Pokemon roaming this place which gets attracted by the lighthouse once it gets dark out.", I started to explain.

"A giant Pokemon?," Lillie asked with interest


"Then let's be off! Look, fog is already starting to spread around. I'm sure we can make it in next couple of hours if we pace ourselves good.", Serena replied.

And with that, we continued walking along the beach at night. We made sure to travel on the dirt path right beside it, not directly on the sand itself. There was a clear path that led up to the lighthouse directly. Fog did indeed start to settle in around us too, and that was a good thing.

I wasn't going to fully explain the giant Pokemon situation to the two here, and let them experience it. This might actually play out differently too, cause there isn't a certain Team Rocket trio to bug us. The reason why that giant Pokemon got angry was because the three attacked it, only to have Bill see it retreat back into the ocean. I know Bill just wants to communicate with it, so he got that at least. So let's see if something else happens instead.

Do I have the balls to catch that giant Pokemon? Most definitely. Will I actually capture it? Probably not. I mean, its silhouette in the anime revealed a damn Dragonite! There's no way any of us three are prepared to take on one of the most dangerous Pokemon of the Kanto region. The only Pokemon that might stand a chance against this Dragonite was my Ninetales. She could deal quad effective damage and is immune to dragon type attacks thanks to being a fairy type. If this Dragonite does express interest in battling, I may have Amber challenge it. She has yet to have experience of what it's like to battle dragon type Pokemon.

In regards to the Dratini line, I had plans to catch one myself once we either arrived at Dragonite Island or the Safari in Fuchsia City. Yet at this time I did not know what would be heading my way...

Before we realized it, one to two hours passed and we made our way up the steep cliffside. This cliff reminded me of a certain rich man's precariously placed mansion who went by the name of Doug Dimmadome, haha!

Except this lighthouse had great foundations, and stood tall as we approached the door. Once we arrived, we stood there blankly. We saw murals of Pokemon carved into a really large stone door. These Pokemon were of the rarer bunch of Kanto Pokemon. Scyther, Pinsir, Tauros, Arcanine, Ditto, you name it. Further up top had the legendary Pokemon, the Bird trio. One of the panels was also carved out with scratches, not showing us who it was. But this particular spot...

As I recall, this panel depicted Mewtwo, didn't it? Maybe Mewtwo wasn't as known in this world yet? I have yet to see the events of Mewtwo's movies happen, so maybe that's why. We marveled the giant door for a few minutes, seeing what else Kanto had to offer for us, which caused Lillie and Serena to get excited. I then looked over, and saw the doorbell, which had a buzzing system. I decided to press the button, which caused the two to shiver again. A creepy doorbell rang in our ears.

With the fog setting and the light constantly spinning, I must say this makes our current atmosphere quite eerie. Yet that thought didn't last long as we heard the other end pick up, and a male voice reached out to us, greeting us.

"Welcome. I've been expecting you three.", the male voice said.

Hearing that, Serena blinked for a moment.

"Wait, you've been expecting us?"

"Yes. You three are Trainers under Professor Oak, are you not?", the voice asked back.

"Actually, it's only me who is under Gramps. Did he reach out to you by chance?"

"Oh, so you are the Little Professor then. If the other two are associated with you then you three are welcome. Feel free to enter.", the voice said again, only to cut off the voice box. Immediately after, the large two stone doors slowly cracked open, letting us come inside.

The room we entered appeared as if it was a giant cathedral, except it only expanded upward as it was a lighthouse. We could see a spiral staircase leading up to the top, which I assume was the place to where the light was. Further in the back, we saw a single flight of stairs, and a rather tall figure standing at the top of it, looking right at us...with his claws? The figure in front of us appeared to be a giant Kabuto, who was tapping its claws together.

Seeing this giant Kabuto, Serena and Lillie stood in place, looking right at it.

"...Is that a Pokemon?", Lillie asked, hesitantly.