Chapter 82: Jump

Did I have the qualifications to fight a Legendary Pokemon at this point in time? Let alone a mythical Pokemon? Probably not.

But the Trainers seemed to not be bothered by that thought. Every one of them got fired up, using their main Pokemon to challenge Lugia without a care.

I wanted Amber to experience the power of a mythical Pokemon too. Back when I was a kiddo, the newborn Vulpix battled against a Legendary. I knew I was way over my head at the time, but that battle was to teach Amber how fast the Pokemon World can become.

Ten years later, besides becoming partners with Mew, we have, come across our first mythical Pokemon in such a way.

How could I not get fired up too to have a battle with it, even if Amber will likely lose? I only wanted to use one move in this exchange, and this will definitely cause surprise to the onlookers too.

I could feel and see Amber getting excited too, wanting to try out the move again. Since we started our Kanto journey, we've only used it once so far.

To begin with, Lieutenant Surge yelled out his first move. He knew, so he was going to create some distance.

"Raichu, distract Lugia. Try to hit it with ya Thunder!", Lieutenant Surge, pointing his finger outward.

"Raichu!" Raichu said, closing in. But it remembered my words, and created s fair enough distance from it to Ninetales.

In response, Lugia let out another graceful roar Electric energy started to surge forth from Raichu's body. A huge stream of electricity burst forth from Raichu. Thunder was one of the most powerful Electric type moves. A huge pillar shot up, shooting right at Lugia. It shot out really fast too, and Lugia decided to take Raichu's Thunder. Booom!

A powerful thunderous boom struck the port right as Thunder hit, and Lugia got struck hard. It got surrounded by an electric surge, creating smoke clouds along the way.

"Now, kid! Before Lugia can recover!", Lieutenant Surge yelled out to me, giving me the signal.

"Already on it. Let's show Lugia our bond, Amber!", I yelled out in response.

"Nine!", Ninetales also said in anticipation.

I took this time to touch the Z Ring on my other wrist. Placing my hand Ninetalium Z, I activated it. The Z Ring started to glow once I started to do move my arms in a certain way...

As for Goh, he turned his attention back to me, and saw me start Ninetales' Z Move.

"So you're activating one of those rings of yours. Now that I think about it, it looks rather familiar...", Goh uttered to himself. "Wait, now that I think about it, don't those Trainers from Alola have these? But why is yours black?", Goh questioned to himself.

It only took a moment for me to finish activating Ninetales' Z move. Its energy surged forth, encompassing Ninetales in an icy glow. As it did a phantom image appeared over it. Lugia took this time to shake off Raichu's Thunder with minor damage taken to it. Lugia was thinking of using Recover again, but it noticed Ninetales' energy it was currently gathering, which drew Lugia's full attention.

"Do it, Amber. Zero Ice Prison.", I said my move.

After I did, ice energy swept forth the port. Trainers could feel the sunny temperature drop. Some became surprised seeing a giant pillar of ice suddenly form beneath Ninetales' feet. The pillar kept expanding upward, until it finished forming.

"No wonder why ya wanted my Raichu out of the way. Raichu would've been frozen into an ice cube, haha!", Lieutenant Surge said with a laugh. "Z Moves, huh? That's an Alola region thing ain't it?", Lieutenant Surge asked.

"Sure is. I went abroad there for a while.", I answered, nodding my head.

"You really went to the Alola region, Itsuki?", Goh also responded in surprise.

'I'll keep the part of Tapu Koko giving me an upgraded Z Move a secret, as the Alola guardians came all the way over to Pallet Town.', I said to myself.

"Yes.", I simply answered Goh.

After I did, Ninetales' giant pillar of ice finished forming, raising herself several feet into the air. It was well above Lieutenant Surge as well, causing him to look up at it. This move behaves very similarly to Subzero Slammer, but there was a key difference to this move. Ninetales' shot out a large beam of ice from her mouth, which converged into ice crystals along the way, rapidly heading toward Lugia.

In response, Lugia started to form its own energy in its mouth. It didn't gather energy to fire off another Aeroblast though. No, the color being gathered in Lugia's mouth was very pure and orange in color. Seeing this shocked a lot of Trainers.

"Look, Lugia is charging up a Hyper Beam!", one of the nearby Trainers yelled out.

Seeing this, one of the Trainers in the earlier group of five, owning the Garchomp, turned toward the Trainer who who had the Mega Sableye earlier.

"Shall we help this guy out?", He asked.

Seeing this, the Trainer with the Mega Sableye took a moment took at me and the firing Ninetales. I felt this guy look at me for a moment, only for him to look away after, but I kept my eye on the ongoing battle. The Trainer shook his head.

