Chapter 76: Battle For The Thunder Badge!

Release: 2/3.

Don't forget those power stones!


"Raichu, close the distance. Use Quick Attack.", Lieutenant Surge said, revealing his first.

"Rai!", Raichu responded. All of a sudden, a white glow appeared underneath its frontside. Raichu crouched, and got down onto its four hands. It didn't take long at all before Raichu entered a dash, quickly sprinting forward. The white glow started to trail behind Raichu as Raichu quickened its speed. It then started changing up its positions as it closed into halfway on the battle field.

As the battle just started, Raichu was all the way at the other end, so there was a large gap to close.

"Beedrill, start swerving and dodge Quick Attack. Hasten your speed with Agility.", I said, using my first move.

"Bee!", Beedrill replied. It started to speed toward Raichu. As it did, it would vanish from sight, reappearing at different positions, similar to Raichu's Quick Attack. Beedrill is a very fast Pokemon to begin with, so it started to glow with an afterimage every time it was using Agility. What Agility did was boost a Pokemon's speed even more. It was likely that Beedrill's speed was higher than Raichu's now.

It didn't take long at all for Raichu and Beedrill to meet halfway, in the center of the battle field. Once Raichu saw Beedrill was within a close range, Raichu leapt at Beedrill to try and tackle it!

"Raichu!", Raichu said, leaping ahead, moving very fast into Beedrill.

"Dodge it, Beedrill!", I answered back. Beedrill reacted quickly enough thanks to Agility, and was able to swerve out of the way. Raichu kept pressing forward though, which caused Beedrill to enter a state of dodging as Beedrill constantly flapped its wings, reappearing into the distance every time Raichu leapt at it. So far, Raichu was unable to hit Beedrill.

Raichu didn't get disappointed despite not being able to hit Beedrill with a continuous Quick Attack. But Lieutenant Surge interrupted his Raichu, and spoke out.

"Raichu, that's good right there. Your Beedrill is quite fast, kid. It's time change up da pace and set da field my way. Raichu use da Electric Terrain!", Lieutenant Surge said, revealing a surprising move.

I guess the problem nowadays with more regions known, the more their Pokemon moves get utilized in previous regions. What I mean by that is Kanto isn't just Kanto, having its 151 Pokemon. Each Pokemon in the Kanto region is capable of learning every generation of moves, and Electric Terrain originated from Kalos. It is quite the powerful move, similar to Amber's Snow Warning, to where it would cause hail to form.

As that was thought, Raichu yelled out, letting its lightning energy surge within its body. Arcs of lightning literally started to shoot out of Raichu, as Raichu braced its stance. Terrain effects are very powerful, and Electric Terrain was not unknown to that. Before we knew it, the entire battle field was covered in yellow lightning energy.

"Raichu!", Raichu spoke out, pleased in seeing Electric Terrain released. Electric Terrain boosted electric type moves for electric type Pokemon. It used to only effect electric type Pokemon that couldn't fly, but as it got developed over the regions, that side effect went away. But as a result, its power got nerfed. As to whether it boosts damage by 30% or 50%, that remains to be seen.

I need to be careful from here on. If Beedrill gets hit by an electric move while Electric Terrain is up, it will cause major damage.

"Beedrill, take this time to set up a Double Team! We need to cover some ground here.", I said, using my next move.

In the anime, Double Team was basically Shadow Clone Jutsu. It was a lot more broken here than in the games, as in the games, Double Team only boosted a Pokemon's evasion. Beedrill reacted quickly, and started to split its body apart into afterimages, one after another. Beedrill took the time to split several afterimages, covering the whole field over Raichu. Raichu was now surrounded.

"It doesn't matter how many you create. Raichu use Thunderbolt. Eliminate them all!", Lieutenant Surge said his next move. Sure enough, it was the powerful Thunderbolt, one of Pikachu's classic moves that Ash liked to use every generation.

"Rai!", Raichu said.

After Raichu said that, more lightning energy poured out, shooting thunderbolts one after another. Booms started to screech across the field but sadly for Raichu, every thunderbolt that hit Beedrill resulted in Beedrill's afterimage vanishing. Beedrill didn't stay idle, and quickly moved, staying hidden behind its afterimages. It didn't take long for Beedrill to appear right behind Raichu.

Taking this moment before Raichu realizes it, I spoke out.

"Good. Beedrill, now use the move I've been teaching you. Use Poison Jab!", I spoke out, revealing my next move.

