Chapter 4 - Mission Report

Metropolis (three hours earlier)

The team landed the bio ship in an abandoned parking lot in Metropolis. It was getting later at night and the team had no idea where to start looking for this mystery girl.

"Why do you think she went to Metropolis anyways?" Wally asked the group.

"Maybe she lives here? I can pull up her face from that video and run it through facial recognition if I hack into the cities mainframe. Might take a minute though," Robin replied. Then, with a laugh he vanished. The team all looked at each other in confusion.

M'gann was the first to voice her thoughts. "What exactly are we supposed to do if we find her? Just follow her around all night?"

Kaldur spoke up, "Well, that is what the Batman instructed us to do."

"Well, he also said to try and get her to join us, didn't he?" Wally questioned. Superboy shook his head no. "Only if an opportunity presented itself. Not exactly sure what he meant by that if I'm being honest however. It doesn't seem right just to pull her from her family."

"Superboy is right, we won't just go around taking people away from the people they love. That is kidnapping, and we are not criminals," Kaldur said.

"I found her!" Robin appeared next to them, sunglasses and all even though it was dark. This guy is taking his secret identity way too seriously. "She walked into the Metropolis Library a few hours ago and hasn't come out yet. It's only a few block from here so it shouldn't be too long."

The group looked at each other and shrugged. This just got a whole lot easier, and a whole lot harder at the same time. What were they going to do, just spy on a girl in the library? It felt wrong to most of the team. Except Robin, he was used to this kind of thing.

So with that, they took off walking towards the Library, it already being almost 11 at night. They got there to find it surprisingly unlocked, but all the lights were off.

"She still hasn't left yet, and there appears to be no one here," Robin informed the group. He pointed at the long line of books in the dimly lit room and whispered. "Everyone split up, we don't have comms so the best course of action is to meet back here in fifteen. Anybody have anything to add?"

Miss Martian raised her hand shyly. "Yes, Megan?"

She shifted from foot to foot while fidgeting with her shirt. "I can create a psychic link that'll let us all communicate with each other without talking. Would that be helpful?"

Everyone gave her a quizzical look. "You can do that? Babe, you are one jack of all trades, that's awesome!" Wally whisper yelled. Robin shook his head while everyone else rolled their eyes at Wally. Finally Robin looked back at Megan and nodded. Yeah, that'll work, just don't go prying in people's heads alright? That would be very rude. Strictly communication."

Megan beamed at the team. "You bet! Now, if everyone would just relax so the link can be made, then we can start." With that she closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.

"Can everyone hear me?" The team was caught off guard for a second while Superboy winced hard trying not to scream. He hated people in his head. He had to keep telling himself it was just for comms though to himself down. It helped. A little.

Everyone else nodded at the Martian girl. "Everyone take a different sector of the library. Try not to cause to much attention to yourself. We are exposed here and we don't want prying eyes on us. Let's go," Aqualad finished, everyone nodding and splitting up, searching for the strange meta/magic user.

Superboy took the far left corner because he didn't expect to actually be the one to find her. To his shock, he rounded a corner and saw her passed out on the floor in the corner of the room, behind a bunch of bookshelves where people would have a hard time seeing unless they were looking for her. Which they were.

"Uh, guys? I think I found her."

"Where are you at Superboy?"

"Back left corner. She's passed out right now, what should I do?"

Kaldur spoke up. "Stay near her, we are on our way to your location."

Superboy shook his head at his luck. He just wanted to think by himself, and now he's the one who found her. All day he was thinking about the whooping that Canary put on him, and that was a big shot to his pride. He didn't know what to do.

As the young clone was internally debating with himself, the rest of the team showed up. Robin took one look at the girl before turning to everyone else. "We're taking her with us."

Kaldur looked at him in shock. "Robin, we can't just take her with us! We are not kidnapping her!"

Robin shook his head. "Dude look. Her clothes are stained and smell, her face is covered with grime, her hair is greasy, and her hands are black from dirt. She looks malnourished. Don't you guys see? This girl is homeless. We have to take her in! She's a meta with no home, we could not only give her a home, but a place to train as well. This definitely is the best course of action, right Wally?"

The young superhero turned to his friend and frowned when he saw him gently shaking the girl whispering for her to wake up. He looked at the team and spoke out loud. "Uh, guys? She's not waking up. She's breathing but nothing. Now what?"

Kaldur looked at Robin, and the boy nodded to him. He turned back to Kid Flash and spoke out loud, "Then we do as Robin suggests and take her with us and give her medical attention, then explain everything when she wakes up. If she does not wish to stay with us, she will be free to go wherever she pleases. Superboy, can you carry her?" The young clone nodded. "Alright good, me, Robin and M'gann will go back to the ship and fly it in front of the library so we do not look suspicious carrying a female down the streets. Kid Flash, Superboy, stay here and protect her. Everyone got it?"

They all nodded, and followed orders from their new impromptu leader. They weren't going to question it, at least not now, not in front of this passed out girl.

Wally and the clone stood there awkwardly, waiting for the rest of the team to come back to the rendezvous. Wally tried his best to start a conversation with the Kryptonion.

"So, how do you like living at the cave so far?" The clone looked up and shrugged. "It's alright for the most part. Megan's cooking definitely helps, but it's boring when the rest of the team isn't there honestly." Wally looked at him in confusion.

