Chapter 92: Lance's Return

Power stones please? Let's still try to get back to 500 stones!


"Project S...", A soft voice uttered within the Celadon City Pokemon Center. A tall 6'5 tanned figure with brown hair could be seen toward the end of the the PCs that were lined up on the left. A hint of worry but also excitement could be seen in his eyes.

This figure was obviously me. As I uttered that, I started to see many videos pop up on the laptop i brought down. I typically keep this laptop hidden away while I use that other device for measurements and such. But for serious business like this, I bring out this high tech laptop. And in every single one of these videos, it showed Pokemon becoming extremely aggressive.

Some would even enter a berserk state. But these Pokemon weren't the only problem. Throughout Kanto, mostly during the night or while evading the cops, weirdly dressed group of people would try to steal others' Pokemon Some were successful while others would get beaten black and blue. But regardless of stealing or defeat, among each of these groups would be one or two weirdly dressed person in full plated white armor, very similar to that of storm troopers. These guys acted as if they were out of our current time.

Every so often the first group would deliver their stolen Pokemon to these armored people.

This first group wore open leather red vests with a white undershirt and dark gray baggy pants. One key similarity to each person was the fact that they had shaved heads, with hair buzzed around the side of the head. Not only that, they were the spitting image of thugs.

If I recall correctly, this group is known as Team Snagem.

And the armored people is known as Team Cipher.

These guys are many less few in number compared to Team Snagem, but they are much scarier to deal with.

However, even with the confirmation of Shadow Pokemon appearing and these guys popping up, that wasn't the worst problem.

One other group could be seen. Many people dressed in dark black outfits, staying hidden in the shadows and carrying out theft operations, while Team Cipher watched them.

A single R could be seen embroidered in the middle of their uniform.

"Team Rocket...So they are finally coming out of the shadows.", I uttered softly at the screen. It wasn't long until a voice responded to be, who currently had an obscure shadow on screen. It belonged to a woman's.

"Yes. We weren't sure what Team Rocket has been doing these last few years but they've started appearing in the shadows again. It seems to be the beginning of a new surge."

"From what I'm seeing here, that does seem to be the case. I'm guessing their leader Giovanni must be up to something. And using these Shadow Pokemon will help him further realize those plans."

"I'm afraid so. At the beginning we had no counter to these Pokemon, yet some people started popping saying they could see shadowy auras. Determining this to be artificial, we changed up our aim. And luckily for us, one if your friends happened to be a cornerstone for this."

"You must be referring to Michael. I have yet to personally visit the Orre region yet but we've chatted a few times over the years. He seemed perfectly fine at those times, but I'm guessing they're taking the most the damage being caused right now."

"Yes. Team Snagem and Team Cipher mainly operate there, but they've spread their reach, entering a successful business deal with Team Rocket. We must strike while we can before Shadow Pokemon spread out to more regions beside Kanto."

She is definitely right about that. Team Galactic and Team Plasma are way more whacko than Team Rocket is. If evil organizations like those two ever get their hands on Shadow Pokemon, I could only shudder at the thought

"I agree with you on that, but if it's fine to ask you one thing first?", I decided ask.

"Oh? What would that be?"

"You do realize obscuring your image like that on screen servers no purpose, right, Lusamine?", I retorted her. Seeing this, I only saw her smile.

"Dear me, I was just trying to have a bit of fun, Itsuki. Tell me, while we're here, how is Lillie doing? I fear Kanto won't be as much as a safe place than it currently is.", Lusamine asked as she took off her blurry image, revealing Lusamine currently sitting in her main office back at Aether Foundation.

"Don't you worry. Lillie is well and safe. In fact the three of us are set to challenge Erika on Monday. Hopefully this mission will be done before then."

"Mmm, good. That is're seeing that Serena girl too, aren't you?"

"I am. I also wanted to thank you for giving us those starter Pokemon from the last call we had.", I responded, giving my thanks.

"It is no trouble. The moment I saw that determination, I knew it was time. Just like how she is so determined to be with you, she thinks the same to being a Trainer. That stubbornness comes from me, I just know it, fufu.", Lusamine said with a laugh.

"Is that so? Lillie's Trainer skills are developing very quickly."

"That's good. That Serena looks promising as well. I wouldn't mind having a cute daughter-in-law like her.", Lusamine said with a grin.

"Would you stop it with your antics already?", A sudden voice said, which instantly drew our attention. In the next moment, a screen appeared on my laptop, arriving next to Lusamine's. This time it sounded like a firm male voice.

"As much as I'd like you and Itsuki to catch up, we mustn't waste time on this. Did you forget this mission is being sanctioned by the Kanto League?", The male voice said with a hint of irritation.

"Of course I didn't forget. I just wanted to spend a few minutes of quality time with my future son-in-law."

As Lusamine retorted, I ended up becoming quiet. I thought I was hearing things differently at first, but then my eyes turned wide after hearing this male voice say that.

Taking in an inward breath, I spoke out.

"...Is that really you, Lance?", I asked a bit hesitantly.

Hearing that, both eyes shifted back to me. A rare smile appeared on the man's face, before his obscured image vanished. Replacing it stood a middle aged man with carmine colored spiky hair. He was currently wearing a red leather vest, with a black shirt and gray pants. He was also wearing a cape. A stern look could be seen un his eyes right now.

"It is. It indeed has been a while, Itsuki. I apologize for bringing you into this matter. But after learning about your boss, we struck a deal ourselves. Lusamine said you wouldn't reject it.", Lance said, explaining a bit.

"So that's how it is. It is true I report directly directly to Lusamine. So you worked your magic fingers eh?", I retorted.

"Fufu, nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Nah. In fact, thank you for bringing this awareness to me. This way we can take precautions as we continue our journey.", I answered back.

"So you already started your journey. I did see reports coming in saying that a Professor managed to claim three badges already in such a short period of time, along with those two girls who are with you. At this current rate you'll likely be ready for the Kanto League before June.", Lance speculated.

"I think so too. It will give us time to train for the rest of the year until it starts while the rest of our friends start their journey."

"Heh.", Lance replied with a grin. "But going back to what Lusamine was going on about, I don't know the full details between you too but I managed to do some digging. You know how some parts of the underworld works, don't you Itsuki?"

"I do.", I said, simply nodding my head.

"Good. I was right to bring you onto this mission then. Unfortunately I won't be there with you for back up. Me and the rest of the league are currently fighting on the frontline.", Lance said. Hearing that, I did become a bit sad, but what Lusamine said next drew my interest.

"It is a shame but Lance here does have his hands tied right now. As such you will be a assigned another partner for this mission. In fact he should be arriving at your place in just a moment.", Lusamine explained, staying mysterious.

"Eh?", I retorted back, revealing a surprised look in my eyes.