Chapter 27: New Pokemon All Around!

Don't forget to drop some power stones!


As Ricky enjoyed his lazy day, time began to pass before his very eyes. He passed the time by doing some tasks that required his attention, leaving the room all clean again. Serena and Lillie freshened up, and once Ricky ordered some food for everyone, Ricky hopped in the shower, cleaning himself up in the process.

Everyone gathered around the dining table. It was filled with food platters from end to end. Various scents and tasty aromas were tickling their taste buds. They haven't eaten anything last night, and skipped breakfast because they slept in. It was past noon now, and their growling stomachs would have caused Ricky, Lillie and Serena to dive right into eating their food right away.

But there was one thing that was preventing them from doing so. Serena dropped the ball, saying that she had received three starting pokemon from the Kalos Region's Pokemon Professor. He went by the name, Professor Sycamore! He was in kahoots in developing the upgraded Z-Ring, and found out that a local from Kalos was going to be journeying alongside Professor Kukui's cousin, Ricky Oak.

Ricky and Kukui weren't real cousins like he was to Professor Oak's cousin, who went by the name Samson Oak. By extension, that meant Kukui was also related to Professor Oak, but the blood ran quite thin. Ricky and Kukui weren't real cousins, they barely had any family ties to begin with. Ricky was orphaned, and was adopted into Professor Oak's family. But because the two spent the last five years together, Kukui started to see Ricky as one of his own cousins, that was why Kukui addressed Ricky like that.

But the point being, Professor Sycamore became acquainted with Ricky like this. Ricky mentioned that he had a friend who was Kalos, and that they were going to join him on a new adventure. Because of Professor Sycamore catching wind of that, he became acquainted with Serena. Due to Ricky's involvement and their connections, Professor Sycamore sent three starting Pokemon to Serena!

A lot happened behind those scenes, but Serena departed Kalos with three starting Pokemon.

Ricky had just received a Shiny Rowlet, while Lillie received a Shiny Popplio. But now, Serena had three more Pokemon to throw their way.

Ricky, Serena and Lillie just glanced at each other for a silent moment, before they all laughed seeing this result. Three red new Pokeballs were placed on the table near them, with the rest of the food spread beyond. There was a fourth Pokeball included off to the side, which was Serena's new Shiny Litten that Ricky and Lillie decided upon.

"So who's going to be the guest of honor today and choose which Pokemon they want? I'm fine with how it goes either way. Lillie let me choose the first one last time, and that was pretty special, considering Lusamine acquired three shiny Pokemon for us.", Ricky said, wondering how it will go.

"Well you were the one who was able to make all of this happen, Ricky. This adventure, I mean. I didn't think I'd become a Pokemon Trainer! It wouldn't suit me well if you didn't get to choose which one you want here, either. We'll be able to start catching a bunch of Pokemon. And if we get lucky, we can find other starting Pokemon in the wild, right?", Serena questioned.

"That is true. Albeit the chances are rare, you can find both Charmander and Bulbasaur in Viridian Forest. We probably shouldn't make a big deal of this one. It may be a while before we start seeing other Kalos Pokemon, though. I know lots of Pokemon have already spread out in every region, so we could find one. I wouldn't count on it.", Ricky responded.

"Yeah. I don't think it'll be important on who chooses what here, so if you want to go first, Ricky, I don't mind.", Lillie also said, answering with a confident nod.

"Then I won't beat the bush. Welcome to the team.", Ricky said, reaching downward. Serena had placed the pictures before each Pokeball, which came inside the small briefcase she brought inside her larger suitcase. Ricky reached toward what appeared to be a light blue frog!

Ricky had chosen the Kalos Starter, Froakie!

"So you went with Froakie huh? That Pokemon is such a cutie. It's quite scared a lot of the time, isn't it?", Serena asked, wondering.

"Yeah. It really depends on how Froakie is raised. They can become quite timid. I know of a certain someone who had to deal with such a Pokemon early on...", Ricky mused. Ricky knew Ash's Froakie was very timid, until he started coaching it, successfully evolving it into a Frogadier early on. Ricky wondered if his Froakie will be similar.

Ash's Froakie became one of the strongest Pokemon, if not, THE strongest Pokemon Ash ever had captured. That was because of the special Aura technique he developed with his Greninja, creating a one-of-a-kind move that only they could use. It really was a shame when Ash departed from his Greninja so his Greninja could become a guardian of other Pokemon. He did meet up with his Greninja during Pokemon Journeys, even if it was just for a little while.

Ricky, on the other hand, had zero intention of releasing any of his Pokemon. Any Pokemon that he doesn't actively keep on his team, he plans to leave around Professor Oak's giant ranch. It has many biomes that allow a variety of living conditions. Many types of Pokemon can stay there, plus it's gigantic. Ricky has roamed it countless times as a kid, but he truly couldn't see the end of it. It's like the entire west half until Viridian City back all the way down to Pallet Town belonged to his range!