"Bro, you hardly talk when we're there what do you mean?" Superboy awkwardly shrugged and looked away. "It's just hard you know? I'm only a few months old technically and I don't really know how to interact with others. I mostly just sit back and observe people I guess."

Wally put a hand in his shoulder and shook his head. "Look man, we're all here for you, all of us are your friends. I honestly can't imagine what it's like to just wake up one day and find myself alive in a teenagers body, but you don't have to be shy with us man. Voice your opinions. Talk to us. Heck, get out of the cave even and take a stroll. It'll be good for you, trust me."

He looked at KF in shock. "Are you the same Wally that I know? Pretty sure the one on this team isn't that smart." At that KF grinned, "See? Like that, that was perfect. And yes I'm the same Devishly handsome speedster you all know, I just had good mentors." At that Superboy nodded, a small smile on his face while Miss Martian's voice appeared in both their heads.

"Superboy, Kid Flash, we're outside the library in camouflage mode, the door is open so you can see into the ship."

"Thanks Megan, we're on our way." Kid Flash nodded to his friend, and the clone picked up the girl gently and made their way out the building.

True to her word, the ship was right outside the doors, invisible except for the doorway facing them, so anyone not in front of the library doors wouldn't see anything. With that the two teens, with the unconscious girl boarded the ship, and they flew back to Mt. Justice. The flight back was pretty uneventful for the most part.

They finally arrived at the mountain and entered through the bay doors that blended in to the side of the mountain. After parking the bioship, Superboy took the girl up to the living room area, laying her gently on the couch. He turned to the rest of the team. "Now what?"

Robin walked over to the computer, "Now, we call Batman and let him know the status of the mission." Kaldur, come with me and we'll both report." The Atlantean nodded and followed the young hero. Superboy looked at at the rest of the team. "Uh, so do we just wait or..?"

Megan looked at the girl and frowned. "I really hope she decides to stay, it would be a shame if she had nowhere to go and she decided to leave." Wally shook his head, "We have to figure out what's wrong with her first guys. Anyone have any ideas?

Recognize Batman - 02

The team looked at each other, and just decided to dismiss how quick the Bat showed up. They walked over to the Zeta Tube to see what the Dark Knight wanted. He looked around and his eyes landed on Robin, who just walked into the room. "Where is she?" "She's passed out on the couch. We don't know what's wrong with her but we couldn't get her to wake up."

He nodded and walked over to the living room couch and pulled out a scanner and started running tests on the girl. The team crowded anxiously behind him, waiting to hear the verdict. After a few minutes, the Bat rose and turned to the team.

"She appears to be asleep, let her just rest for the night and we'll see what happens in the morning. If anything changes, let me know first. Other than that, good call Robin and Aqualad. She's definitely homeless by the look of it, and if her story checks out, the league will see whether or not she can join the team and stay here. For now, rest up and check back in with me first thing tomorrow and give me a status update." The team nodded and Batman turned to leave. The teens all looked at each other and sighed. This was going to be on awkward conversation when she wakes up.

1 hour later

M'gann couldn't sleep. The rest of the team had showered and went off to bed, but Miss Martian decided to wait in the kitchen to see if the mystery girl would ever wake up. She didn't want her to regain consciousness thinking she had been kidnapped, and she wanted to be there to talk to her when she awoke.

Megan was deep in thought when she heard an audible gasp come from the living room. Looking up, she saw the girl sit up quickly, and start looking around frantically. She turned around and made eye contact with the green Martian.

"W-what do you want from me? I will fight back!"

M'gann stood up and put her hands in front of her, "Woah woah woah! Calm down no one want to hurt you, you're safe now."

The girl in the dirty purple hoodie looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean? What happened?"

"We saw the news. We saw you save those people from those guys, great job by the way. We were sent to see if you wanted to join us, we're a group superhero's that work with the Justice League. You'll get training, a place to stay and food. What do you say?" She didn't want to tell her that their priority had been to watch the girl, that come off bad.

The girl shook her head, "If I stay in one place too long, trouble will find me. I'm sorry I can't stay here and out you all in danger like that."

Megan laughed, "We're superheroes silly, our lives are always in danger. We fight back and we train so that we can protect ourselves. We aren't defenseless, and if we're in way over our head, the Justice League will come and help us. Plus I remember Robin and Wally saying this place is pretty guarded from attacks, only way in is through the Zeta Tube and the water, unless we open one of the hidden doors with a special device."

The other girl still looked weary though, so Megan decided to make her offer now. "How about you stay here, and after awhile if you feel like you still want to leave, we'll talk then. Deal?"

The other teen shook her head nervously, obviously still not sure whether or not she was going to stay or not. "Do you want to shower and have some food? I should have extra clothes around here somewhere. The rest of the team is sleeping so we could tell them in the morning."

She nodded, "Does everyone on this team, live here?" The Martian laughed. "Nah, only me and Superboy at the moment. Red Tornado lives in his apartment above us. But hopefully more join as time goes on. The end goal is to make it on the Justice League, the team with world's most powerful hero's. One day hopefully."

She nodded, deep in thought. Megan then slapped her forehead, "Hello Megan, you never asked for her name! Hey, what's your name?" The girl looked at her before taking a deep breath. "Raven."