Chapter 98: A Conversation And A Book

"I...", I began to say, only to see Giovanni look right at me in the eyes. This was a pretty powerful feeling coming from the head of Team Rocket himself, but I didn't back down.

"I will show you Mew, but on one condition.", I replied, giving my answer to Giovanni.

Hearing me say that, a glint of light streaked across his eyes.

"Hoh, do you think you are in a position where you can bargain with me?"

"Would you rather have me jump out of this helicopter than answer you at all?", I retorted.

After I gave Giovanni that retort, he ended up letting out a laugh.

"Haha! If this was a normal conversation I would tell you that you would be an idiot for thinking of such a thing, but Mew is your partner. You could very well escape from this flight unharmed. Psychic energy works mysterious wonders like that.", Giovanni replied with a grin.

"Indeed. You could say I'm following you of my free will right now. If I had wanted to flee, you wouldn't be able to stop me."

"Very well. I shall agree to your condition. What is it?", Giovanni asked.

"Whatever it is that you created, Mew mustn't see it. Not now. It is not their destined time to meet. I will only permit you to see Mew, and you alone, Giovanni.", I answered.

"Only I can see Mew? The way you spoke looks like you know something. What has Mew shown you?"

"You could say Mew has shown me a great deal of things. I'm pretty sure whatever it is you have created has already established a connection with you, right?"

"Indeed. Are you suggesting Mew and Mewtwo will clash in the future? That does make sense...One is the progenitor, while the other is a creation to topple that position. No, with you saying that, it is inevitable they will clash at some point.", Giovanni explained a bit.

"Yes. That is the reason why I do not wish Mew to meet this, 'Mewtwo', as you call your creation? How ironic, to add a two before Mew, and that makes Mewtwo. For being the second being to come close to Mew...", I retorted again.

"--To be beyond Mew. That is what Team Rocket has strove for. All to realize my ambition."

"You really want to unite this whole world under one?"

"Yes. This world needs a true leader. Without such a structure, we fall into chaos more than we know.", Giovanni said.

And he truly believes that way. Sure he may have abandoned his ideals later on and even proceed to disband Team Rocket to go on his own path of life, but that is then and this is now. We haven't reached that point yet. The only thing I wanted for now was to stop the progression of the first movie. If Mew meets Mewtwo now, the events could very well play out. And seeing Giovanni agree to my terms, I let out an inward sigh of relief.

"I see. Well I won't stop in letting you belief in what you want to belief, as much as I have my own beliefs."

"Oh? What is it that you believe in then?"

"In the distant past, Pokemon and humans were at constant war with each other, slicing each other's throats, but enough time passed to where they could make amends and learn to co-exist with each other. We view Pokemon as partners, and through my eyes I see the same, my Pokemon are my partners, I treat them as family. And for my actual family and friends, they take precedence above all else. Should any harm come to them, there would be hell to raise. I couldn't give a shit about much else, let alone about wanting to become the ruler of the world. I'm currently on my journey with my family and friends to experience fun and the wonders of the world. That's all.", I explained to Giovanni.

As for Giovanni, I was expecting him to sneer at such a comment from me, but he actually let out a laugh.

"Haha! Well said coming from a guy like you. But I thought you were a Professor? And don't you work for that brat Lusamine?", Giovanni asked.

Hearing Giovanni call Lusamine a brat, my eyes twitched a bit, but I answered calmly.

"I am. That is my livelihood. And Lusamine is part of the family, or will soon become part of it. She has helped me grow in many ways during my time abroad."

"And you're willing to continue to work for her?"

"Yes. And besides we've had our fair share of troubles in Alola. Shadow Pokemon aren't the only threat looming around you know."

"Is it those Ultra Beasts?", Giovanni asked. "From what I've looked into, they truly are aliens from other dimensions..."

"So you know about those too. Then I don't need to explain that part.", I answered.

"Hoh. Well it is a shame. I would have extended my hand out for you to join Team Rocket. We need minds like yours.", Giovanni responded, letting out another grin.

"..You really think I would join that organization of thieves?"

"Thieves, eh? Sure we may appear that way on the outside, but we have our code. Either way, I already lost interest since you work for that brat Lusamine already."

"Still, this was a good conversation. Our ideals may not exactly match but I know you won't stand in my way during my journey."

"Indeed it was. We both have our own paths. And your lies intersected with Mew. Does it take a while to call Mew to your side?"

"It actually doesn't take that long. Mew, time to come out and play.", I smiled back at Giovanni.

After I did only a moment passed before a child-like giggle echoed in the loud helicopter, which immediately drew Giovanni's attention. In our current flight path, we were actually heading westward, and Viridian City was slowly coming into view. Yet as that happened, a shadowy figure quickly darted through the sky, leaving behind a bluish glow in its path.

"Mew!", Mew said, letting the figure reveal itself to be none other than Mew. It looked around in the skies above the Kanto region, only to spot a bulky machine flying its way toward Viridian City. Mew tilted its head a bit seeing this helicopter, but it was able to sense me inside of it.

"Mew.", Mew said again after sensing my presence inside of the helicopter. It then used Teleport and vanished from sight.

In the next moment, Giovanni became surprised seeing a figure suddenly appear within the helicopter. To be specific, a cute pink creature appeared out of nowhere, landing right inside my lap. After Mew appeared, it curiously looked at Giovanni.