Ricky smiled, seeing his new partner. With this, Ricky now had three Pokemon already. Half of his first roster was already filled out. Alolan Ninetales, Rowlet, and Froakie!

Feeling satisfied, Ricky glanced at Serena, and spoke to her.

"Before we decide who gets the remaining Pokemon. We should tell you who you got first, Serena. That way you won't double up on typings this early on.", Ricky said.

"That works for me!", Serena happily replied. Hearing that, Lillie reached over and grabbed the Pokeball that was set aside from the other three. She landed Serena her new Pokemon.

"We kept Litten for you. I almost picked Litten myself, but Popplio is super cute too. I ended up choosing Popplio. I do know you have Sapphire so you'll be doubling up on typings regardless. This way at least, you can make it so you won't have three Fire-type Pokemon to start with.", Lillie said to Serena.

"Litten. That's the cat Pokemon. That one is also super cute! I hear they can be fiesty sometimes. They're territorial too, right?", Serena questioned while gaining interest.

"Yeah. They're quite picky with their trainers, so hopefully you'll do well to raise Litten, Serena. Do keep in mind this Litten is shiny, so if it does encounter another Litten, it may start picking fights. Shiny Litten has white stripes instead of black.", Ricky explained.

"I can see that. Most Litten have black stripes.", Serena nodded. "But I'm sure I'll raise Litten well regardless!", Serena happily responded. Plus, its final evolution, Incineroar, was very powerful. It was one of Professor Kukui's final Pokemon!

Anticipation appeared in Serena's eyes, curious to see where she will take her Pokemon from here.

It wasn't over yet, though!

"Since you have Litten now, it should be pretty obvious who gets the remaining Pokemon, right?", Lillie asked Serena. Serena quickly nodded her head. At the same time, Lillie and Serena reached their hand out, and chose their Pokemon together. Ricky smiled seeing the two reach a decision without his interference.

"So Froakie goes to me. Serena will get Litten and Chespin, while Lillie will get Fennekin." Ricky said to them.

"This works for me! I'm very hopeful that I'll be able to spend a lot of time with my new Pokemon. Growing strong bonds with them is the best way to go, isn't it?", Serena asked.

"As far as I'm aware, yes. The closer you get to your Pokemon, the better you'll understand their habits and weaknesses. Train them enough, and they'll get the opportunity to evolve!", Ricky happily exclaimed.

"I'm already getting excited. We'll have a much bigger advantage than some trainers out there, who only receive one Pokemon. It might make choosing even harder when we reach the first Pokemon Gym...", Lillie uttered with a hint of worry.

"Hahaha! We'll have plenty of time to go over various battle strategies, and develop some training routines with our Pokemon. To begin with, we have this huge assortment of dishes ready, and Amber and Snowy have already dug into their meals. Let's call out everyone else so we can turn this into a party.", Ricky suggested to the two.

"Now that sounds great!", Serena happily responded. She immediately went with Ricky's suggestion. She still had Sapphire in a Pokeball nearby, so she went to go get that one first, then swiftly returned to the table, grabbing her two other new Pokeballs.

"Come on out, everyone!", Serena exclaimed, tossing her balls up into the air, making them open up by themselves.

"You all should come out too.", Lillie replied, nodding her head. Snowy heard that and happily trotted over to her side after enjoying some berries set aside for her. Lillie only took two Pokeballs out, tossing them into the air.

"You two sure act quick, but more the merrier. You all should come out too!", Ricky said with a wide grin. Amber cocked her head toward everyone, but kept her distance, remaining aloof. Ricky tossed two Pokeballs into the air, alongside Lillie. Before they realized it, the room became filled with Pokemon!








One Pokemon after another suddenly appeared, making the Party they were about to throw much bigger. It was now a free-for-all!

Many curious gazes were starting to be shared between the new Pokemon. Ricky, Serena, and Lillie didn't do anything right off the bat. They wanted to see how their Pokemon would interact with each other, considering they were all new to each other. Instead Ricky started grabbing food for everyone.

"We're hosting a big party today, everyone. Welcome to the team. We'll be your partners from now on.", Ricky said, greeting all the Pokemon. Their eyes sparkled in excitement, seeing all the food ready. Most happily responded to the three, while a few remained still, just staring on with curious gazes.

There was one Pokemon in particular that attracted Ricky's gaze for a brief second once the Pokemon popped out of its ball. It created a sparkle around its body, signaling it was a shiny Pokemon. Of this batch of new Pokemon, apart from the three shiny Pokemon Lusamine gave them, there was one more shiny Pokemon.

It was a shiny Froakie!


New roster!


 -Alolan Ninetales, Shiny Rowlet, Shiny Froakie


 -Kantonian Vulpix, Shiny Litten, Chespin


 -Alolan Vulpix, Popplio, Fennekin

Mythical Pokemon


Up next, Kanto Starters!

Who will get who?