Chapter 133: In The Hotel**

Enjoy this last lemon scene, likely last one till Kanto region is over. There may still be fluff here and there though.

Chapter 1/2.

Power stones please?


Putting our upgraded Pokedexs aside on the table, to which we would use in a while, Serena stood up from my chair, only to lock her hand with mine. That caused me to stand up as well. Seeing the two of us stand up, Lillie also stood up. It didn't take long at all for Serena to wiggle her butt again, and with her spare hand, she slid her panties down onto the floor and took off her night shirt as we were in the middle of walking.

Seeing Serena butt naked like this caused Lillie and I to blink.

"You could at least wait till we're in the bathroom you know.", I retorted Serena, seeing her peachy skin in front of me. Her butt was pretty round, and I could see a closed slit after looking close enough. Her breasts also jiggled a bit as we slowly walked across the suite. Hearing that, she couldn't help but giggle.

"Hehe. I did say I'd enjoy this suite to its fullest, right? Nothing wrong with stripping our clothes down and strutting about naked in your own room. C'mon it's time to drop those boxers, mister.", Serena retorted back, letting out a giggle, only to see Serena turn around to face me. Before I could do anything, Serena bent down a bit, and let go of my hand. In one motion, Serena pulled down my boxers, leaving me now bare as well. As she pulled them down, my half-mast tanned member said hello, plopping over Serena's face, which caused Serena to blink at it.

"I-I do think there's a time and place for this, Serena.", Lillie also said, revealing a blush seeing my thing is now out in plain view. Seeing this caused Lillie to halt as well. Once Serena heard that, she shifted her head a bit and looked at her with a playful grin.

"Oh you're not getting away from this either, Lillie. I saw you trying to invite Itsuki earlier.", Serena continued to say, only to look at Lillie. After Serena brought that up again, Lillie remembered what she had done. I mean, Lillie literally spread her lower area for me to view it in its full glory earlier, no doubt that caused her some embarrassment. Remembering her previous actions, Lillie's cheeks turned a deeper red.

"I can't believe I did that earlier too...That was super embarrassing.", Lillie said, responding to Serena. Hearing that, Serena smiled as she approached Lillie.

"It definitely was. but seeing as you're so in the mood now, let's drop those panties.", Serena continued to say as I saw her now in front of Lillie. Serena bent down again. In one swift motion of her hands, Lillie's panties plopped down onto the floor, revealing her glory for us to see it. Lllie's panties were white, while Serena's panties were pink, by the way. Lillie's panties were now on the floor, not too far away from Serena's. Serena continued her motion and lifted Lillie's night shirt, tossing it aside onto the floor next to hers. Lillie's pearly white breasts were now in view.

Seeing herself bare like this, Lillie looked back up to me.

"Itsuki...", Lillie said, uttering my name. Hearing her address me like that caused Serena and I to blink at her as a look of longing appeared in her eyes.

"...You weren't serious earlier, were you?", Serena asked, being a bit hesitant as she saw Lillie behave this way.

We then had a moment pass in silence before the longing look in Lillie's eyes changed to a resolute look, only to have Lillie approach me and initiated a hug. As she hugged, our skin touched, and I could feel the suppleness of her breasts press against my chest. It was a very soft feeling. Lillie took this moment to look up into my eyes.

"Yes...", Lillie began to say. "I think I am ready for you to embrace me, Itsuki. I know it hasn't been long since that time in Celadon, but I don't want to keep waiting. And I am serious about this.", Lillie said with a resolute look in her eyes.

"You know we still won't be able to do the real thing right?", I said, feeling Lillie's warmth spread through my body. As her breasts pressed against my chest, my half-mast started to rise further.

Hearing that, Lillie gently nodded her head.

"I know, but I still want to experience what you and Serena currently do. I don't want to go against my mother's wishes either, but doing that butt stuff is our best way to avoid that. It's really embarrassing to say that I think my butt is ready for your thing.", Lillie said, blushing again. Yet as she said that, Serena and I saw Lillie reach her hand downward, only to grab onto my shaft. The warmth of her hand spread against my lower area. Feeling such a smooth touch, my shaft rose further and further, until it was full erect now. Seeing this, Serena smiled.

