Chapter 7 - Interview

Mount Justice

Raven took Miss Martian up on her offer for a shower and food, along with new clothes. After showing her where the showers were, Raven stripped out of her dirty worn clothes and entered.

She had no idea how long it had been since she had an actual shower, but she felt great. As she turned the hot water up, the room began to steam and she got lost in her thoughts.

'Maybe I can give this place a chance. That girl seemed nice enough. And I didn't feel her lying or anything. But can I put them in danger like that...?'

Her mind wandered and she zoned out before realizing a lot of time had passed. She would have to figure it out later, right now, she was hungry and needed clothes.

As she got out and wrapped herself in towel she noticed the clothes that M'gann left for her, a black shirt and sweat pants. She wished she had her hoodie, but the Martian said she was going to wash it with the rest of her clothes so she was going to have to wait for now.

She got dressed and went back to the kitchen area to see the green skinned girl cooking eggs and bacon. Her stomach growled loudly at the sight of it, and the Martian heard it, turning around and giggling a little at the pale girl.

"Come on, the foods almost ready," she got out plates and served the both of them before sitting down. Raven eyed the food hungrily before slowly picking up a fork and taking a small test bite. Her mouth exploded in flavor, and she quickly ate the rest, hardly stopping to take a breath.

M'gann laughed a little, causing Raven to freeze and look up, embarrassed on her manners. The Martian waved her off, "You're fine, it's just you remind me of Wally a little that's all. Also, I take it as a compliment that you like my cooking," she beamed at Raven, causing Raven to blush and look away.

"Uh, yeah, I really like it, and I haven't eaten a real meal in I don't even know how long. Thank you for this."

Megan smiled brightly at the girl, "Of course, if we're going to be living together you're going to be having a lot of my cooking anyways. It's nice to know you like it."

Raven gave her a small smile, though still a genuine one. The girl in front of her was so genuine and sweet, she couldn't imagine her as a superhero, kicking bad guy ass on a daily. She shook herself out of her thoughts as she realized the cook had started taking again.

"... today to get you registered."

Raven stared at her with a blank face, "Huh?"

M'gann just giggled a little. "I said Batman is coming tomorrow to get you registered, he should let you join the team. He's just going to interview you, ask you a couple questions, and you should be good."

"What kind of questions?"

"Honestly, I don't know. He already knew me from my Uncle Jon, and he knows most of the team. You'd be the newest member, so I guess it's like an interview? I'm just guessing though."

Raven slowly nodded. She had heard of the Batman while she was on the run from her father.

Apparently, his name alone strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. She wasn't sure if she wanted to meet the so called Dark Knight. He was described as a demon in the night, one with the shadows, and Raven knew about shadows all to well.

"Well, if we're going to stay up until Batman arrives and the team wakes up, what do you want to do?"

Raven shrugged, "No idea. I'm tired but don't want to sleep. Dreams and stuff."

"Oh, what kind of dreams?"

Raven silently cursed, she doesn't want to seem like she was crazy, but the Martian girl was so nice. Maybe she could trust her a little...


She looked up and realized she zoned out again. She shook her head and apologized, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking about the visions I've been having. It's nothing really, but I don't know how to get them to stop that's all."

Megan looked at her for a second before speaking, "Do you get dreams like this often?" Raven shook her head no. Megan continued to talk after that, "Maybe it means something. Back on Mars, the great Priests would sometimes get dream visions of important events about to happen, or people that were going to change everything. They welcomed the visions, no matter how good or bad, because they never knew if they could have a double meaning. Maybe you just have to embrace them and everything will work itself out in the future."

Raven stared at her dumbfounded, "Huh, who knew you were wise. Maybe I will do that, thanks M'gann."

The pretty green Martian beamed at the pale girl, "Of course! Glad I could help you out. So, are you going to go back to sleep then?"

Raven nodded, "Yeah, just don't wake me if it's another vision, my body will wake up on its own. Uh, is there a spare bedroom I could use though? I don't want to be in anyone's way in the morning."

"Of course, follow me we have plenty of spare bedrooms here." Raven followed her down the hall where the rooms where located, and she opened a door revealing a bare room with a bed, sheets, and a dresser and nothing else. Perfect.

