Chapter 2 - First Mission

Mt. Justice

Three days earlier

Wally, Robin, Kaldur'ahm and Superboy were all in the kitchen area of Mt. Justice, waiting for Red Tornado. All of them were extremely bored with waiting.

"Think they'll give us a mission here soon, Robin? I don't know if I can live on like this!" Wally was complaining running around the kitchen counter eating sandwiches as he went.

"It's only been four days Wally, you have to be patient."

Recognize Batman - 02

Recognize Black Canary - 13

"Aye, that's what's up! Let's go guys!" Wally sped off to go see what the two Leaguers were here for, everyone else following close behind. As they got there, Red Tornado came down from his apartment in the ceiling and stood next to Canary. "Is there a mission assignment Batman?" Kaldur asked.

Batman shook his head no. "I'm here for two reasons Aqualad. One is to inform all of you that Canary will be overseeing training from now one." With that he nodded to Canary to speak. She stepped forward and raised her hands. "It is my honor to be selected to train you all. I hope you guys give me your best, because that's all you guys will be getting out of me."

Wally, being Wally, elbowed Robin lightly and whispered, "You know, this doesn't seem too bad." With that, he winked at Dinah and Robin had to resist the urge to slap his head. Superboy just grunted.

Kaldur spoke up next. "Thank you Batman, Black Canary. We will try are hardest to not let you guys down. And what was the second thing you guys came for today?"

Batman pointed to the Zeta Tubes. "I'm introducing you to your new teammate today."

Recognize Martian Manhunter - 07

Recognize Miss Martian - B05

"This is Martian Manhunters neice. She will be joining your guy's team as of today, and living here as well."

Superboy still remained impartial to this whole thing, while Robin and Kaldur went to introduce themselves. Only to be met by a speedster in front of them and the pretty green Martian.

"Hello there beautiful, I'm Wally, and that's Robin, Kaldur, and Superboy. But you can call me yours," grinning and winking at the girl. She just smiled and waved at everyone, not noticing Kaldur's and Robin's look of embarrassment at his first impression. To be honest though, the two expected nothing less.

"Hello everybody, my name is M'gann M'orzz, but you guys can call me Megan," beaming at everyone as she introduced herself. "I'm liking this gig more and more every minute," Kid Flash breathed under his breath, smiling.

"Now that that's done, I will be taking my leave. I will let you guys know if I have any missions for you guys." And with that Batman turned and Zeta Tubed out. Black Canary shook her head smiling, at Wally's antics or Batman's straight forwardness, the team wasn't sure. "I will be back to begin your training tomorrow, but for now, get to know your new teammate a little bit," then she Zeta Tubed out, leaving only Martian Manhunter behind to hug his Neice one more time before leaving. "I hope you fit in here child. Good luck." M'gann hugged her Uncle. "I'll try not to let you down Uncle Jon, thank you so much!" After releasing from the hug, the older Martian took one last look at the team before turning and heading off.

Megan turned to her new teammates, smiling. "So guys, what should we do now?"

"Maybe a tour of the place would be recommended first to get yourself familiar with the place," Kaldur spoke up. "Oh that's a great idea, follow me Beautiful, I'll show you around the place." Kid flash then started to lead her through the cave while this time, Aqualad and Robin both face palmed.

Superboy just shrugged and followed after them while Red Tornado flew out of the cave to run some errands for the League.

Present day

It was the second day of training, and the team (minus one Superboy) was already getting tired of having their asses handed to them. The only one who seemed to be able to last with Canary in hand-to-hand was Robin, but he was still 13 and not physically in his prime, so he was still outmatched.

Right now it was Superboy's turn, and he was angry.

"I still don't get why I have to train when I'm a living weapon. I can probably take out whole armies before they knew what hit them!" Dinah just shook her head at the boy. "If you had come to training yesterday like everyone else I would've explained it to you. Just because you have powers does not mean you should solely rely on them. There may be a time where your power is disabled and all you have left to rely on is your training. Do not let this time go to waste."