"It still hurt a bit when I received Itsuki. Are you sure about this, Lillie?", Serena asked as her eyes turned serious.

"I am. I want to see what it's like to be stuffed.", Lillie said in a resolute tone.

"Heh, well seeing how resolute you are on this, I don't think I can turn it down.", I also replied revealing a smile. Before Lillie could do anything else as she still held my shaft in her hand, I suddenly closed in with my head, and went in for a deep kiss.

"Mmm...", Lillie tried to respond, only to see her mouth sealed by my lips. Lillie's eyes turned wide and started to pant a bit as she felt a wet tongue that wasn't hers quickly open her mouth, and started to dance around with her tongue. Our tongues danced around for a good moment before I parted ways from her lips. As my lips escaped, Lillie let out a small puff of hot air. With my member fully erect now, Serena proceeded to squat down onto her knees, and reach out her hand. It wasn't just one hand on it now, but two soft hands started to caress my thing.

"Heehee, maybe we should let one out before we head into the bathroom.", Serena said, letting out a giggle as she squatted onto her knees. Her head was now in front of my member. As her mouth opened I felt her hot breath tickle onto it. My eyes turned wide a bit the moment her mouth clamped onto my member, only to feel a wet sensation strike against my lower area. Serena started to suck my thing, slowly moving her head back and forth.

As pleasure began to rise, I looked back at Lillie who looked back at me.

"If you are serious, you know you need to be ready, right?", I asked Lillie as Serena continued to suck on my thing. Hearing that, Lillie's cheeks turned red again after she calmed down from that kiss just now. As I asked that, I lifted my middle finger up a bit, and put it into my mouth to let some saliva gather onto it.

"I know.", Lillie said, feeling happy hearing me ask that. Lillie took the initiative this time to wrap her hand around my back, giving me another hug. With her body now pressed against my chest, this allowed me to move my finger down her back, only to find her butt. Getting a firm grip on it, my finger slid down her warm crack. As I slowly found my way around to her two precious spots, Lillie felt a jolt strike against back. As much as my finger wanted to say hello to her closed slit, it hung around the smaller hole, which was her butt. Still wet from my saliva, it easily found its way inside the hole. The moment I managed to stick my finger inside Lillie's butt, Lillie let out a moan.

"Ahh...", Lillie uttered, letting out a soft moan. Seeing this, I could see happiness in Serena's eyes as she could see my finger now inside Lillie's butt too. She continued her sucking and loud slopping sounds began to strike against the room itself.

Thankfully I had a feeling that thing would lead to this way in one form or another, so we had recalled our Pokemon back into our balls before our fun started. Right now, it was just us three. I continued to feel pleasure on both my hand and on my member as Serena upped her speed.

"I think I'm going to come soon.", I also uttered, letting Serena know I was almost there.

"Ohh...", Lillie tried to remark as well, but her focus was all on her butt right now as my finger continued to dance inside that tight hole of hers. It was pretty tight the moment my one finger. In response to that, Lillie began to move her body a bit, letting her breasts continue to be pressed against my chest.

"Just let it all out.", Serena said as she opened her mouth. A puff of hot air escaped, letting her drool drop down onto my thing. Seeing her mouth open now, she started to use her hand, and began to rub it quickly. I could feel the pressure building up on my tip.

As pressure was building up, I could feel my finger going deeper and deeper into Lillie's insides. Just from that alone, love juice began to drip down from her closed slit.

"Lillie, be ready too.", Serena suddenly said, which caused Lillie to come back to reality. Hearing Serena say that, Lillie nodded her head. It seems Serena knew what she was going to do, so I ended my fingering of Lillie's butt. This allowed Lillie to get onto her knees, next to Serena.

"Here it comes!", I declared, letting my thing come out in full burst. I used a quick motion of my hand, and grabbed a hold of Lillie's head. This took her by surprise, but welcomed it as she felt my thing go down her throat, only to feel my spunk start shooting down into it...Lillie couldn't say anything, she could only gulp down what I was currently shooting.

With that, that was the first load of the day, and I had enough energy to go for a second round, and perhaps a third. But that will definitely take place in the jacuzzi bathroom that was patiently waiting for us to explore.