Ricky decided that he wanted to catch a Mankey. Just looking at the possibilities, Annihilape was even stronger than Machamp. It had two very strong Types. Ghost, and Fighting! It did take a lot of effort to fully evolve a Mankey into an Annihilape, but Ricky determined it was going to be worth it. Especially with how many little Ghost-type Pokemon are available in the Kanto Region. Annihilape was definitely one to seek out for!
Ricky initially had interest in catching a Gastly once they made it beyond Rock Tunnel. The town beyond that, Lavender Town, was the only area where Ghost-type Pokemon roamed around. At least in Kanto. They were pretty scarce compared to other regions. But with Ricky deciding to catch a Mankey with aspiration to evolve it into an Annihilape, he is killing two birds with one stone. He would gain a Fighting-type and a Ghost-type Pokemon from this!
That train of thought caused the scenery to change. Unfortunately, the trio were unsuccessful in trying to find a Ho-Oh within the large Rainbow that hung high in the sky beyond them, stretching back toward Mt. Silver. Ho-Oh was nowhere to be seen. They were saddened, but it was a testament of one's luck of whether or not they'd encounter a really rare Pokemon like that. Legendary Pokemon that is. Ricky knew that this would happen once, but he couldn't recall the time frame. It may happen now, or it may happen in a few months. Ash bore witness to Ho-Oh, so Ricky might try and test his luck again once Ash sets off. He wanted to see if he could get a Rainbow Wing! Having possession of one allowed Trainers to encounter more Legendary Pokemon!
But now, the morning came and went while the trio hung out around Route 2. Route 2 was not a very large Route. It was much smaller than Route 22, and even smaller than Route 1. Despite that, Ricky still brought out his Pokedex, and navigated to the Kanto Region. He wanted to see what Pokemon that resided here. Route 1 and Route 22 offered more Pokemon than what were available in the games, so he wanted to see if this was going to be a trend going forward. Each Route will definitely make it worthwhile, and sure enough, it was!
"Route 2 offers two pathways for beginning Pokemon Trainers. The forefront being the entrance into Viridian Forest. Upon acquiring a Pokemon that knows how to cut thick shrubs down, a second pathway will become available for Trainers, allowing them to catch Pokemon outside of Viridian Forest. Several types of Pokemon do like to wander away from these sections, and may find a spot to settle down in front of the forest.", The Pokedex said, providing a description of Route 2. All they really saw ahead of them was empty grassy plains, with tall trees and thick shrubs off to the right. That was likely the area the Pokedex was referring to. They couldn't see a pathway beyond that. The greenery was too thick, blocking any further view from within.
Thinking that, Ricky continued and heard the Pokemon available.
"Route 2 - Common Pokemon Sightings: Pidgey, Rattata, Bellsprout, Weedle, Caterpie, Spinarak. Uncommon: Mankey, Hoothoot, Ledyba. Rare: Shinx, Pineco, Oddish.", The Pokedex continued.
"Even a Shinx can be found here. Interesting.", Ricky mused. It definitely wasn't behaving like the games! These Routes didn't include just Generation I Pokemon. From the looks of it, it's including Generation I to III. He wasn't sure if Generations beyond that would start showing up. The Shiny Galarian Slowpoke was an anomaly, but he wouldn't count it against that.
"A Shinx. Pikachu isn't the only Electric-type Pokemon we can find in Viridian Forest and near there?", Serena mused, not expecting to hear this list of Pokemon available for them to catch.
"Doesn't seem like it. Maybe sticking around Route 2 might be beneficial for us. You've determined to catch Mankey. I don't mind catching an Electric-type either. Luxray is a pretty powerful Pokemon too!", Lillie excitedly responded.
"Hehehe, save some for me, alright? You already have a full Pokemon Roster. If anyone, it would be me to catch an Electric-type Pokemon. It will round off my typings quite well!", Serena retorted. But she was right. Serena had two Fire-type Pokemon, a Water-type Pokemon, a Grass-type Pokemon, and a Poison-type Pokemon. Adding in an Electric-type Pokemon would round off her six Pokemon quite well!
"We won't immediately head into the forest then. Hope you two are ready to have a campfire tonight.", Ricky said with a smile.
"Oooh! A campfire sounds fun.", Serena happily replied.
"You made sure to get tents, right, Ricky?", Lillie questioned.
"Sure did. Got a pretty fancy tent and it has enough room to lay out an inflatable mattress. If you two prefer sleeping in sleeping bags, I'm fine with either way.", Ricky answered.