"You can sleep in here, and in the morning we will probably be in the living area so just come out whenever you wake up."

Raven nodded and and thanked the girl, before heading into her room and closing the door. She looked at her bed hesitantly, before sighing. "Might as well get this over with," and laid down, closing her eyes and drifting off into her second dream vision of the night.


Raven had no idea where she was. She looked like she was in a forest, and it looked like it was winter with the snow on the ground. As she looked around she saw a female that was even more pale than Raven, with midnight black hair and dark brown eyes. She was panting, facing the sea green eyed man, and she looked irritated.

"What do you even want with me?! I never did anything to you, wretched sea spawn!" The man had a deadly look on his face, as he took out a pen and uncapped it, a three foot bronze sword from her previous visions appearing. "What do I want? Oh that's rich. I made two promises recently, and all you need to know is that you're going to pay for what she did. All of you who sided with that Tyrant! You chose the wrong side Khione, and you're all going to pay for what she did to me."

The pale girl, now identified as Khione, threw back her head and laughed. "What is it a weakling like you can do to me anyways? You're honestly pathetic, thinking you have the right to stand up to a goddess!!!"

That took Raven way off guard, this chick was a goddess? Then what the heck was this guy doing, trying to fight a deity? This guy had to have a death wish.

The man, however just smirked. "You should know, I was the one who dealt the final blow against the Earth. By my hand, the world fell. She paid, and now you will pay as well, D-List goddess. Prepare to die."

The goddess paled even more and with that, the man charged Khione, who yelped at his speed and created a blizzard out of nowhere. That didn't even seem to faze the man as he ran through the oncoming ice and snow, slashing at the goddess.

However, just before the blade made impact the girl turned into snow and reappeared behind the man, icicles pointed at his head. The man didn't miss a second and spun around, slicing every peace of ice faster than Raven could follow. The goddess yelped and fell back, throwing more and more icicles at the man, but none found their target. The way the man moved with a sword was almost hypnotic, like it was a dance he had preformed hundreds of times before.

The goddess tried backing up and running away, but out of nowhere a wall of water rose up from the snow, blocking Khione's escape. She turned around and screamed, creating hundreds and hundreds of ice shards in front of her. "You can't kill me, I'll just come back you know!"

The man laughed. "And I'm going to make sure that before you make it back after I kill you, you regret ever siding with the Queen of Potty Sludge. You may reform, but I will be there when you do, to strike you down again. And again, and again!" He started walking towards the quaking goddess. "And by the time I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were never immortal to begin with. You're going to wish you sided with the side of all Half-bloods. You're going to wish that you never tried to kill my friends. You're going to wish that you never crossed the Two-Time Savior of Olympus. Do you want to know why, Khione?!"

The ice goddess, in tears now, nodded slowly. The man raised his hand, and the ice shards instantly melted. He put his sword to her neck and looked her in the eyes. "Because when I fight for the people I love, I never lose. And if you hurt them, especially the ones closest to me, I get angry, and my enemies never live to tell the tale." With that, he swung his sword and Raven closed her eyes as she heard the whoosh of the blade. She heard the sound of dust crumbling, and slowly opened one eye. The goddess was turning to dust, and the dust blew away in the wind.

The man stared at the spot where Khione had died before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out his pen cap and put the cap on the hilt of the blade, the sword shrinking down to a pen with the writing side out.

He then took out a notebook, opened it, and crossed something out. Raven flew closer to get a closer look at what was in the notebook and peeked over his shoulder. All she saw were names, some crossed out, others not. She didn't get to read all of them before he closed the book, but she saw a few like 'Keto,' 'Medea,' and 'Ma Gasket,' along with some others. She quickly backed away as she realized that it was a hit list of sorts, and that there was a lot. She looked at the man as he stared off into space for a few minutes and noticed that this dream vision had to have been at an earlier time than her last two.

For starters, the mans hair wasn't quite as long on top as the other two. And he wasn't quite as toned. In the last vision, while he wasn't bulky, she could tell that he had muscle. Here, he had some, but not nearly the same amount.