Superboy obviously didn't like that and rolled his eyes. "You don't believe me? Fine, come at me with everything you got and I'll show you what I mean." He looked at her warily before speaking, "you do know I could kill you, right? Are you sure about that?" Canary shrugged. "I'm not even sure you could hit me." He charged. Robin, already knowing what was about to happen, along with Wally and Kaldur both grinned.

Canary waited until the last second before ducking under his punch, grabbing his torso and using his own momentum against him, throwing him over her shoulder. He landed with a thud and a voice that said "FAIL" echoed out from the training room. Superboy, obviously angry, got up and tried to rush her again, only for her to roll out of the way and tackle him to the ground from behind. "FAIL".

"You see? It's not all about powers, you need training if you ever want to stand a chance against skilled opponents."

"Whatever." With that he started walking away.

"Training is mandatory, get back here you already missed one day." Straight up ignoring her he continued walking away until he heard the Zeta Tube along with everyone else.


The team and Canary all walked to the computer to where Batman was. He was pulling up something when the team arrived.

"Yesterday there was an attempted robbery at a bank in Manhattan, but an unknown Meta-human stopped them." He pulled up the video showing the pale girl using shadows to take down the gunmen before going inside, only to come back out with two more thugs levitating through the air, wrapped in shadows and unconscious. She then flew up and started flying away before turning invisible.

"I think she's heading towards Metropolis. We contacted Zatara and he doesn't know who she is or what type of powers she's using but is guessing that they are magic based. Based on the way she's dressed and the facts we haven't seen her before, I want you guys to locate her and gather any data you can before reporting back. If an opportunity presents itself, see if you can get her to come back with you guys so we can get her registered. Only if you think you can persuade her. Main priority is intel. You guys leave as soon as you guys can. Remember, this is mostly Recon in a highly populated area, so dress appropriately."

He turned back to the computer and closed the video before Wally spoke up. "Uh, Batman? Quick question. Who exactly is the leader of this little team here?"

He turned around, slowly analyzing all of them. "It's your decision to decide who becomes leader. Now get ready."

Both Robin and Kid Flash ran off, thinking themselves as leader material while Megan, Aqualad and Superboy all waited for them in the living room. Within a few minutes they were back in black clothes and Miss Martian had changed her outfit to a yellow shirt with a white dress. Aqualad just had on a hoodie while Superboy didn't even change.

Megan spoke up first. "I have an idea guys! Why don't we take my Bioship there? It has camouflage properties and is quite fast." Robin spoke up first, acting as a leader. "Good idea, let's go!" KF looked at Megan in confusion. "Wait, this whole time you had a ship here and didn't say anything? Not gonna lie, I'm hurt. Where is it?"

"Follow me guys!" And Megan flew off towards the direction of her ship. Everyone followed her to a large, red sphere. "Um, that's not a ship, that's a ball."

"It's sleeping silly, I have to wake her up first." And with that she walked up and put her hand on the large sphere, and the sphere transformed into a sleek, black and red aircraft. Steps came down the side as a door opened up.

"That is most impressive M'gann. I think it is time that we all go and complete this mission for the Batman," Kaldur remarked. And with that, the all boarded the aircraft. Five seats appeared from the ground and everyone took one, with Megan sitting at the controls.

"Alright girl, let's go for a ride." Megan whispered to her ship while the bay doors opened in the side of the mountain. The ship took off and before they knew it they were flying in an alien space craft to Metropolis.


Raven had flown into Metropolis the previous night and didn't go to sleep. For one, she didn't want to risk her family catching up to her while she was conked. The other reason though? She didn't want another dream vision of that Hellscape. After spending a little over a year in her father's realm, she didn't want anything to remind her of that place, and yesterday's dream certainly did.

It was nearing the end of the day and she was just walking down the street when she came across the Metropolis Library. Having nothing better to do, and being a little cold in the late November air, she walked in to warm up. It also helps that she loves books, that's always a plus.