"Nah. I've heard of Z-Moves before. They can be quite powerful but against a Pokemon like Lugia, and for Lugia to respond with a Hyper Beam, the result is obvious. This guy's gonna lose.", the Trainer responded, and turned his head back toward Lugia.

'Hey, I'm trying here too you know.', I inwardly retorted back at him.

As that was said, Lugia finished charging its Hyper Beam, and shot it out. It ripped through the sky, aiming straight toward Zero Ice Prison. In the next moment the two collided against each other. A large explosion blasted forth, creating a loud noise which caused some to flinch. The attack didn't stop there though, both sides seemed to be even for a bit. It was what came next where the magic laid in Zero Ice Prison.

While the two blasts were striking against each other, slowly but surely, large icicle chains started to break away from the center of Zero Ice Prison. Once these chains had nothing obstructing them, they launched right at Lugia.

Seeing this, Lugia, tried to push its Hyper Beam further, closing some distance to Ninetales, but sadly for it, the first chain of several hit Lugia. Bang!

It was at this moment something seemed to click inside my head, causing me to look at Lugia. It was only briefly, but Lugia looked back at me. However the icy chains continued to strike against Lugia, creating damage marks on its body. Lugia's Hyper Beam had about a fourth of the way left before it would hit Ninetales. But it stopped there, only to have Lugia fire one after another, trying to break the chains.

As it tried to do so, the chains managed to fully wrap around Lugia. They then expanded out, creating a giant icy prison, restricting Lugia. Lugia took this time to cast Recover once again, restoring its taken damage.

Surprise could be seen across many seeing that I was able to momentarily trap Lugia, but it seems even that wasn't able to keep it chained for long. It decided to suck in a deep breath, before whipping up a powerful wind. Lugia launched a continuous stream of Aeroblasts inside, which slowly started to form a tornado over the water. The icy chains started to crack, it didn't take long for them to snap and break. Crack!

Breaking free, Lugia blasted another Aeroblast straight downward, aiming right at Ninetales. The moment Aeroblast struck, it caused the icy pillar to start cracking. It also blasted Ninetales off of it, which caused me to enter a sprint.

"Amber!", I yelled out, running quickly. Raichu also got blasted away with this wind, causing Lieutenant Surge to act quickly as well. Thankfully the force of this blast caused Ninetales to head down right in my direction.

As a result I was able to catch Ninetales from flying any further. It was during this that the icy pillar crumbled. Lugia was now completely free too, ending its windy tornado.

"You okay, Amber?", I asked Ninetales.

"Nine.", Ninetales responded back. Seeing this, I recalled Ninetales. The winner was obvious. Lugia is a very powerful Pokemon.

Lieutenant Surge also recalled his Raichu after seeing it got fainted that last attack and returned to our side. Goh shook out of his amazement, only for him to speak out next.

"Look, Lugia is now at the sea level! Is it waiting for something?", Goh asked, pointing his finger.

We then saw Lugia now hovering in the place below where we had just battled. It also continued to look at me for a bit, before flapping its wings to take to the skies again. As it did, Lugia let out a graceful roar, speeding alongside the port in the other direction, heading away from us.

"Ahh...", Goh replied, seeing Lugia start to leave. He quickly regained his composure, and darted his eyes around for a bit.

"Goh?", I asked him seeing him behave like this.

"Quickly, I think we can still catch up to Lugia if we head in this direction!", Goh said, quickly heading off without warning.

"H-Hey!", I tried to say back, but he was quite fast. "Looks like we'll be heading off for now, Lieutenant Surge. Thanks for the assist there.", I said.

"Haha, no problem. I'll stay at the harbor here with the others.", Lieutenant Surge responded.

Hearing that, I headed off to where Goh was trying to reach. We ended up leaving the harbor, only to reach a windy stone mountain of sorts. Lugia started to fly up, which caused Goh to start climbing its stairs. After reaching the first pass, the land flattened out a bit, bringing us to a circular edge. We could now see Lugia not too far away. In fact Lugia was now quite close to us. It obviously knew of our presence again, but that didn't stop Goh.

Seeing Lugia within distance, I finally caught up to Goh.

"Now the only thing left to do...Let's go!", Goh said, bending his legs down. Before I realized it, Goh jumped off the cliff, and launched himself right over Lugia. It was obvious he was intending to land on Lugia.

"Of course you'd do something like this...Don't blame me later for this.", I retorted seeing Goh jump. I reacted fast, pouring power into my legs, and jumped off as well. Will we reach Lugia in time?


A new week.

Let's keep those power stones going!