She looked back at the mans face to notice his eyes were closed now, and he had a few tears running down his face. He then spoke one last time before the vision ended, "I'll keep my promise to you Wise Girl, but I just have to finish this first before I am able to." And with that he opened his eyes, and walked off.


Raven opened her eyes and bolted up, trying to catch her breath. She had no idea what to expect, but at least now she knows a little bit more.Apparently, the goddess chick tried to kill the mystery man's friends, and based off his reaction, he seemed very loyal to them.

Also, there might have been a war with someone called 'Queen Potty Sludge,' but that sounded more like a insult than an actual name. As much as Raven might have learned about the mystery man, she was still as confused as ever, and she hated herself for that.

Sighing angrily, she got out of bed and made her way over to the living area, where M'gann said she was going to be with the team last night. When she got there she noticed a crowd of people waiting for her, along with the pretty Martian girl.

"Hi Raven, sleep well?" Raven gave a slight nod before standing awkwardly in front of everyone. Miss Martian then slapped her head, "Hello Megan, you need to introduce everyone first!" She looked up and pointed at a kid wearing sunglasses, "That's Kid Flash," pointing to a ginger who was studying the girl intently. Then she gestured at the other two guys, one who was extremely built and one who had a darker complexion with gills on his neck, "and those are Aqualad and Superboy."

She did a shy wave at everyone before saying in a soft voice, "Raven." Then she looked at M'gann with a questioning look before she pointed behind Raven. Raven turned around and almost fainted. Standing behind Raven in the shadows was a tall man around 6'2, a very muscular build with a black suit and a calculating expression in his eyes.

"So you're Raven." It wasn't so much a question than a statement. Raven weakly nodded and Batman looked at the rest of the team. "I'm going to interview and register her. After, I'll decide if she's able to join the team."

The team nodded before all filing out, with Robin and Miss Martian giving one last glance over to Raven before leaving the room. "Would you like to sit down?" The Bat asked. Raven nodded again and the two headed for the couch and took a seat. The Bat pulled out a device and a hologram appeared.

"Raven, explain to me how your powers work exactly." Raven had to think for a second before answering. "Well, I can manipulate shadows and darkness. I just have think what I want the shadows to do and they usually do it. And I can read people's emotions. I guess I can fly and turn invisible too. If I practice, I can do magic to a certain extent." Raven didn't want to go into deep detail with her powers, but luckily Batman just nodded and typed something on his hologram, which Raven didn't understand how that was even possible.

He then asked his next question. "How did you get your powers?" Raven shrugged. "I was born with them." Again he typed. He then looked at Raven intently. "Where are you from?" This question got Raven nervous , because she wasn't sure if he would believe her. She took a deep breath before answering. "Azarath." "Where's that?" Raven looked at the wall and stared off into space before answering in a small voice, "Far away from here. It's gone now." Batman looked at her for awhile before dropping the subject.

"Do you have any place to go?" She just shook her head no. "Are you willing to sacrifice your life, in order to save someone?" She looked at him and nodded, "Yes, I am. If it's to save someone I would gladly give my life." He seemed pleased with her answer and typed something.

"If you are going to live here and be on this team, you're going to need a suit. Any preferences?" This definitely caught Raven by surprise. "I can join the team?" He nodded, "For now. It will be a trial run, see how you do. We would train you and send you on missions with the team. Of course, there would be no killing, among other rules, but I'll leave most of the details to Red Tornado since you'll be living here. Also, I'm sure Miss Martian would be happy to have you here. It would help the team dynamic as well. Black Canary will be in charge of training during the week."

Raven nodded, "I'll try my best, sir." Batman looked at her and nodded. "Now, back to your suit. What would you prefer?" Raven thought about it for a second. "Can I have a dark blue skin suit with leggings and a black and dark blue cloak?"

Batman thought about it, typed something, and stood up. "I'll see what I can do. Before I leave to attend a meeting in DC, I'm going to get you registered. Can you stand up so I can take your picture?" Raven nodded and stood up. Batman pulled a camera out of his belt and snapped a picture. He then stuck his hand out for Raven to shake.

"Welcome to the Team."