"Beedrill!", Beedrill said. As it did, its two stingers started to glow in purple energy.

"Rai?", Raichu asked, but as it turned around, it saw a big purple strike launch out at it. Bang! Bang! Raichu's thunderbolts got disrupted, only for a couple of strikes to land on Raichu's body. Raichu got blasted into the air thanks to the poisonous energy that wrapped around Beedrill's stingers. Looks like the move was a success!

Poison Jab was a very strong physical type poison move. It had a good chance of leaving the target in a poisoned status as well.

And it seemed luck was on my side today. Raichu managed to gain its bearings after it was flung away, successfully landing back into its two feet. But unfortunately for Raichu, it winced its eyes and a purple hue appeared underneath its eyes. Raichu then collapsed onto one of its knees.

"Raichu! Damn it, looks like that poison landed. You okay?", Lieutenant Surge asked Raichu.

"R-Rai!", Raichu tried to respond, slowly standing back up on its two feet, but it was clear that it was taking damage from poison.

"Good. We may have to end this battle quicker than anticipated. It's time for Volt Tackle!", Lieutenant Surge said his next move, which surprised me yet again.

Wasn't that Ash's signature move? Well, it's not like other Pokemon can't learn Volt Tackle, but this is seriously one of the most dangerous electric moves there is.

"Rairai!", Raichu responded excitedly. It then started to go back down on its fours, crouching. Lieutenant Surge really isn't giving any time to spare, is he?

"Fine, if that's the case...", I began to say.

Seeing me say that, Serena and Lillie became excited. Lieutenant Surge also shifted his eyes back to me.

"It may not have been that long, but let's show them, Beedrill!", I said in anticipation.

"Beedrill!", Beedrill replied, waiting on me. I proceeded to place my palm on my Mega Ring.

"Mega Evolve!", I declared.

Immediately as I did so, I felt my bond deepen with Beedrill. After that, the Beedrillite started to glow a bright yellow. As for Beedrill, Beedrill began to glow in a blue light. The energy that began leaking out from the Beedrillite acted on its own, rushing at Beedrill.

It only took mere moments for the two to join, encompassing Beedrill in a bright light. This triggered the Mega Evolution, which allows one to push past a Pokemon's limit, evolving into something beyond their final evolution. The downside is it can only happen in the midst of battle.

The light quickly faded as it came. But something changed. Beedrill's size, for one, was a lot larger.

It tucked it's abdomen in greatly, as if its body became a spear. Two smaller cone-like stingers formed on each side of its middle bottom stinger. As for its main stingers on each arm, they became much thicker and sharper. Its eyes stretched backward, allowing Beedrill a wider peripheral vision. It even grew more wings, showing three pairs.

After Beedrill finished Mega Evolving, Raichu finished unleashing the electric energy needed for Volt Tackle. It made a mad dash, aiming right at Mega Beedrill. Raichu continuously shouted its name much like Ash's Pikachu did as electricity trailed behind it.

"Meet Raichu head on, use Poison Jab once more!", I said my move.

Beedrill took in a homing position. Its five stingers all glowed in purple energy. Fluttering its wings into a buzzing sound, Beedrill flew in.

Raichu leapt the moment Beedrill came within distance. Raichu struck with its head against Beedrill's stingers. Bang!

Electric and purple energy collided against each other. But it only took a moment for there to be a clear victor.

"Raiii!", Raichu yelled out, getting blasted away by Beedrill's impact. Raichu was sent flying into the air. Some of the Volt Tackle caused damage to Beedrill, but it withstood it.

"Oh no, Raichu!", Lieutenant Surge yelled, seeing his Raichu get blasted away. He rushed toward it, arriving close to where Raichu landed. Another loud bang struck the gym once Raichu hit the ground.

This caused dusts of smoke to get knocked up. Once it subsided, Raichu could be seen flat on its back, not moving. It had purple hues under its eyes, signaling more damage taken from poison.

Faint circles then appeared in its eyes.

Seeing Raichu get ko'd, the ref stared blankly at his Gym Leader in silence. But he shook that away and was able declare the result of the battle.

"Raichu is unable to battle. The challenger is the victor!"

Hearing that there was some applause as we saw Beedrill change back into normal. Recalling Beedrill to give it a good rest, we soon heard another sound of clapping that came from the entrance of the gym.

"That was a splendid battle.", An aged voice said, reaching out to us. Of course this voice immediately drew our attention.