Chapter 129: Drinking With Miror B.

A few moments later, another fifteen to twenty minutes have passed, making our flight time only an hour and a half away now.

Unfortunately, to not arouse any suspicion from other people going about the airport, the session we had only ended up as a quickie, with Serena feeling filled up in the process. I could say the same to Lillie as well. She joined in on the fun. To avoid any mess, Lillie actually drank it all up after doing it once. Still, Serena felt full from the act, and she was able to calm down her excitement. We took a few breathers to calm ourselves down, and put our clothes back on. Serena took a peek inside the bathroom. Seeing it clear, she signaled for us. I could only keep my head lowered. We reached the entrance and quickly entered a sprint after seeing no wandering eyes.

From there, we just acted normal again. Lillie stayed to my left a couple feet out while Serena just held onto my hand, clutching it with mine. Like this, we walked down the large hallway, passing gate after gate. Yet before we started to pass by these gates, I blinked for a second. A muffled sound of music was starting to echo from way in the distance behind us. It was soft to the point where it was hardly hearable. Yet I still stood still for a moment.

"Say, do you two hear some hip-hop music?", I suddenly asked Lillie and Serena, which caused the two to halt and look at me. They took a moment, but they both tilted their heads.

"Can't say that I can hear anything. Maybe you need some rest yourself after having that fun just now, hehe.", Serena said, retorting with a giggle.

"Me neither. We can chill on the plane. That excitement is mostly gone now. We can sit back and relax.", Lillie suggested, not hearing any music either.

"Haha, that definitely works for me. I may even order us some wine.", I said, nodding my head.

Hearing me say that, Serena happily nodded her head. I proceeded to discard what I thought I heard for now, and the three of us continued walking, eventually reaching our gate. Yet further behind near where the gates started, unbeknownst to us, this sound of music slowly grew louder as a single individual slowly made their way across the large hallway, exiting the security lanes. If one looked close, they held a large boombox over their shoulders. Security tried to confiscate it, but they could only let it slide after this figure revealed who they were to them. Once this figure reached the large hallway that lead into the gates, they squinted their eyes a bit, only to see three particular individuals taking a seat at one of the gates near the end.

"Hey, now that's a jam I can tune into. Ain't that right, buddy?", The figure said, revealing to be a pretty tall man. Fellow travelers just ignored this man, going about their own business to the gates ahead of him. Yet as they passed by, one couldn't help but notice just how tall this man actually was, along with him wearing a unique headpiece, which was an afro in the shape of a colored Pokeball. And beside this man, a Pokemon could be seen next to him, happily dancing to the tune the boombox was currently playing.

"Ludicolo.", The Pokemon said, revealing to be a Ludicolo, happily dancing on its feet as it said that.

Those who watched the guy could only assume he was a Pokemon Trainer, considering that he had a Pokemon and a couple Pokeballs at his waist. This man suddenly did a twist of his body to a certain beat of the song, and started to walk again. Yet he appeared to be walking backwards, doing the moonwalk as he went. The other people could only walk on, completely ignoring how this man was currently acting. Security couldn't do anything either despite how queer he was right now, as he wasn't breaking any of the rules as he made his way toward the same particular gate to where the three individuals sat down.

Thankfully, his movements were slow enough that by the time he arrived at the gate, the plane had already started to board.

Serena, Lillie and I had already boarded the plane, taking up the very first spots on each row of the plane. Serena and I sat on the left while Lillie sat on the right. It didn't take long before others to start boarding the plane as well. Yet as time passed on, it seemed the coming of people came to a halt, which drew our interest. We could see one or two flight attendants make their way toward the boarding deck, only to get halted as well. They quickly realized why. Ignoring the tall man, the two spotted the same Pokemon that was dancing around earlier in the hallway that led to the gates.

"Sir, you're going to have to call back your Pokemon. Only small Pokemon are allowed to board with their Trainers. We do apologize in advance for this.", The flight attendant said, feeling apologetic at the Trainer before them.

"I guess this is where our tune ends, buddy. You can come back for now.", The tall, weirdly dressed man said. Yet his voice was loud enough to reach inside the cabin.

"Ludi.", The Ludicolo also said, feeling a bit down that it was unable to come into the airplane with the tall man.

However, the moment I heard this voice reach the cabin, my body suddenly came to a freeze as we heard the sound of a Pokeball retrieving Ludicolo.

"Thank you for your understanding.", The flight attendant said, greeting the tall man.

"Fuhoho, it is no issue. I, like everyone else, have somewhere to be. I do hope you don't mind my height though. I am a bit tall compared to everyone else.", The man said, revealing a weird smile at the flight attendant.

"That shouldn't be an issue. I saw your ticket that you flashed earlier. You're going to be in the first row right next to this gentleman here. It should provide more than enough leg room.", The flight attendant said, assuring the tall man.

