Chapter 71: A Pokemon Egg?

Seeing the giant silhouette of the Dragonite appear off shore next to the cliff, its presence towered over us. Despite being almost the same height level with it, our size paled in comparison. It was as if we were currently looking at a towering building. Yet despite this difference, once this Dragonite came into view, it let out another soothing cry.

"So you've come once again....", Bill uttered softly.

Even though he said that, the Dragonite seemed to disregard us completely, and only wandered around the shore near the lighthouse, seemingly with no goal in mind.

"As I thought, is it really no use trying to connect wit this Pokemon?", Bill said again, disheartened. "You want to meet me. I want to meet you. Are these sounds just not enough?", Bill asked.

"Bill, would you be willing to let me try something?", I asked him, thinking of an idea. Thinking this, I slowly released the grip of my Pokeball. Sometimes there was a time and place for battling, and as much as I would like to challenge this Dragonite, it was highly possible it would flee, just like how it did when Team Rocket attacked it. That didn't even let Bill get a chance to see the Dragonite reveal itself. As such, I decided on another idea.

"As long as it doesn't hurt this giant Pokemon, I'm willing to give anything a try at this point. Its so close to reach too...", Bill said, nodding. Looks like he doesn't want the Dragonite to enter battle after all. I nodded my head and confirmed Bill.

"Then, are you willing to keep a secret, Bill?", I asked him once more. This question, however, drew Serena's and Lillie's attention and they became serious.

"Itsuki...', Serena asked.

"It's alright. I believe we can trust Bill.", I reassured Serena and Lillie.

"Truly?", Lillie asked back, which earned a nod from me.

"What is this secret? Now you are intriguing me even more."

Hearing Bill ask that, the three of us looked at each other for a brief moment, before I yelled out. I made sure my voice carried but it wasn't loud enough to disturb the giant Dragonite nearby.

"Mew, it's time to come out and play!", I yelled out.

Seeing me yell this out, Bill looked at me weirdly. He almost laughed in response to that.

"Pfft, you really think you can call such a mystical Pokemon here--?", Bill tried to deny me as I called out to Mew. He knew it wasn't possible to see one of the mythical legendaries so easily from his point of view, but he didn't know ours, how I formed a bond with Mew so long ago.

His concern was completely shattered the moment he heard a childlike giggle echo in our ears. I in turn wanted to laugh at his reaction like this. His eyes turned so wide eyes his pupils almost stretched backward back inside his head.

In the next moment, in the skies not too far away, a swift shadow swooped in, darting right toward the lighthouse top we were currently standing on. As it sped toward us, the figure looked at the giant silhouette, seeing it struggle where to go. The lighthouse kept changing its colors, telling the Dragonite it wanted to meet. The figure then looked back to us, and sped down.

"Mew.", Mew spoke, letting out out another giggle. It floated around a bit, before Mew plopped out right onto my shoulder. Seeing Mew arrive, Serena also approached Mew, and rubbed Mew's chin a bit, just like how one would do to a cat.

"How you doing buddy?", I asked Mew.

"Mew!", Mew answered as if it responded in good health. As I started to speak with Mew, Bill just stood there dumbfounded. In the end, we saw him break down in laughter, as if he didn't believe what he currently saw.

"Hahahaha! I see. So that's how it is. Just how I am trying to form a unique connection with something I've discovered on my own for the first time, you've taken a step ahead of me, forming a unique bond already. With who is said to be the progenitor of all Pokemon. I can't believe I'm witnessing Mew with my own eyes.", Bill responded excitedly as a glint of light appeared in his eyes.

"Did you know that Mew only reveals its presence to those of pure heart or those who find it worthy?", I asked Bill.

"I do recall such a thing...does that mean Mew recognized me?", Bill asked, while looking at Mew.

Seeing his gaze, Mew looked at Bill, and floated toward him. It didn't take long for Mew to start having fun, spinning around Bill.

"Haha, well I guess there's the answer to that question.", I grinned back at him.

"Simply marvelous...", Bill complemented, seeing Mew have its fun. "Does anyone else know of Mew's existence besides us?", Bill asked.