"I thought you would call Mew out of a Pokeball...You really let Mew roam free?"

"I do. Isn't that right, Mew?"

"Mew!", Mew responded happily.

"Still this is the first time to come face to face with the progenitor. I've heard that Mew doesn't just show itself to just anyone it comes across."

"That's right. Either one of pure heart or if Mew chooses who it is to see. And in your case its the latter. Can you see Mew in front of you?"

"Yes. So Mew is willing to let me see it...Should I call this a blessing, or a curse?", Giovanni uttered.

"Mew has only let a handful see it. It is very carefree. I thought you'd show more negativity, but looks like I was wrong.

"Carefree, eh? That I can see in Mew after seeing it in person. I used to show a lot of negatively when Team Rocket was formed, bot not anymore. I've come to learn such emotions hamper my ideals. But now...", Giovanni answered with a melancholic tone.

"Now?", I asked, which piqued my interest.

"Seeing Mew like this, it's like I'm feeling a wave of nostalgia. It's almost like I'm remembering the time I caught my first Pokemon..."

As Giovanni said that, he reached into his pocket, only to feel a Pokeball enter his palm. He didn't take it out, but I could still see what he was doing.

"I guess people do always start from somewhere. Even a person you had a first Pokemon? Is it still with you?"

"Yes. I used to think Pokemon were tools to achieve my ambition, but I realize they are more than that. And my greatest creation yet, I feel we could stand on equal ground.", Giovanni replied calmly.

'So it looks like Giovanni has already experienced some growth long before meeting him here. That is good.'

"With you saying that, I look forward to battling you in the Viridian Gym.", I smiled back.

"Heh. We'll see if you can make it to the end.", Giovanni answered with a grin of his own.

"Mew!", Mew also said happily as it floated around freely in the helicopter space.

Another moment passed before we arrived over the Viridian Gym. Sure enough, part of its roof opened, and it let us through.

"We've arrived. Thank you for letting ne see Mew. Now it is your turn. I do not care of you decide to report this information, it will likely become public anyway. But it is your turn now, to see Mewtwo.", Giovanni.

"Mewtwo...", I uttered softly.

Giovanni kept his word and brought me to the back of his gym to where his private space was. Lo and behold, a lone figure stood connected to a device of sorts, and appeared armored. This was the armored Mewtwo shown in the movie, and Giovanni said he was currently working on having Mewtwo learn to control its powers.

Giovanni saw I became quiet during this. I made sure to let Mew leave before coming down here. I didn't want the movie to progress, so I kept quiet. Perhaps its because we stayed quiet that Mewtwo continued its meditation.

After some time passed like this, Giovanni ended the "tour" and brought me to the gum. It was obvious it was closed today. Along the way, I thanked him.

"Thank you for showing me Mewtwo, Giovanni. I am not sure if our paths will cross before we decide to challenge the Viridian Gym. I can't believe I'm going to ask this, if we don't meet again, will you come to my wedding?", I decided to throw the ball. I doubt he will, but his answered surprised me.

"Hoh, are you already getting married?", Giovanni asked.

"It has yet to be official, and I still need to do the proposal, but if everything is set and stone, it will happen after the Kanto League ends this year. I'm only bringing this up now in case we don't see each other again. But if we do, I hope it'll be as Trainer and Gym Leader, and not as enemies.", I answered.

"Heh, I guess we will see about that. I'll think about it."

"Then I will see myself out. Take care.", I said, saying goodbye to Giovanni. Yet as I began to walk, Giovanni spoke out one last time, and did a motion of his arm.

"Before you go, Itsuki, take this.", Giovanni suddenly said, only to toss an old-looking book my way. Seeing this made me catch it to not let it fall down.

"This...", Seeing this book fall into my hands, it appeared quite ancient. Only three words could be transcribed on its cover. It was even transcribed with letters of the Unown. It simply read, "The Lost Hero".

"The Lost Hero...", I uttered. "What is this?", I decided to ask.

"Once you have some time, dust it off and give it a good read. The destiny you share may not even be fit for this era...", Giovanni answered. I wanted to ask more, but by the time I looked back up, I saw Giovanni quite a bit away from me now, and with his back turned. I simply saw him waving his hand, only to vanish from sight.

I was now left alone.

'Giovanni must know something about the Rainbow and Silver Wing. For him to give me a book like this...I need to make sure to meet up with Gladion tomorrow. We can discuss this and his findings with Serena and Lillie over the table.', I thought to myself.

For now, I shook that thought away, and left the Gym.

Finding a secluded spot in one of the nearby alleys, I spoke out in a soft voice making sure I was at a good distance away.

"Mew, let's go home.", I simply said.

A childlike giggle echoed around me, only to have my body vanish from sight.

As for Giovanni, he returned to Mewtwo, only to look at it calmly.

"So it looks like Itsuki has left. He has his own path together with the progenitor. As for me, I have my own ambition. Are you up for this, partner?", Giovanni asked with a smile.

As he asked that, Giovanni placed his hand on Mewtwo's armor. The moment he did, a glint of psychic energy surged within Mewtwo's eyes...


The Giovanni bit is over for now. How'd you guys like it?

Let's try reaching over 500 stones again!