"Itsuki?", Serena tried to whisper at me, seeing me not move as we heard this conversation go on. As the tall man crept into the airplane, he had to duck his head. Both Serena and Lillie blinked as they were immediately greeted with a goofy looking afro. The boombox was no longer visible either. He was carrying a sole suitcase now. Reaching up, he placed his bag in the first bin overhead.

"Pardon me, but may I take my seat?", The tall man asked Lillie who blinked at him.

"Of course. It looks like I'll be troubling you for the flight.", Lillie said, getting out of her seat to let the tall man take his seat.

I could only shake my head seeing who this person was. As I did the tall man let out a laugh.

"Fuhoho, you're a polite one. Well considering his background, it makes sense. Still, it looks like we'll be seated next to each other for this flight.", The tall man said, letting out a weird laugh.

Hearing that, I could only squint my eyes seeing this man's behavior.

"It's like you're not even trying to hide it at all. Miror B.", I said, shifting my gaze toward him with a retort. The moment I uttered this man's name, Serena blinked at me.

"You know this flashy guy, Itsuki?", Serena asked in surprise.

"I wouldn't say 'know', but we crossed paths once. Hopefully that man should have told you how our business went down from back then, right?", I asked, revealing a serious tone. Seeing me say that, the tall man, who was none other than Miror B, flashed his silver and gold teeth at me with a smile, only to let out another laugh.

"Fuhoho, this and that are two different things. I am merely catching a flight to be on my merry way. But if you want to know, he did inform me. You can have my promise I won't be in your guys' way.", Miror B happily responded.

"Good. We'll pretend as if this didn't happen, but it doesn't help either that you're in our row, no less, haha.", I replied, letting out a laugh of my own. I could see a hint of worry appear in Lillie's eyes, but she didn't press the matter further. I could probably assume she figured out what went down after hearing us talk like this. Still, as long as Miror B doesn't make a fuss, it's not like we're heroes or anything. He has his own life, as do we.

Though I wouldn't say I wouldn't be interested in exploring those couple regions from the Colosseum and Gale of Darkness games. Should the opportunity ever arise at least. There likely won't be any new Pokemon to find there, but you never know.

But at the time, I had no idea that Miror B would decide to drink along with us after the flight attendants finished their duties and the plane took off, quickly soaring into the sky above.

Hell, Miror B even toasted to us as we drank the wine we ordered, to which he decided to even order the same drinks as we were going to have.

Still, despite Miror B on board with us, the flight was uneventful. Serena leaned up against my shoulder, only to doze off for the ride after having a drink. Lillie also snoozed away while Miror B and I made some idle chatter.

He was quite an interesting fellow, to say the least. Perhaps among those Cipher Admins, he is probably one least bound to his duties? He seemed to have a lot of freedom to come and go as he pleased. Every so often, I would swirl my wine glass, as would he as we continued to talk.

Yet as Miror B and I had some idle chatter before our plane landed...

Back in Fuchsia City, a single Pokemon slowly floated into the air. It's whole body was pink, and appeared to be quite cute. It was none other than Mew. Mew had seen the three of us travel into a car earlier with the airport being our designation.

"Mew?", Mew asked, tilting its head in confusion as it looked eastward, to where the airport was. Staying still in the air, Mew then shifted its head back, only to look at the sole large pine tree that was glistening in the moonlight, standing proudly before Fuchsia City's Pokemon Center.

"Bii!", A second voice said, which seemed to have come from the large pine tree itself. The voice resounded around Mew, but it didn't reveal any figure or Pokemon. It acted as it it was hiding inside of the tree.

Yet the moment Mew heard this second voice, a happy look appeared in Mew's eyes, completely disregarding its interest toward the airport to where the three of us headed earlier.

"Mew!", Mew happily said, only to teleport from the sky, back to the front of the tree, trying to squeeze inside of it to play around with the second voice Mew had heard. Yet as Mew arrived in front of the tree, Mew tilted its head again. A quick flash of light struck Mew's eyes, before silence resumed.

"Mew?", Mew asked again, wondering to itself. The second voice it had just heard didn't seem to no longer appear before Mew. Sensing this, a look of disappointment appeared in Mew's eyes. Mew could only turn its body again eastward, wondering where it should go next...or if Mew should stay put?

Yet regardless of what Mew was attempting to do, the plane that the three of us boarded had long since departed. We soon arrived back in Viridian City a couple hours later, further into the night. Bidding farewell to Miror B, we quickly called in another cab to make way for the hotel we reserved at.

And when I mention flaunting money around, I probably do have enough in the bank to rent out a five star hotel, but I didn't want to be that fancy with just this roundtrip. We just wanted to sleep and get a good rest for tomorrow, so we picked a more normal hotel. I didn't do anything exciting to the two either, we were all pretty tired at this point, since it was still the same day to where we got up early to venture into the Safari Zone.

After checking into our hotel, we couldn't even take a bath together before realizing that the three of us passed out in each other's arms for the night on a fluffy bed, only to do so after taking out our smaller Pokemon to get some stretches and rest in themselves..