"Guess whatever tickles our fancy once we find a good spot inside Viridian Forest tonight. For now, let's catch some more Pokemon! I want to use Squirtle some more. You evolved Bulbasaur already so I want to see if I can evolve Squirtle before Brock.", Serena said with a determined look in her eyes.
Seeing a plan laid out for them, the trio didn't immediately head into Viridian Forest. It was past noon now, but they lurked around the tall grass of Route 2, finding different kinds of Pokemon. A lot of them were the common ones that the Pokedex detailed. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Ricky to hear a monkey noise sound off inside the tall grass. They did a lot of moving around, so Pokemon came and went. Once he got a close look, it was a Mankey! He wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.
"Come on out, Charmander!", Ricky declared, grabbing a hold of one of his Pokeballs on his Trainer Belt.
With a fluid motion of his hand, Ricky tapped his red Pokeball, and let it enlarge, tossing it outward before him. Pop! A red glow escaped out of it, revealing a Pokemon now standing before Ricky. It stood on its two small legs, and appeared quite cute. Igniting the flame on its tail, the Pokemon let out a roar.
"Char!", Charmander responded, announcing their presence. Charmander was quick to notice that he wasn't alone. An angry look quickly attracted Charmander's eyes.
"Man. Mankey!", A wild Mankey ruffled through the nearby grass, obviously angry that it was disturbed. It popped out, raising its fists out of anger. Ricky grinned seeing Mankey appear. He had found his target of capture!
"Don't let this Mankey run away, Charmander. We're going to catch it and add it to our team.", Ricky said to his Charmander.
"Charm.", Charmander responded, bobbing his head up and down in response, acting as if he knew what Ricky had said to him. He looked on and saw Mankey still angry that its nest was disturbed.
"Rush in and set your hand ablaze. Use Fire Punch.", Ricky declared his first move.
"Charrr!", Charmander roared out. His fiery-red tail burst forth and ignited brighter, channeling his fire energy. Charmander then underwent a change, and his left hand suddenly burned bright with a red flame. It grew and grew until the flame covered Charmander's entire fist. Seeing a challenge incoming, Mankey's gaze turned serious. It then, to Ricky's surprise, lowered its guard. All the way down. Mankey rushed inward, entering at full speed.
'This...', Ricky turned serious. He could recognize the move Mankey was using. It was one of the strongest Fighting-type moves. Close Combat!
Ricky knew it was an egg move, so he knew he had to catch this Mankey.
"Don't back down. Meet Mankey head on!", Ricky exclaimed. Charmander's Fire Punch was completed, and Charmander rushed in. The two met head on.
"Man!", Mankey angrily replied. Its guard was entirely let down and it went on the full offense. Mankey swung its fists around fervently, unleashing swift strikes one after another. Charmander didn't back down as Ricky instructed, and unleashed a flurry of Fire Punches, meeting Mankey's strikes evenly. A lot of banging sounds struck the trio's ears. Serena and Lillie watched on, surprised to see the sudden fist fight.
Still, as Mankey's flurry of attacks continued on, its body was enveloped in a reddish glow, allowing lightning to streak around it. Mankey winced its eyes, seeing its defenses drop. That was the downside of using a powerful move like Close Combat. It was strong, but it had its drawbacks. Its defense was lowered even more now.
"Use another Fire Punch!", Ricky declared.
"Char!", Charmander responded, letting his fist ignite even brighter. Its flames grew and grew. Its entire fist was engulfed in flames. Charmander rushed in, and did one powerful uppercut. BANG!
"Man...", Mankey responded, feeling a powerful blow delivered onto its body while its defenses were down. Its body skidded back into the deep grass, and became dizzy. It wasn't enough for a complete knock-out, but it definitely stunned Mankey enough to prompt Ricky his next move.
Grabbing a spare dark green ball, Ricky tossed it, aiming right at Mankey's collapsed body. It was a Dusk Ball!
Mankey was still stunned to react to anything. It would take a good moment to recover the damage dealt from Charmander's flurry of Fire Punches. Thankfully, not enough time had passed for that to happen. the Dusk Ball appeared over Mankey, and it sucked it inside with a red glow. Anticipation appeared in Ricky's eyes, seeing him trying to catch the Mankey.
Wiggle. Wiggle. Wiggle. Ding!
Hearing the ding, Ricky knew he was successful. He had caught himself a Mankey!
Approaching the Dusk Ball, Ricky reached down and smiled.
"Welcome to team buddy.", Ricky said to Mankey. It was going to be an adventure, but he was willing to put in the effort so he could evolve this Mankey into an Annihilape. And just like that, his Pokemon Roster solidified even further, and he felt confident in challenging Brock!