She went in to see it mostly empty, and it was pretty big all thing considering. The main area where you walk in had about 30 tables with computers and a few couches, while right behind that there was a massive labyrinth of book shelves. Walking through the large maze of books, she found a little secluded corner where she could stay out of sight. She looked around, and after deciding to risk it, sat down cross legged, closed her eyes, and started meditating.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos," she started repeating this phrase very quietly under her breath until she was one with her mind. However, her mind did not want to stay in her body. Within a few minutes, she found herself back in that nightmarish place from her previous dream.


Raven looked around where she was sitting. Even in her Astral body, she could still feel the razor sharp sand of the ground and she could tell the air was sulfuric and not in anyway pure. As she got up and looked behind her she saw the same sea-green eyes man, only this time he wasn't alone. Raven blinked really hard to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but the definitely weren't.

For one thing, there was another one of those dogs from hell, except he was petting it. That's not even the worst part. It was the size of a tank. A freaking tank. But the most insulting thing? There was a kitten, a FREAKING KITTEN, on his shoulder. She then noticed the ground was slightly rumbling, but she simply levitated a few feet off the ground and flew closer.

"Mrs. O'Leary, down girl," the man laughed. The giant dog sat down panting happily while the cat on his shoulder just looked up, blinked, and went back to sleep. "Alright girl, I'm sorry you can't shadow travel me out of here with you but we will escape, I don't care how many years it takes." With that he got onto the giant dogs back and the dog stood up and started bounding away.

''Maybe I should follow him?' She looked at their retreating figure and sighed, flying after them to see where they were going. She has no idea how long they were running for until he stopped his dog, dismounted, and started sneaking towards what appeared to be a forest of long, barren black trees.

Deciding to follow from a safe distance, she went into the forest after him. After a few minutes he stopped and hid behind one of the trees, and as she got closer she heard voices talking.

"The doors are back but they are in a place few would dare go."

"Where? It can't possibly be that bad Brooke?"

"His brain, at the center of his consciousness. Anyone who would go there so straight up suicidal."

The man smiled an evil smile as he stepped out from behind the tree, his two swords appearing from nowhere in his hands. "Well, it looks like today's my lucky day, I've been told I'm very suicidal."

The two bodies belonging to the female voices turned around and snarled, it they were the weirdest things Raven had seen yet. Their hair was on fire, they had pale skin, fangs, and mismatching legs; one bronze and the other the legs of a donkey.

"You wretched sea spawn! I'll kill you for Kelli's death!"

"Um, that was so long ago. What do you say we leave it in the past and just be friends? Deal?"

The two demon looking females snarled and charged him and the aforementioned sea spawn smirked, and before Raven even knew what happened they were lying in the ground, decapitated. She didn't even see him strike, it was just a blur or bronze, gold and black.

"Eh, worth a shot I guess. I've seen better down here though. You guys still disgust me." And he turned and faced Raven and stopped, almost as if he could sense her, which should be impossible. She was in the Astral Plane technically, no one should see her. As he was looking almost seemingly at her, she finally got a closer look at his eyes. While they might've once been a bright sea green filled with life, now they were dull, almost shattered. She could practically feel all the emotions coming off of him from a dimension away, so she instead decided to look at his swords. The bronze one had a trident near the hilt and didn't exactly look like anything special, other than the fact it glowed. The other sword was a little more interesting.

It was mostly black, giving off a vibe of death that Raven was all to familiar with, with a ghostly purple glow. But running down the middle and edges of the sword were thin, gold lines that complimented the blades quite well. The thin gold lines gave off a faint gold glow that went quite well with the darker purple one.

The man shook his head. "I think I'm finally losing it. I need to get out of here." He flicked his right hand and the black and gold blade turned into a black and gold ring on his middle finger. He then reached into his pocket and took out what looked like a pen cap, put it on the tip of his bronze sword, and it shrank down to the size of a pen. He put said pen in his pocket and walked right past Raven. "I will get of here." And with that he walked back towards his walking tank and kitten. Raven had no idea what just happened, but it was at this moment she woke up.


Raven took a second to get her bearings before she started to panic. She definitely was not in the library anymore. She was in a couch in what appeared to be a cave. Which meant one thing. She had been kidnapped.