CH008 Max’s Legend

Little side Chapter.


One Year After arriving here. Max was getting bored being cooped up and not being able to use his transformations. So he decided to go on a little flying vacation.

Saying goodbye to everyone and promising he'll be back soon he drove off out of town where no one could see him. Looking around his body slowly started to transform. It first started by growing longer and larger. His body turning black and large wings grew from his side and engines grew from them. His body got longer and narrower towards the tip. Before long sitting their was one of the fastest planes in the word.

The SR-71 Blackbird. 3,500 KPH. One of the fastest stealth planes ever built. Able to fly at high altitudes and outrun missiles. With a bit of tweaking and Cybertonian engineering. Max has turned into the fastest thing currently on the planet.

His engine on his wings swiveled to be pointing straight up. The engines let out a low thrum as they powered up and a purple flame emitted out of them. Increasing the power max slowly lifted off the ground and hovered while putting his landing gear away. Pointing in the direction he wanted to go his engines grew brighter before he disappeared from his spot and only a trail of purple ribbons showing where he went. A few seconds later you could hear the sound of multiple sound barriers being broken before the dust settled down and you could see a trail of dust picking up underneath the trail of purple with how low max was flying.


A great scream of exhilaration echoed across the great planes as a blur of black and purple flew past mountains and interstates before coming upon the city in which max will be racing later in the year.

Max continued to push harder and accelerated more before pulling up and gaining altitude. The world below him got smaller and smaller before the sky started to turn a shade darker before completely turning black.

Max turned of his engines and floated. Nothing pulling him back to earth. He had successfully put himself into space and safely into Orbit around the Earth. Looking down max became breathless at the beautiful view of the world from which he just came from. Staying their for a while max could see satellites flying past him before he decided he should get back to earth before he crashed into an unexpected satellite.


In an undisclosed location.

Unknown Car A "SIR!! Something fast just came up in our radar and just exited the atmosphere and entered orbit!!"

Unknown car General B "where'd did it come from soldier."

Car A "I don't know sir the trajectory puts it above Tennessee but their isn't any know base their that could have a plane this fast or a rocket that can get into orbit this quickly. I think it stayed under radar until now!"

General B "God damn Russian, I betcha. Quick sound the alarm and alert the president. We could be under attack from another country!!"


Russian Car A "Sir! It looks like those Americans sent out something into orbit."

Russian General B "Well well we'll, looks like those Americans are up to something. Sending an unplanned object into orbit. It could be a spy satellite. Quick sound the alarm!!"

Unknown to him max had just created his own legend and governments around the world would be looking for him.

Meanwhile. Max was safely back in the atmosphere and out of radar detection.


President - "Alright people I just got off a conference call with the leaders of different countries and none of them owned up or claimed to having a plane this fast. So who is it and where did they come from."

Adviser A "We don't know sir. One minute they just popped up out of nowhere and the next disappeared again. Our radars where unable to track them anywhere in the atmosphere and it was a miracle that our radars in orbit picked them up aswell.

President "well whoever it is we need to track them down and get them on our side. They must be somewhere in America. I don't care if you have to reinvent the radar. Someone find it and find it fast."

Fortunately for them this wouldn't be the first or last time they would see Max as he would pop up on Radars in Orbit at random times and nowhere near satellites with cameras or stay in one place for to long. The mysterious aircraft that could outrun anything they tried to intercept it with was one of American greatest secret as to not panic the citizens. Tho that wouldn't last long.

A couple months of Max's playing around, one of the many soldiers tasked with tracking down the invisible aircraft let loose some information onto the web which was picked up by news stations across the county.

END Scene.