"Just one that I can think of, though that person hasn't seen Mew for several years now.", I answered Bill, which reminded me of said person. Cynthia, the current reigning champion of Sinnoh. I am pretty sure Goh and Chloe saw Mew as well back at Summer Camp. That's what drove Goh to start his catching Pokemon adventure. To catch every Pokemon that will lead up to him eventually catching Mew. As to whether that will still happen, it remains to be seen, since Mew has been caught by me already. I am not sure if there are other Mew around.

"Oh? Who would that be?", interested, Bill decided to ask. This earned a smile from Serena and Lillie as well.

"Cynthia.", Serena answered, placing her hands at her hips, as if she became proud to reveal that. This further caused Bill to come to a sudden halt.

"Cynthia? You don't that Cynthia do you? That super strong Trainer that's been gaining attention in Sinnoh since she became Champion not long ago?", Bill asked, surprised. "...Wait, now that I think about it, she did issue that weird challenge didn't she? I remember she calling out to someone on tv...", Bill continued to say, only to see him look right at me.

A moment passed before a light bulb lit up in his head.

"Don't tell me, that challenge of hers was issued to you?", Bill asked as he looked at me.

"What do you think?", I answered vaguely. But I could see it from Bill that he figured out Cynthia's message already.

"So that's what happened...", Bill uttered. He then had a look at Mew again, who was still playing around us. Seeing this, Mew stopped, only to tilt its head at Bill again.

"Mew?", Mew asked, looking at Bill, as if it was waiting for Bill.

Bill no longer hesitated and spoke out to Mew.

"Mew...I am not sure if it's fine for me to ask, but this Dragonite wants to meet me, and I want to meet it. I don't know what's causing this last missing piece, but with it so close in sight, I am sure a path can form.", Bill started to explain to Mew. Mew saw Bill point his finger at the giant silhouette of the Dragonite, constantly quaking through the waves.

Bill took this time to play the control in his hand once more, and pressed the button. A soothing Pokemon cry echoed around us

"I want to meet you.", Bill said resolutely.

"You want to meet me.", Bill continued to say.

I must say, this Pokemon cry was its own melody, to say the least. It was definitely calming.

It didn't take long for the silhouette to respond back with the melody of its own, which was the same melody Bill's device played. Mew witnessed this, and it too enjoyed them.

Once both sides calmed down once again, Dragonite came to a halt. Mew took this time to look at Dragonite, who was still hidden, deep within the fog.

The Dragonite responded back, finally moving its head a bit. It looked right at Mew.

"Mew!", Mew yelled out, and floated over the cliff. It flew right toward Dragonite, rising up to match the Dragonite's glowing eyes. The fervor the Dragonite was in since it arrived seemed to have calmed down once Mew arrived in front of it.

"Mew.", Mew said, speaking out to Dragonite. Yet Dragonite only stared at it. In the next moment, its fierce glowing yellow eyes died down, entering a calm state. Dragonite responded again, letting out its same cry. As it did, we were engulfed by a wave of peacefulness. We saw Bill enjoy it too, and he momentarily closed his eyes.

After that, Dragonite took action, and actually walked toward us. The waves were no longer in such a chaotic state, and only parted ways every time Dragonite took a step. Dragonite soon arrived right in front of the cliff, and man, it definitely was huge. Maybe it had a Gigamantax gene? I know many Pokemon don't always come with the ability to Gigamantax, only some did. They either had it in their genes to do so, or didn't. It was that simple.

Bill opened his eyes at this time and smiled.

"So you've come, Dragonite.", Bill said. We actually saw Bill extend his hand over the edge of the lighthouse. We made sure he wouldn't fall out.

Dragonite responded with a light cry, and we saw it lean toward Bill. The world seemed to have stopped the moment Dragonite arrived in front of Bill's hand, and actually nuzzled against it!

"Dragonite...", Bill tried to say. While it was still foggy, we definitely saw Dragonite's appearance now as it was so close to up to us. Turns out it was a green shiny Dragonite!

Unfortunately this moment only lasted briefly, Dragonite parted ways, and separated from Bill's hand.

"Thank you, Dragonite. I am so glad we could finally meet.", Bill said, with a smile.

Dragonite then responded to him with another cry, which drew our attention, especially Bill's. It took a bit to figure out what Dragonite was trying to say, but Bill was next to speak.

" you have something?", Bill tried to ask. Dragonite responded with a short cry, acknowledging Bill.

We then saw Dragonite lean in again. Before we realized it we saw something small appear in Dragonite's front. It lowered its head right at Bill, and upon a closer look, the item resting on Dragonite appeared to be an egg of sorts! Upon a closer look, this egg had a pale blue color.

"No this Dragonite wasn't completely alone?", Serena uttered.

"Perhaps it was trying to find someone?", Lillie also softly asked.

"Who knows, but I do wonder how Bill will respond to this...", I also said softly.

We also saw Bill smile again during this time.

"So you had family after all, I'm glad. Are you saying you want to give this Pokemon Egg to me, Dragonite?", Bill asked without turning away.

Dragonite simply responded with a resolute cry, nudging its head even further toward Bill. Seeing this, Bill reached out, and took a firm hold of its Pokemon Egg.

"Thank you for placing your trust in me, Dragonite. Two sides finally met. I will be sure to take care of your egg. Will we meet again?", Bill asked.

Dragonite only let out a strong soothing cry in response. It too didn't know whether it would come back or not. Bill simply nodded hearing Dragonite's response.

"Then until next time.", Bill concluded, saying goodbye.

Before we realized it, the fog started to dissipate, and the Dragonite vanished back into the sea. After a couple moments, Mew had finished playing around, returned to my side. I too bid Mew farewell, and it flew back off, wandering around, wondering where to go next.

It returned to us three and Bill, and we made our way back to the inside of the lighthouse. Bill made sure firmly hold onto the Pokemon Egg he was given.

"So that's how this is going to end, huh?", I asked as we made our way back inside.

"Looks like it. I truly thank you guys for letting that connection form. I was not expecting that Dragonite to have family, but it seems its placing its trust in me to raise this Pokemon Egg. You were in a similar position too, right Itsuki?", Bill asked.

"That's right. Come say hi to Bill, Amber.", I said, grabbing a hold of Amber's love ball. I then tossed it out, and my shiny Alolan Ninetales made its appearance. Bill halted to take a good look at Amber.

"Nine.", Amber said, greeting us as she nuzzled against my hand.

"Wow, is that a Ninetales from another region? And an alternate color to boot. You don't see that too often.", Bill said in approval.

"You saw it on the lit up panels earlier right? Were you able to take notice Amber isn't the only one?"

"Yeah. You three already have a family of Ninetales and Vulpix, right?", Bill asked.

"We do. They all get along great.", Serena responded happily.

"That's good. I can see you guys take good care of your Pokemon. You three will do well as Trainers. Since you came here in person, I assume your next place to visit is Vermillion City?", Bill asked us.

"That's right. We've earned two badges each so far, and we plan to challenge Vermillion City's Gym Leader next. After that, I am not sure. Kanto is a pretty open region.", Lillie responded with a nod.

"You are definitely right about that. Kanto has a clear path Trainers can follow, but after Cerulean City and Vermillion City, it opens up. If one wanted to challenge a gym that wasn't in its next path, they could.", Bill explained.

"I guess we will see how we do after our third gym battle.", I answered.

"You three aren't going to head there now, will you? It is pretty late into the night. Why don't you three stay at my lighthouse for the night? Guests often come to visit me, so I have some spare rooms available."

"Is that alright?", I asked.

"Yes. It's the least I can do. Unfortunately, I do not know how to cook much though so I won't be able to help you guys there."

"Hehe, you can just leave the cooking to Itsuki.", Serena said with a smile. Bill raised his eyebrows hearing this.

"You know how to cook, Itsuki?", Bill asked.

"I do, among other things. It's not known to many, but I've been a butler-in-training before arriving back in Kanto.", I explained to Bill, which only caused his eyes to turn wide.

"Seriously? That's something I'd least expect from a son of a line of Champions, haha!", Bill responded with a laugh.

"Well, things happen.", I said, smiling back at him.

With that, we made ourselves comfortable enough to pass the night, chatting with Bill along the way. We became pretty good friends during that and we were happy Bill was able to meet the Dragonite that's been coming here. It even gave Bill a Pokemon Egg to look after. I figured it would be my time to catch a Dratini later on, and trying to find Dragonite Island for that will be a blast.

The next day came before we knew it and it became bright and sunny. Bill told us the way to arrive at Vermillion City, and after parting ways, and we started walking right toward it.

It was almost time to battle the third gym!


Longer chapter for you guys today.

Power stones please?

Serena, Lillie, or Itsuki for the gym battle chapter against Lieutenant Surge?